La Esperanto-fadeno - Esperanto thread

Submitted by Serge Forward on April 22, 2006

Jam okazis pluraj fadenoj cxe Libcom pri Esperanto - kelkaj estis ecx esperantlingvaj. Do, se vi parolas la internacian lingvon, cxu komencanto aux spertulo, bonvolu kontribui. Aux se vi volus lerni iom plu pri liberecana flanko de la E-o movado, jen la gxusta loko.

There's already been several threads on Libcom about Esperanto, some were even in Esperanto. So, if you speak the International Language, whether beginner or expert, you're welcome to contribute. Or, if you'd like to know more about the libertarian wing of the Esperanto movement, this is the place to ask.

Serge Forward

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on April 23, 2006

Saluton amiko!

Mi jam havas ideon kiu vi vi estas... De kiu mondoparto estas vi? Kaj cxu vi povus diri ion pri la anarkiisma movado en via lando... au eble ion pri la nuntempa novagxo sociala?


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by WillsWilde on April 23, 2006

Saluti amiko , bon maten. :mrt:

(p.s., atleast I tried, Serge...can't find a phrase /greeting dictionary, heh, heh.) :D

Serge Forward

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on April 23, 2006

Thanks for the attempt, Wills. It would be 'bonan matenon', for good morning, 'saluton' for hello.


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by WillsWilde on April 23, 2006

curses foiled again.

You're one hell of a cultured, all round rennaisance bloke, ain't ya? Good morning, fellow worker. :D :D :D


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by JieS on April 23, 2006

Serge Forward

Saluton amikon!

Mi jam havas ideon kiu vi vi estas... De kiu mondoparto estas vi? Kaj cxu vi povus diri ion pri la anarkiisma movado en via lando... au eble ion pri la nuntempa novagxo sociala?

Estas bone ke vi scias kiu mi estas.

Nu anarkiisma movado en mia lando estas iom komplika. Pro la fakto ke la lando uzas plurajn lingvojn gxi havas ankau plurajn anarkiismajn kulturojn. La suda kulturo kiu estas iom komparebla kun la anarkiismo en sudaj landoj kaj la norda kulturo kiu dum la lastaj jaroj kunlaboras pli kun komunistoj aux pli bone marksistaj ideoj gxis la punkto kie la vojoj disigas. Avantagxo estas ke la grupo estas pli forta kaj signifo plena. Tamen kaj bedauxrinde la anarkiisma scenejo ne estas forta kaj suferas tro pri idiotoj kiuj metas pinglon tra la nazo kaj nomas sin anarkiistoj sed en la kapo havas nur malplenan truon.



18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by madashell on April 23, 2006

JieS, sonas tre simila al la scenejo tien.


kiuj metas pinglon tra la nazo



18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by madashell on April 23, 2006

Parenteze, mi ne parolas Esparanto tre bone, por ke bedauxri cxu mi diras sensencajxo.

Serge Forward

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on April 23, 2006

For English users... JieS talks about the anarchist movement in his country, a land which uses several languages. Because of the different languages, it has 'culturally' different anarchist scenes connected more to the lands to the north or the south. The anarchists in the north seem to be more influenced by communist ideas. There are also plenty of 'anarchists' who think its enough to have a ring through their nose while having an empty head.

Bonvenon! Alia huligano... kaj se mi ne eraras, el la lando de biero kaj terpomfritajxoj kun majonezo, cxu ne!

Cxi tie en britio estas pluraj naciaj organizajxoj - AF (mia propra grupo britparto de IAF), la federacio Klas-milito, Solidareca Federacio (ILA grupo) kaj la IWW. Estas ankaux kelkaj urbaj grupoj, kiuj estas sendependaj de la kvar federacioj, ankaux multaj 'anarkiistoj' pro modo aux alternativa vivmaniero. La scenejo estas suficxe vigla cxi tie, sed pli malgranda ol gxi komence aspektas. Kaj la federacioj provas ne neglekti la teorion!

Temas pri cxi tiu forumo, ni E-parlolantoj estas malmultaj, krom mi estas Oliver IWW-ano el (mi opinias) Usono, Gary el Berlino ankaux kontribuas de tempo al tempo. Mi konas du aliajn kompanojn, kiuj iom komprenas la lingvon sed ili nur malofte vizitas Libcom-forumojn.

