Archiving suggestion/request: Ediciones Inéditas

Submitted by R Totale on January 8, 2020

As people might be aware, Ediciones Inéditas was a really good ultra-left translation project that circulated a lot of valuable English-language translations of interesting texts from struggles around the world, particularly the Yellow Vests and the recent Chilean revolt. The people behind it have decided that they don't want to do it any more and have moved on to a different project called Prole Wave, which is fine, but annoyingly they seem to have pulled the plug on the EI website and so taken down their whole archive of translations. If anyone has the time and inclination to help keep this stuff online, it might be worth looking round the wayback machine's copy of the site and helping port it over to the library. Or contacting the former Ineditors to ask what they plan on doing it, it should be possible to email them at [email protected]
I will try to get around to archiving some of the Chilean communiques soon, but thought I'd put this suggestion up here in case anyone has more time/is more together than me...


4 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by spacious on January 9, 2020

... they seem to have pulled the plug on the EI website and so taken down their whole archive of translations.

That's a shame and also odd, I do recall them saying they intended to keep the site online as an archive.

Edit: I see that their current site hosts an anthology of what they published as Ediciónes Inéditas (pdf): (and the accompanying text: Would be good to co-host that on libcom if that's cool with them.

Further edit: the anthology above is in fact the original essays, not the translated texts from Chile and elsewhere.

Authored on
January 8, 2020