How do you download pictures from the gallery?

Submitted by Svensvenne on November 5, 2017

Can you download the pictures? How? I am thinking especially about the cartoons from cartoons one big union monthly. The picture, when its in the top, is bad quality, you can enlarge with the magnifying glass, but then you cant save the picture.


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on November 5, 2017

if you right click on an image there will normally be an option "save image as" this works on virtual all websites, although there are some like Facebook where there are better quality versions available though a separate link


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on November 5, 2017

As radicalgraffiti said. Though, to try to get a higher resolution image, you could try to right-click and open the image in a new tab. Or you could right-click and do a google image search for it, which may lead you to better quality versions.


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on November 5, 2017

ive found that if you right click and select copy link location then paste the link into the address bar and open it that can get you a better quality image than just using "save image as" in some cases.

edit this seems to be a more complicated way of doing what Khawaga suggested about using "open link in new tab"


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Svensvenne on November 5, 2017

Maybe its because I have a Mac, that its different from what some say here.

I found now, one way I hadnt tried.

I copy the link for the caption, and paste it in a new window.

It would be less confusing, and at least a little bit less tediously if the code was changes so you could save direct from the slideshow. Then you dont have to open and close every single picture.

People, like me for instance, may also think that saving the image is blocked deliberately, and that you have take screenshots or something. Maybe its always possible in some way? Im no hacker :-P But I have come across pictures I have been unable to save before.

jef costello

6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on November 5, 2017

In firefox tools>page information > media

You can also use an image search like tineye.


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by adri on November 6, 2017

If you're on Linux (or a Chromebook for that matter) you could use wget to download all images from a page with a single command.

Something like: wget -r -P /save/location -A jpeg,jpg,png

That will download all the full-sized gallery images to "/save/location". I haven't worked out how to download just the gallery images and not everything else (icons and stuff). It still works though (and under 10mb).

edit: wget is available for Mac OS X too, but you probably have to install it first.

Authored on
November 5, 2017