Mi supozas, ke estus bone provi starigi ian malferman POR-esperantan medion, eble tiu cxi fadeno estu nur la komenco. Notu, ke la e-fadeno situas en 'cetero de la mondo' forumoj. Do oni rajtas sendi masagxoj en aux simpla angla aux iu ajn lingvo, ecx la via!

Serge Forward

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on April 23, 2006


Parenteze, mi ne parolas Esparanto tre bone, por ke bedauxri cxu mi diras sensencajxo.

Bonvenon Madashell! Ne gravas se vi iomete eraras, mi komprenas vin, kaj mi certas, ke aliaj ankaux komprenas. Kaj se oni ne povus kompreni vin, ni simple petus klarigon.

Welcome Madashell! It doesn't matter if you make little mistakes, I understand you and I'm sure others also understand. And if we didn't understand, we'd just ask you to clarify.

Have you seen this online Esperanto course? or others at


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by madashell on April 24, 2006

Serge Forward

There are also plenty of 'anarchists' who think its enough to have a ring through their nose while having an empty head.

Ah! :D


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on April 24, 2006

Saluton madashell! Estas bone, scii ke estas alia(j) esperanto-parolanto(j) en LibCom kiu(j), kiel mi, parolas E-on cxe la miznivelo. Mi partoprenos kurson cxi-somere, do, vivu la nigra/rugxa/verda stel'!

Hey madashell! It's good to know that there are other Esperanto speaker(s) in LibCom who, like me, speak Esperanto at a mid-level. I will take part in a course this summer, so, long live the black/red/green star!


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by aketus on April 24, 2006

I just found out that my father's cousins speak Esperanto and actually attend international conventions about it throughout the year.. ? Where can I learn more about it? Any decent links?


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by JieS on April 24, 2006


I just found out that my father's cousins speak Esperanto and actually attend international conventions about it throughout the year.. ? Where can I learn more about it? Any decent links?


Here < >

kisjoj JieS


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by JieS on April 24, 2006

Serge Forward


Bonvenon! Alia huligano... kaj se mi ne eraras, el la lando de biero kaj terpomfritajxoj kun majonezo, cxu ne!

Jes evidente vi pravas.Mi unue volis met mian nomon laux esperanta aspekto, kaj tiam devas esti Jo So sed fine mi prenis la nederlandlingva Ji eS.


Serge Forward

18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on April 24, 2006


I just found out that my father's cousins speak Esperanto and actually attend international conventions about it throughout the year.. ? Where can I learn more about it? Any decent links?

I've met a few australian esperantists at SAT-congresses. They have a weekly radio programme on station 3ZZZ Melbourne in both English and Esperanto.

Mi renkontis kelkajn esperantistojn aŭstralajn ĉe SAT-kongresoj. Ili elsendas semajnan radio-programon ĉe stacio 3ZZZ de Melbourne en kaj la angla kaj Esperanto.


18 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Gary on April 24, 2006



I just found out that my father's cousins speak Esperanto and actually attend international conventions about it throughout the year.. ? Where can I learn more about it? Any decent links?


Here < >

kisjoj JieS

This is as good a place as any to start. But do note that is a site run by the Universal Esperanto Association (UEA), which is by far the largest Esperanto organization, but not the most progressive. UEA sites may not contain much information about the World Anational Association, SAT (in Esperanto: Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda), whose members are more to the left politically, though it is much smaller than the UEA.

See: and

Not too long ago I wrote an introductory text about Esperanto, which also contains a few links:

There is also some information on SAT-related topics in Wikipedia:ène_Lanti

Wikipedia is generally not a bad place to start looking for information about Esperanto matters.

