Do you mean in an article you write? We don't have an agreed format because we have such a wide variety of materials here. But I guess the ideal way is just to footnote with references as you go through. But I know I often just list all sources at the bottom for short texts
The proletariat is a condition which must be overcome, the bourgeoisie is a condition which must be overcome. But as the proletarians imitate the Bourgeoiskult with their Proletkult, it is precisely they who support this corrupt civilization of the bourgeoisie, without being conscious of it; to the detriment of art and to the loss of culture.1
1Manifesto of Proletarian Art (1923) -
Do you mean in an article you
Do you mean in an article you write? We don't have an agreed format because we have such a wide variety of materials here. But I guess the ideal way is just to footnote with references as you go through. But I know I often just list all sources at the bottom for short texts
<fn>Insert footnote here</fn>
1 is probably the best-looking.
e.g. The proletariat is a
I was thinking in terms of
I was thinking in terms of the likes of APA, MLA, Chicago or Harvard
I'd say the closest libcom
I'd say the closest libcom gets to those citation styles is Chicago foot/endnotes.