The Tragedy of Foua and Kefraya

Submitted by meerov21 on September 19, 2017

"They think we (Shia Muslims) and apostates from Islam who must die. If they take Foua and Kefraya, they'll execute people because we are not Sunnis". There are the words of residents Foua and Kefraya.

One of the tragedies of Syria is a tragedy of Shiite cities. Both cities with a population of 20-40 thousand are in the depth of the zone of Idlib controlled by anti-Assad Sunni oppositions. On military maps the area is marked as a small pink patch surrounded by green. These cities are besieged by Nusra (Syrian al Qaeda) and its allies.

The residents of shiite cities are regularly killed. In addition, people are starving. In Foua and Kefraya 2.2 thousand people, including 400 children and 850 women died during the siege. There is almost no medical supplies. People get hurt from shrapnel and die, because they have not antibiotics. There is no normal food: people eat once a day: meal is dropped from aircraft.

Since the population belongs to the Shiite branch of Islam, their tragedy hushed up by many Arab media traditionally support Sunni population. As for West: many believe Shiites are supporters of Assad regime, and so choose not to write about them. You will not find any mention of the tragedy of Foua and Kefraya near the reported about killings of Muslims in Burma.

The real tragedy of the war in Syria that hundreds of towns inhabited by Shiites and Sunnis, Druze and Ismailis, Alevis and Christians, who in the absence of the state create own organs of self-government (Local Councils) and provide for ourselves, could not unite at the same time into a Big Confederation of cities. They become victims of the occupation and religious fundamentalist groups.

Authored on
September 19, 2017