Although the UEA is not reactionary through and through, and much of the information it provides is perfectly acceptable, it has to be said that some of its political positions disturbingly resemble ones that are characteristic of the (European) "New Right". I have written a polemical article on one controversy (whether Esperanto could conceivably protect "cultural diversity", as claimed by many UEA acitivists and an argument you are likely to encounter on websites associated with the UEA):


Serge Forward

18 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on April 25, 2006


I have written a polemical article on one controversy (whether Esperanto could conceivably protect "cultural diversity", as claimed by many UEA acitivists and an argument you are likely to encounter on websites associated with the UEA):

Yes, that's a really good article by Gary. Not too long ago, there was a lengthy discussion on Libcom about language and nationalism. I reckon some of the participants would find it interesting - even if they have no interest in Esperanto.

Jes, tiu estas ege bona artikolo de Gary. Antaŭnelonge, estis diskuto ĉe Libcom pri lingvo kaj naciismo. Mi opinias, ke ĝi interesos al iuj partoprenintoj - eĉ se Esperanto mem ne interesas al ili. Jen esperantlingva ligo al sama artikolo:


18 years ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on July 8, 2006

Dankon por tio, Serge! Tre interese estas por mi - mi jam legis pri Eroshenko per "Kontakto", sed mi ne sciis ke li estis anarkiisto - do, ege dankon!


18 years ago

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Submitted by Lazlo_Woodbine on July 16, 2006

can someone explain to me how people are representing the Esperanto alphabet on screen? Is the x in this - cxu - representing the other 'ch' sounding one?


Serge Forward

18 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on July 17, 2006


can someone explain to me how people are representing the Esperanto alphabet on screen? Is the x in this - cxu - representing the other 'ch' sounding one?


You can use the esperanto the letters ĉ ĝ ĥ ĵ ŝ ŭ but that means either knowing the html code or using something like which converts cx letters for you as you type.

But for most day to day internet stuff, most people use cx gx hx jx sx ux rather than ch gh hh jh sh uh because x doesn't occur in the esperanto alphabet and it also avoids confusion with double h or anywhere else h might natuarlly occur after one of those consonants (besides double h and uh doesn't relate to the actual sound anyway).


17 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by malatested on May 6, 2007

Interesega diskuto kiun mi jxus trovis. Kiel Irlanda anarkiisma Esperanto-parolanto kiu volas kreskigi la Esperantan movadon cxi tien, mi min demandas cxu estas aliaj irlandaj samideanoj kiuj utiligas Libcom?


I've just come across this interesting thread. As an Irish esperanto speaking anarchist who wants to build an esperanto movement herem I was wondering wheter there were other Irish esperantists using Libcom.


17 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by pingu on May 13, 2007

I have my doubts about Esperanto--are there any "native" speakers those who have learned it from childhood and posess "insinctive" native competence, and if there were, would the grammar begin to deviate from Zamenhoff's plan for it?It is not"logical" for languages to have grammatical gender and irregular verbs etc. but most natural languages do,so maybe "logic" doen't apply to language.The exception to this seems to be languages like Turkish which have no formal grammatical gender and transparent,regular inflexions and of course a sizeable number of native speakers.Esperanto seems suspiciously like a regularised Romance language.


17 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on May 13, 2007

Doesn't "logic" apply to whatever humans want to apply it to?

In answer to your question, there is a small number of native esperanto speakers, usually children of couples whos only common language is esperanto, and they raise the child trilingually.

Serge Forward

17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on May 26, 2007

Mi ĵus petis propran Esperanto-forumon de Libcom-prizorgantoj. Do, se vi volus vidi tian forumon, nepre diru Jes malsupre!

I just asked Libcom admin for our own Esperanto forum. So, if you'd like to see that kind of forum, make sure you say Jes below!


17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on May 27, 2007



17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by malatested on May 27, 2007

Oh jes jes jes Serge!

Serge Forward

17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on May 27, 2007


Oh jes jes jes Serge!

God, that brings back so many memories ;)


17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by malatested on May 27, 2007

In yer dreams mate ;)

Lab Rat

17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Lab Rat on May 31, 2007

So what would be the best way to start learning esperanto? Is there any literature you would recommend? Being fluent in English and German, and with a good understanding of Spanish, Italian and French, I can guess at most phrases, but would like to be more proficient.

Any tipps?

Serge Forward

17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on May 31, 2007

Faru ĝin, amiko! Do it, mate!

