Economic collapse of Venezuela

Submitted by meerov21 on May 8, 2017

Venezuela was made a new Bolshevik experiment. United socialist party, Chavez and Maduro, implemented a nationalization of industry. Large companies became the property of the state apparatus. In addition, the government established state control over prices. The important difference with Venezuela is that the Bolshevik economic experiment was conducted under ideal conditions: 18 years of reforms without war (external or civil), no economic embargo (US imposed sanctions only against several officials and banned the sale of arms to Venezuela so country began to buy weapons in Russia and China), no gigantic defense spending, ideal climate for the agricultural sector (the subtropics)... Venezuela is the country with the richest natural resrouce. It has the largest proven oil reserves in the world (though the quality of the oil is quite low) and huge natural gas reserves. In addition, this country has large reserves of iron, bauxite, nickel,etc...

And the result of state socialism is the same as in Soviet Union - the deficit, giant queues, inflation, hunger, crisis, collapse, dictatorship. According to Transparency international, Venezuela has a monstrous level of corruption - 166, near Afghanistan and Iraq. Last year GDP fell by 18% and inflation reached 700%. In 2017 the expected inflation rate is 2,000%. This is important because we can see how inefficient, ugly, disastrous is the model of state socialism. As one person said: "If you organize state socialism in Sahara desert, where there is a shortage of sand."

Dictatorship is a natural outcome of the Board of the state socialists. They just can't hold power any other way. Two thirds voted for the liberals in the elections. Therefore Maduro has tried to remove Parliament from power.

In the end the democratic revolution started in the country. Of course, anarchists can't support the liberals. But in any case anarchists should participate in the uprising against the red fascists, to participate with own ideas (Autonomous municipalities, Autonomous workers ' councils, cooperatives).

P.S. The debates on Venezuela showed that a huge part of the left are "bitches" ("suki") . Not in just an insulting way, but in the classic meaning, which can be detected in Russian criminal slang: "friends of cops". When the authorities came from the left-wing party, the left are on the side of the cops. Workers and students, according to the left, have the right to fight against neo-liberal governments, when there is no food. But if for the same reason workers and students oppose the leftist government, they deserve batons and bullets. In General there is nothing new here. The European left willingly outraged by the crimes of European governments, but many of them supported the invasion of the USSR in Hungary in 1956, occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and Afghanistan in 1979... If they were told about the mass repressions in the USSR, they said this is "fiction imperialist propaganda."


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on May 8, 2017

Hope you like it))


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 9, 2017

Hi, just a word on the use of English, as in English "bitch" is a sexist insult. If it is not the case in the original language instead of this I would use just the word in its original language, then give an explanation


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by meerov21 on May 11, 2017

English "bitch" is a sexist insult.

English is not my native language, and I'm sorry if that word could offend someone. I just want to note that this word is used in all the American movies and in everyday speech by millions of people, including American anarchists. In addition, I oppose political correctness and don't feel the need to pay greater attention to individual words and to distort the language in favor of the left liberals. But, I repeat, English is not my native language and I certainly do not know and can not know all the shades of meaning of words.

Authored on
May 8, 2017