Okay, I don't understand the way this site works.

Submitted by teeckard on July 31, 2017

I'm trying to figure out how this site works. These are my two questions:

1.) Can anyone directly submit content, or must it be approved first? If it must be approved, who approves it and when?

2.) I read somewhere already that an edit button appears near the content(s). I have yet to see one of those edit buttons. I apparently cannot even edit my own submissions. Is that the way it works? I cannot edit my own submissions after I post them? Or, am I just not at the high enough level for that permission yet?


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by adri on July 31, 2017

You can request posting permissions in the "request to post content" thread, or send one of the admins who are mentioned in the link above a message/email telling them what you want to upload. Once that's done you just click the "submit content" button at the top, read about where everything goes and how to format articles, and then submit whatever content you have. The edit button should appear at the very top of the articles you've submitted. If you see a "revisions" button beside the "edit" and other buttons, you just click that and then "revert" to whatever modifications have been made.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by teeckard on July 31, 2017

And in what way would that be different from posting it myself like I did yesterday or like I did seven years ago on here?

Hmmm. Let's see if this edit function works.....
If I get these "permissions" before posting, would that give me the ability to edit my posts?

....and this is a change I am making to my comment now. This is actually the first time I have seen the "edit" button and used it.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by adri on July 31, 2017


And in what way would that be different from posting it myself like I did yesterday or like I did seven years ago on here?

I don't think you've ever posted any content; you've only posted in the forums. If you got historical stuff, books, articles and so on, they go in the special "library" or "history" sections. You wouldn't post that in the forums. You'd have to ask if you want to start a blog here.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by teeckard on July 31, 2017

I've only posted in the forums? I see. I guess I don't know the difference yet. And I guess a "blog" on here is yet a third sort of platform for some of us?

All I know is this: I posted SOMETHING yesterday evening, and now I cannot edit it. Where I posted it, I am assuming now it was in the forums? But even so, why can I not edit it now? There is no "edit" button that I see.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by adri on July 31, 2017


I've only posted in the forums? I see. I guess I don't know the difference yet. And I guess a "blog" on here is yet a third sort of platform for some of us?

All I know is this: I posted SOMETHING yesterday evening, and now I cannot edit it. Where I posted it, I am assuming now it was in the forums? But even so, why can I not edit it now? There is no "edit" button that I see.

There should be an "edit" button in that column of buttons to the right of your initial text.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by teeckard on July 31, 2017

Well, I am saying here and now that there is definitely NO link off to the right side of my post, that is, the post I posted yesterday evening, that says "edit." There is only "bookmark this," "email this page," "quote," and "reply." Got any idea why that is? Can you even see my post from yesterday evening? And while we're at it, what profile pic do you see? My profile photo is different depending on which device I use to access this site. Right now, I am using my laptop and I am seeing a full color photo of me that I uploaded seven years ago in which I am smiling and wearing a green shirt. However, my newer profile pic, the pic I uploaded yesterday evening, appears when I log on to this site using my cell phone. That pic I uploaded yesterday evening is black and white.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by teeckard on July 31, 2017

Okay. Just double-checked using my cell phone, and there is definitely no edit link anywhere near my post or on the page at all.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by adri on July 31, 2017


Well, I am saying here and now that there is definitely NO link off to the right side of my post, that is, the post I posted yesterday evening, that says "edit." There is only "bookmark this," "email this page," "quote," and "reply." Got any idea why that is? Can you even see my post from yesterday evening? And while we're at it, what profile pic do you see? My profile photo is different depending on which device I use to access this site. Right now, I am using my laptop and I am seeing a full color photo of me that I uploaded seven years ago in which I am smiling and wearing a green shirt. However, my newer profile pic, the pic I uploaded yesterday evening, appears when I log on to this site using my cell phone. That pic I uploaded yesterday evening is black and white.

Yes I see the thread, and your icon is black and white for me. Strange, you probably need posting permission to edit your initial forum thread, but you should be able to edit any subsequent forum posts. Just wait until one of the admins responds to this thread, or you could post in the "request posting permission" thread.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on July 31, 2017

Hi teeckard, getting access to additional functionality on the site, like being able to edit posts, submit library entries or have a blog need special permissions to prevent spam, vandalism or low quality content.

I saw that you posted an article to the forums and have requested a blog. We really appreciate you considering contributing content here.

However in the article you posted, I had some concerns about the language and perspective you were putting across. For example you use the word "retardation", and from what your article was saying it seemed like you had the perspective that you thought there was something wrong with homosexuality, or sexual freedom or that sort of thing. And we see that these things are not separate from but are intrinsically part of the class struggle. So it would be good to understand a bit better when you are coming from in that regard?


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by teeckard on July 31, 2017

"Retardation" is a legitimate word that only has some recently inappropriate connotations when used speciically with the word "mental." The meaning is the same as it has always been, which is, to slow or to be in a slower or lower level of funtioning. I do not refer to anyone being mentally retarded. The references to homosexuality and free love, etc., comes from a direct quote that seems to reflect a point of view held by their critics at the time and helps to explain a mindset characteristic of the American people at the time. I chose not to insert any modern day or more tolerant perspective, because I think we can all assume that discussing the existence of social prejudices simply do not always require an explaination regarding its morality among us today. I feel no obligation to my reader to be so cautious. I think to do otherwise would be silly.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by teeckard on August 1, 2017

I made several edits and then could not understand why those edits did not happen, then I realized something.

Okay, so each and every time I click "save," I cannot see the change I made, because each and every edit I make has to be approved first. That makes the process of editing to any extent nearly impossible, I would think.

Is that the same way it works with those who have personal blogs on here? I need to be able to have a format that I can control myself in order to make sure everything is right, and to make sure many, many times if need be.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Khawaga on August 1, 2017

I've accepted them now. IIRC, the reason edits are cumbersome is to deal with spam, of which there used to be quite a bit a few years back.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by teeckard on August 1, 2017

So, what happens when someone is given their own blog, then? Do entries in the blog format on here likewise require approval for edits, etc.? Because, if they do, I can tell already that a blog for me isn't going to be what I should try to use.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on August 1, 2017

If people have a blog they can approve their own edits. In terms of your blog request if you let us know what sort of thing you plan to write about we can discuss it and get back to you


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by teeckard on August 1, 2017

I have a series of introductions and/or reviews of about 20 or so of primary sources. They are articles, essays, constitutions, laws and book selections from the likes of Marx, Proudhon, Lenin, De Leon, Arsinov, the Comintern, Yugoslavian Marxists, etc., etc. It is all on the philosophy and practice of the self-management genre of socialism.


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on August 2, 2017

Thanks for the additional info, sounds very interesting. Could you please email us a couple as an example to [email protected] for us to review?


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by teeckard on August 2, 2017

One on Gramsci and one on Boimondau


6 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on August 6, 2017

Hi, thanks for a much for thinking of us, and for sending that stuff over, however having reviewed it we don't think it is quite right for libcom.org we are afraid.


6 years 10 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Ilford on August 28, 2017

I too am new....I have posted a couple of comments on a page showing Guns of August. I would very much like to buy the book or at least read it online but not sure if either of those options is open to me....can anyone help ?


6 years 10 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Ilford on August 28, 2017

Read about the "edit" not being there but "edit" does appear after I posted.

Authored on
July 31, 2017