Looking for anarchist/ radical/ revolutionary quotes/ quotations

Submitted by rooieravotr on December 6, 2017

Looking for anarchist, rebellious, revolutionary, radical quotes, anti-racist and anti-sexist and other anti-oppression quotes, you name it; collections of quotes, books full of such quotes, websites with lots of such uotes. Maybe there is a thread already which is useful here, but I haven been able to locate it.

The purpose is: finding material (quotes!) to use for anarchist stickers and other propaganda material, but also for other educational and writing purposes. Also, quotes can be fun :)


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by adri on December 7, 2017

Not sure where you'd find collection/book of anarchist quotes. Maybe try searching online for quotes from specific anarchist thinkers (or whatever else), like Wikiquote. Off the top of my head I personally like this quote from Bakunin:

When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called "the People's Stick."

Serge Forward

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on December 7, 2017

One for the readers...
Yevgeny Zamiatin

There are books of the same chemical composition as dynamite. The only difference is that a piece of dynamite explodes once, whereas a book explodes a thousand times.


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on December 7, 2017

I don't think I've come across a collection of quotations of any radical current or person, except for Mao Zedong and well....

Whenever I've looked for quotes I've just had to google a name and quote and usually image search. I think it might be a good idea to comply a couple books with quotations in them as a sort of brief introduction into a topic.

Like say Anarchist views on (insert a topic) or points of view on (add discussion and debate here) etc.


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by rooieravotr on December 7, 2017

Well no, let's not do Mao, haha. The google idea is fine for the usual suspects, but that way, ou miss the quotes of people you do not know yet. And the best quotes do not necessarily come from the well-known people.

The quote-book idea makes a lot of sense! But there must be books around like that already. I am certain I have seen at least one radical quote book many years ago. No idea who made it.

By the way, the two quotes above are wonderful. Bring-em on, and thank you all up to now :)

Serge Forward

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on December 7, 2017

Back in the days when we didn't have computers, I started collecting quotes for a "Little Red and Black Book of Revolutionary Quotations". Scouring tons of books and magazines, I collected loads of ace little quotes. It was gonna be brilliant, if I say so myself. Then moving house, the whole archive got misplaced and I lost the fucking lot. Bastard. It crushed me and I didn't have the heart to start all over again.


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by adri on December 8, 2017

Just looked on AK Press and found The Heretic's Handbook of Quotations: Cutting Comments on Burning Issues. It's 238 pages and seems to be organized by topic. Crimethinc also has this neat-looking "radical dictionary" called Contradictionary which I've meaning to check out, but it's not really quotes I don't think, just witty radical definitions I guess. Prole also has that nice pamplet with quotes at the beginning of each section, https://libcom.org/library/work-community-politics-war-prole.

Just curious are you making stickers by yourself or are you part of some group doing this?


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by rooieravotr on December 8, 2017

Serge Forward That is SOO sad... I can imagine. Let's do stuff like this it together and start / continue right here :)


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by rooieravotr on December 8, 2017

zugzwang Thanks! That looks like the kind of book I am looking for. That prole edition a ĺl chek out.

I know the Crimethinc book you name. It is wonderful, but you are right, it is not a quote collection.

I am part of a little collective in the making, and stickers is one of our things. It works, actually :)

Method of Freedom

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Method of Freedom on December 8, 2017

Have you looked at https://libcom.org/library/political-philosophy-bakunin-scientific-anarchism-gp-maximoff , The political philosophy of Bakunin compiled Maximoff it has quotes by Bakunin on various subjects


6 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by rubra on January 9, 2018

Heres a bunch of my favorites

Authored on
December 6, 2017