Politically motivated censorship and Cherrypicking

Submitted by el psy congroo on May 2, 2017

So you Ed and Artesian can post off topic all they want?

Meanwhile Ed can delete posts of mine where no profanity is used in order to make this little Leninist sect come off better? Where would be the appropriate sub-forum to openly accuse Artesian of being an abusive authoritarian?

Furthermore, I question how a comment describing "the authoritarian personality" and comparing/contrasting that with certain posters in a thread about authoritarian and fascist trends is not playing the ball? It's a slam dunk if you ask me.


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Hieronymous on May 2, 2017

el psy congroo

Where would be the appropriate forum to openly accuse Artesian of being an abusive authoritarian?

Have you ever considered professional therapy? They might be able to help with your own authoritarian personality.


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Khawaga on May 2, 2017

Furthermore, I question how a comment describing "the authoritarian personality" and comparing/contrasting that with certain posters in a thread about authoritarian and fascist trends is not playing the ball? It's a slam dunk if you ask me.

Nah, it's not. It still a poster trying to scrye the psyche of another poster through the internet. In other words, you'd just be making a lot of assumptions. Sure, Artesian is fucking abrasive (and seems to have gotten worse recently) and he has recently acquired this tendency of making assumptions about you that he thinks are true, but again that's just shitty online interaction and does not "reveal" any authoritarian personality. Come to think of it, Artesian behaves quite similarly to how you post (what with making assumptions and having a rather thin skin).


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on May 2, 2017

No idea what "Leninist sect" you are talking about. Ad hominem attacks on other posters are not permitted. There were a few by different people on that thread and they all got unpublished, because they are against our posting guidelines.


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on May 2, 2017

By the way I just unpublished your comment complaining about moderation from the other thread, because that is also against our posting guidelines.

Don't really understand what you mean by "politically motivated" censorship, as we have no idea what your politics are. Given our disagreements with Artesian, we may well agree more with your politics than his. Actions taken on that thread were enforcing posting guidelines which were developed with our users.

el psy congroo

7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by el psy congroo on May 3, 2017

So why the fuck hasn't Hieronymous' comment above been "unpublished"?


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Hieronymous on May 4, 2017

el psy congroo

So why the fuck hasn't Hieronymous' comment above been "unpublished"?

Hey el psy congroo, that's a very uncomradely approach -- perhaps even "authoritarian" and "Leninist."

This aggression will not stand, man.



7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on May 3, 2017

el psy congroo

So why the fuck hasn't Hieronymous' comment above been "unpublished"?

what comment are you talking about? Link please


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by petey on May 3, 2017


el psy congroo

So why the fuck hasn't Hieronymous' comment above been "unpublished"?

what comment are you talking about? Link please

suggesting a person seek professional intervention is ad hominem,
not my fight though.
el psy, i had posts removed too, and i'm the world's nicest guy. let it drop.


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Hieronymous on May 3, 2017

Not my fight either. I'll leave it to the authoritarians to settle it among themselves.

S. Artesian

7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by S. Artesian on May 3, 2017


Furthermore, I question how a comment describing "the authoritarian personality" and comparing/contrasting that with certain posters in a thread about authoritarian and fascist trends is not playing the ball? It's a slam dunk if you ask me.

Nah, it's not. It still a poster trying to scrye the psyche of another poster through the internet. In other words, you'd just be making a lot of assumptions. Sure, Artesian is fucking abrasive (and seems to have gotten worse recently) and he has recently acquired this tendency of making assumptions about you that he thinks are true, but again that's just shitty online interaction and does not "reveal" any authoritarian personality. Come to think of it, Artesian behaves quite similarly to how you post (what with making assumptions and having a rather thin skin).

Abrasive? You should have known me when I was younger. This barely scratches the skin of abrasive.

Cranky? Crankier? Abso-lutely. Less patient with seeing, hearing, reading, the same old, same old being passed around as "revolutionary" "libertarian" "communist." Crankier is what happens when you realize you're no longer in a position to really be abrasive; or when you're no longer young enough to be labelled abrasive. Part of the alte kacker syndrome.

FWIW, and that's nothing, I don't think the admins have ever singled me out for "unfair" treatment. Don't like what they do, almost all the time; don't care for their politics, most of the time, but their treatment hardly amounts to anything personal. They do what they do, and what they tell you they are going to do. It might suck, but it's not personal.

el psy congroo

7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by el psy congroo on May 6, 2017

Artesian, what are you whining about now? All you do is spout dogma. I'd rather be shot in the face than be communized by the likes of your lot. Now go run off, don't wanna miss any of your AFL-CIO get togethers. Bourgeois shill!


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Khawaga on May 6, 2017

"communized" and AFL-CIO don't go together. You should try to be more anal-retentive in your insults. And is Artesian a communizer?


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Khawaga on May 6, 2017


Abrasive? You should have known me when I was younger. This barely scratches the skin of abrasive.

Cranky? Crankier? Abso-lutely. Less patient with seeing, hearing, reading, the same old, same old being passed around as "revolutionary" "libertarian" "communist." Crankier is what happens when you realize you're no longer in a position to really be abrasive; or when you're no longer young enough to be labelled abrasive. Part of the alte kacker syndrome.

FWIW, and that's nothing, I don't think the admins have ever singled me out for "unfair" treatment. Don't like what they do, almost all the time; don't care for their politics, most of the time, but their treatment hardly amounts to anything personal. They do what they do, and what they tell you they are going to do. It might suck, but it's not personal.

Lol, this is the sort of response I expected. If you call Artesian something his reply is either (a): I've been called worse by better people, or (b): huh, son, you've not seen abrasive/nasty/impolite! Back in the day when wearing garlic on your belt was the fashion, well that was when I was really [whatever]. You've not seen [whatever], young one. This is nothing.

It's kinda cute how many different versions of this post he's written.

S. Artesian

7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by S. Artesian on May 6, 2017

I am a grandpa, and I love my grandchildren. They are most importantly kind, generous of nature, children, and being beautiful, brilliant and charming on top of that doesn't hurt........

K: And yes, you get similar replies when you make similar assertions.

El psy-- I'm not whining; you are.

"Shot in the face rather than communized?" Be careful what you wish for. I doubt you've ever been shot at. Just a guess on my part, but I don't know anybody who has been shot at preferring that to....almost anything.

I'm not a "communizer." Never have been. First time I ever heard the term, I think was in 1969 when Bob Avakian, having returned from his tour of China, spoke at our sds collective. I made fun of him and communization then, make fun of him and communizers now.


7 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Khawaga on May 6, 2017

K: And yes, you get similar replies when you make similar assertions.

Well, it's not just to me you write such replies. It's kinda an Artesian trope by now.


I agree, Khawaga, but I still kinda like granpa Arty.

Oh, so do I.

Authored on
May 2, 2017