Statement proposing FNB Global Day of Solidarity April 03, 2016

Submitted by JGL on March 26, 2016

We, the Kansas City, Missouri chapter of Food Not Bombs, announce a general call out for a Food Not Bombs Global Day of Solidarity on April 03, 2016. Our pursuit is a united demonstration of agency across the planet linking group to group to intensify our organization. Our aim is two-fold: to demonstrate our continued effectiveness as a methodology of affirmative struggle towards the de-pricing of basic necessities and services; and to celebrate ourselves, our powers, our differences and desires expressed through over three decades of tradition and organization geared towards health, care, rest, and the transformative force of nurturing-in-common. To the nations and state-forms reproducing the military industrial complex through drone strikes, arms-development and counter-intelligence yet refuse to foster budgetary expense towards the feeding and well-being of their own peoples, Food Not Bombs is your immanent resistance. It is your very condition that compels us. The question was once asked by our some of our European comrades, "how do we find each other?" Food Not Bombs is our answer- one answer among many.

In the statist compositions of the new global movement of urban enclosure, our condition, as much as those we serve, might best be described somehow between 'surplus population' and 'insufficient funds.' Becoming surplus, becoming precarious, "becoming lumpen", is our common negation or rather our shared separation. For example, the push to instantiate new feeding bans still persists across nations (27 cities in the US alone). And yet, even the most conservative statistics estimate that a little under half of all food priced for sale is thrown out as waste- still edible but unsold. Here is capitalist state logic at its finest: it is only at the point when there is enough food to go around for free that that the opportunities to serve it should be foreclosed upon. We must carve our reason from their unreason. Food not bombs has always radicalized this desire- beyond demand and beyond right- to meet the necessity of food towards health, and in our organizational solidarity we intend to celebrate the giving-and-taking care of one-another through free meals, free produce, free shelter, free association and the permanent (re)creation of liberation.

So for the freaks and for the wanderers, workers and work-refusers, the incarcerated and still-liberating, hustlers, queers, dreamers, realists, impossiblists, activists and inactivists, the violent, the tender, the wild and more wild, we reach out in comradely friendship and admiration for solidarity on April 3rd.

Make Food, Not Bombs
Make Class War, Not War.



Authored on
March 26, 2016