Hybrid war II. Turkey uses the tactics of Russia

Submitted by meerov21 on March 9, 2016

Turkey is not ready at the moment for a massive invasion in Syria. Meanwhile, the government is concerned about the military offensive and situation in Northern Syria. This attack is organized jointly by the Russian imperialism, Assad, Hezbollah and the Iranian invasion forces. But it seems that Turkey's concern is the strengthening of the Syrian Kurds more than anything else.

Kurds are conducting effective operations against Syrian rebels, facilitate the actions of the Assad. But the main thing is that Kurds are trying to build a Bastion along the Turkish borders and join all three of its Canton in solid line. Such a monolith may become an excellent base of support for the Kurdish rebellion in Turkish Kurdistan.

So Turkey is using the tactics of hybrid war, wich is similar to one used by Russia against Ukraine at the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Turkish troops enter 1-2 km deep into Syria and firing on the positions of the Kurds or Assad, and they are also firing from its territory, using tanks and heavy artillery. Then, armed Syrian rebels and troops of mercenaries, the Turkish nationalists and Islamists from all over the world (Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan...) go to Syria and attack the enemy positions under cover of the dense Turkish fire.

For Assad, Kurds or the Russians any decision is bad. If they will not answer the fire of the Turkish army, then Turks and rebels will increase military advantage. If they shell back Turkish territory, it will give Ankara an excellent chance to enhance the scale of aggression with the support of Turkish society and the world. Such tactics used by Russian troops in Ukraine, and similarly Russia arms and protects the rebels and mercenaries, including groups of Chechens, Russian nationalists and leftists-Stalinists.

Authored on
March 9, 2016