Here's a nice little free online course:

Admittedly, it's not always the most interesting material but it is very well organised and covers basically everything you need to know in a relatively short time. Also, you get a personal tutor who marks your lessons and gives advice.

In fact, I lerant Esperanto with the same course back in 2000, so I can thoroughly recommend it.

Once you've done it, get hold of the two volume Liberecanaj Pensoj (Libertarian Thought) so you can pick up the anarcho speak.


17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on June 1, 2007

i learned through, which i found to be really good.

Lab Rat

17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Lab Rat on June 1, 2007

Completed my first lesson today, yet to see the marked results.


17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by malatested on June 3, 2007

Good for you, Lab Rat!

Serge Forward

17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on June 4, 2007

Yeah, nice one. Keep it up - you'll soon be using the lingvo.


17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by petey on June 4, 2007

ut aiebam alibi, ratio linguae "Esperanto" non exstat. oportet vobis omnibus linguam iam universalem discere.

Serge Forward

17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on June 4, 2007


ut aiebam alibi, ratio linguae "Esperanto" non exstat. oportet vobis omnibus linguam iam universalem discere.

Ne estu tia kaco.


13 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Elodie on November 27, 2010

Esperanto and Anarchism


13 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on November 28, 2010

Ĉu iu volas traduki anarkiistajn tekstojn?


13 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on November 29, 2010


13 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on November 30, 2010

Kion precize vi volas tradukita? Ĉu la tutan ekzempleron?

Submitted by petey on November 30, 2010

Serge Forward


ut aiebam alibi, ratio linguae "Esperanto" non exstat. oportet vobis omnibus linguam iam universalem discere.

Ne estu tia kaco.

tua verba intellegere nequeo quod non in lingua aliqua scribuntur, mentula.


13 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on December 1, 2010

niaj francoj gekamaradoj sendis maljunan tekston:

Serge Forward

12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on May 25, 2012

Bonvenon al Libcom, Vladicxjo! Kiel vi povas vidi, tiu cxi ne estas tiom aktiva fadeno, sed gxi utilas por anonci cxeeston de Esperantistoj. Pli lastatempa anglalingva fadeno pri Esperanto trovigxas cxi tie.

Mi supozas, ke vi ankaux konas liberecan pagxaron cxe SAT-ejo, kiu enhavas diversajn anarkiismajn ligojn.


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Normal on May 25, 2012

Upvotes for that sensible Lazlo fellow


12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Normal on May 25, 2012

I learnt Esperanto on a postal course, one lesson every week, back in the early 1990s. Not sure if they still do it, but imo it was good. Forgotten almost all now.

Serge Forward

12 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on May 25, 2012

I stopped using it for a few years and thought I'd forgotten it but I picked it up again dead quick.

I think Esperanto-Asocio de Britio still does the postal course but I guess people are probably more likely to learn it online these days.


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Novo on November 13, 2013

Saluton kamaradoj. Mi estas komencanto de la internacia lingvo kaj la anarkia-movado. Thought I'd throw that one out there. Quite glad to have found some anarcho-esperantists. :)


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Novo on November 13, 2013

(Double post)


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Novo on November 13, 2013

Per lernu, sinjoro (aux sinjorino). Estas tre bona pagxaro por lerni miaopinie. Mia sola plendo pri lernu estas ke la pagxaro sxajnas ke gxi kreintis en la jaro 1990.

Serge Forward

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on November 13, 2013

Bone. Sed sciu, ke la kutimo cxi tie ne estas 'sinjo(in)ro' sed kamarado, kompano aux amiko :) Cxiukaze, dauxrigu la lernadon, amiko!


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Novo on November 13, 2013

Mi certe memoros tion kamarado :) Mi dankas vin por via afableco.


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on November 13, 2013

Saluton, Novo, kaj bonvenon!

Efektive vi jam tre bone parolas!

Cxu vi jam konas la organizon SAT? Gxi ne estas nur anarkiista sed estas en gxi multaj bonaj kompanoj. Bonvole iom esploru gxin.

Parenteze, en kiu lando (au sxtato/urbo) vi logxas?

Against Rich S…

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Against Rich S… on November 14, 2013

I don't want to spoil the party here, but Esperanto has a number of problems. It has sexism built into the language (e.g. male is the default, female is derived from male via a suffix) and it has an obtuse orthography (it's quite easy to construct a language which uses a subset of the standard 26-letter Latin alphabet with no diacritics or digraphs, and many of Esperanto's competitors do this.)


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on November 14, 2013

My mind has been blown! I'd never thought that Esperanto might fall short of perfection before. I imagine that you of course only speak languages which have overcome gender, or whose orthography is beyond comparison.

I'm fascinated to hear that Esperanto has competitors. Can you point me towards any publishing houses currently publishing books in those languages? Don't have to be originals, I'll settle for translations, and 100 books in print seems like a reasonable request. How about radio shows? Conventions? Libertarian communist message boards where they post? T-shirts?

Congrats on your first post. While you're here, why don't you introduce yourself on the introductions thread, and talk about what drew you to a libertarian communist board?

Against Rich S…

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Against Rich S… on November 14, 2013

That isn't my first post. I've posted here before, a few times over the last few months, but I don't post often.

I'm not demanding perfection from Esperanto, nor am I claiming that English or any natural language is superior to it. However, I am arguing that Esperanto isn't well suited to be an international auxiliary language, which is the purpose it was created for. And although some people argue that English should become an international auxiliary language (and they're wrong), English wasn't created to be an international auxiliary language in the first place.

The problems I listed aren't the only problems with Esperanto. There's a large set of problems that take the form of grammatical constructions that are plainly superfluous when one observes how many natural languages, even the European languages that Esperanto used as its base, lack them. Noun-adjective agreement isn't present in English. The adjective/adverb distinction isn't present in German. The accusative case isn't present in half the major languages of Europe. Definite articles aren't present in the Slavic languages. Plural suffixes aren't present in most East Asian languages. A good international language would avoid these constructions, or at least make them optional.


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on November 14, 2013

Against Rich Supremacy

That isn't my first post. I've posted here before, a few times over the last few months, but I don't post often.

I'm not demanding perfection from Esperanto, nor am I claiming that English or any natural language is superior to it. However, I am arguing that Esperanto isn't well suited to be an international auxiliary language, which is the purpose it was created for. And although some people argue that English should become an international auxiliary language (and they're wrong), English wasn't created to be an international auxiliary language in the first place.

The problems I listed aren't the only problems with Esperanto. There's a large set of problems that take the form of grammatical constructions that are plainly superfluous when one observes how many natural languages, even the European languages that Esperanto used as its base, lack them. Noun-adjective agreement isn't present in English. The adjective/adverb distinction isn't present in German. The accusative case isn't present in half the major languages of Europe. Definite articles aren't present in the Slavic languages. Plural suffixes aren't present in most East Asian languages. A good international language would avoid these constructions, or at least make them optional.

Any problem you can name has been solved by one of Esperanto's many thousands of "competitors". Yet if you name a topic, I can find a current magazine or periodical about it in Esperanto. Can you find anything from any of those competitors that is about anything other than how cool their language is?

There are bands producing hip-hop, rock, folk, techno, jazz, etc. in Esperanto, which implies a market. Is there any music produced in any of its "competitors" (aside from a DJ I know of who made some ironic dance tunes in a long-dead spin-off of Esperanto)?

There are plenty of different a priori ideas about what an international language would avoid or include. There are plenty of different language projects reflecting these theories. If you can pick one, and get 100 people from a variety of countries speaking it and using it for anything besides talking about their cool language project, then maybe you can make your case.

I'll tell you what, I challenged you for 100 books currently in print from one of Esperanto's "competitors", I'll settle for 100 books in 50 different "competitor languages". You don't have to type them all out, links to publishers would be fine.

Or maybe we have very different definitions of competition?

Seriously if all you're doing here is to to try to score points on other people than you're the very definition of an internet troll and not worth engaging. Thanks for trying though!

Serge Forward

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on November 14, 2013

Anyway.... thanks for your contribution, Against Rich Supremacy, but basically, what Oliver says.

Yes, there are criticisms of Esperanto, some justified. The point is, it's a piece of piss to learn and there already exists a movement with a progressive scene (including anarchists and communists) within that. There is also a wide and varied literature in Esperanto. None of the other artificial languages have these. Sure, you may well be able to demonstrate that another artificial language is linguistically superior to Esperanto but any language is far more than its components or structure, vocabulary, grammar and orthography. Until you have the ingredients that make your alternatives a living language, then you have nothing.

Also, it's what you want to use your language for. If you want to convert the whole world to your artificial language, then you're probably on a hiding to nothing. But if you want to communicate with a range of anarchists/socialists/communists in many different countries for political and social aims, read a wide range of political (and other) texts from many lands, wish to make social contacts overseas or even just do the cheap holiday thing, then Esperanto ticks all those boxes. Can any of your alternatives do this?

Against Rich S…

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Against Rich S… on November 14, 2013

This is ridiculous. I'm trying to raise legitimate concerns, not "score points." Yet you are trying to deflect these concerns by turning this into a numbers game. This might be a valid argument if Esperanto had already become the international auxiliary language, or was close to doing so. However, even by the highest estimates of its number of speakers, it's nowhere near there.

Esperanto simultaneously refuses to reform its obvious problems and uses its big-fish-in-small-pond status to overshadow other, better designed IALs, as exemplified in the attitude you've expressed here. If an IAL is even possible, Esperanto is an obstacle to it.

Serge Forward

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on November 14, 2013

Thank you for that ARS. Any constructive suggestions?


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on November 15, 2013

Against Rich Supremacy

This is ridiculous. I'm trying to raise legitimate concerns, not "score points." Yet you are trying to deflect these concerns by turning this into a numbers game. This might be a valid argument if Esperanto had already become the international auxiliary language, or was close to doing so. However, even by the highest estimates of its number of speakers, it's nowhere near there.

Esperanto simultaneously refuses to reform its obvious problems and uses its big-fish-in-small-pond status to overshadow other, better designed IALs, as exemplified in the attitude you've expressed here. If an IAL is even possible, Esperanto is an obstacle to it.

Yes clearly we are bullies who disguise our condemnable behavior by quietly discussing with each other in a marginal language on a marginal thread on a marginal libertarian communist webforum.


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Novo on November 17, 2013

Whew I seemed to have missed a fair bit in a short time. I think I'll keep out of this particular scuffle, seeing as most things have been said by both sides already and I have no desire to rekindle any remaining dispute (hope this isn't seen as too evasive ;) ).
Anyhow in regards to Oliver's earlier post pri la SAT:

Saluton kamarado! Mi ne pensas ke mi parolas Esperanton tiel bone, sed me dankas vin por la komplemento.

Mi aŭdis pri la SAT sed mi ne sufiĉe scias pri gxi. Mi pensas ke ili interesos min. Dankon al vi por la ligilo; mi certe esploros ĝin kiam mi havas sufiĉe da tempo.

Mi loĝas en Usono, specife en Teksaso. Plu specife, mi loĝas en urbo ĉirkaŭ Houston-o.


9 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on September 17, 2014

Saluton mi amikoj,

Mi estas komencanto de Esperanto

Kiel vi fartas?


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on June 2, 2017

La Esperanto lingvo sekcio sur Libcom

Serge Forward

7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on June 2, 2017



7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on June 20, 2017

Mi kontaktis kamardon el la grupo Kolectivista Rondo, kaj ili tradukis multajn interesajn tekstojn

Precipe sur la Pariza Komunumo


7 years ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on June 21, 2017

mi vidas tio sur facebook


6 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Progresemulo19 on July 25, 2017

Estimata Serge kaj Aliuloj

Mi ankaŭ ĝuos interkomuniki en tiu ĉi loko. Mi estas usona aktivisto pri progresemaj aferoj kaj lernis Esperanton ekde juna aĝo.


6 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on July 27, 2017

Saluton Progresemulo, Mi esperas ke vi trovas nian Esperantan sekcion utila.

Mi havas novaĵon. Mi kaj aliulo kamarado havas unuigi la retejon Arkivon de Marksistojn (MIA). Ni pravas kreski la Esperantan sekcion tie.

Authored on
April 22, 2006