What's your job?

Submitted by wojtek on January 15, 2020

Out of curiosity, looking for a career change...


3 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by adri on March 21, 2021




4 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Craftwork on January 15, 2020

My job involves selling my labour-power for a wage.


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by adri on January 20, 2020

So nobody has worked here... with the exception of Craftwerk? I thought it was an interesting/helpful topic how anarchists/communists survive, which could maybe assist other comrades, but apparently not... Though I guess it's understandable people don't want to give too much info about themselves.

Noah Fence

4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on January 21, 2020

I work freelance in the construction sector but my particular skills are pretty rare and mostly only required by extremely wealthy end users. I’m mostly subcontracted but occasionally work directly for the client.
I actually really enjoy the actual work I do, but I hate the fact that the things I craft are often never used or even seen as I work in houses so large that most of the rooms are never used, indeed they are often only occupied occasionally by the owner but instead are occupied by a team of staff that run the place in readiness for the occasional visit. These people often have places like this all around the world, certainly it’s very common that they live in London but have a country estate that they only use on the occasional weekend. Yeah, I know, sickening, right.
The good things about my job is that I work in all sorts of places and make or restore lots of beautiful architectural features and that I get paid extremely well for it. It’s also great that I don’t have a boss as such. On the other hand, there’s zero security in the work and often there’s a delay on site and I often find myself unexpectedly idle and as often happens, last year there was just very little work around and I worked less than six months of the year which has caused a whole load of financial stress. Added to that, sometimes I don’t get paid for months even though it’s been agreed that I’ll be paid for my work on completion. Also, coz of the transient nature of my work there’s no opportunity for organising.
I’ve also worked full time for specialist companies but it always ends up with them trying to get me to organise everything for them without paying me extra for it and of course I can earn more as a freelancer.
All in all though, I’m pretty fortunate to do what I do - I fell into this trade quite by accident and it’s loads better than any other job I did before.

R Totale

4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on January 26, 2020

I just assume that everyone who posts on libkkkop works for either Special Branch or the CIA. :P But on a more serious note, anyone interested in this topic might find this blog article and some of the following discussion useful: http://libcom.org/blog/defence-working-class-existence-choice-10122019

jef costello

4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on January 27, 2020


So nobody has worked here... with the exception of Craftwerk? I thought it was an interesting/helpful topic how anarchists/communists survive, which could maybe assist other comrades, but apparently not... Though I guess it's understandable people don't want to give too much info about themselves.

You didn't tell us what you do, neither did wojtek who started the thread. Security issues aside, starting a thread it is a good idea to let people know why you want them to spend time on posts, or at least make it interesting.


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by adri on January 27, 2020

jef costello


So nobody has worked here... with the exception of Craftwerk? I thought it was an interesting/helpful topic how anarchists/communists survive, which could maybe assist other comrades, but apparently not... Though I guess it's understandable people don't want to give too much info about themselves.

You didn't tell us what you do, neither did wojtek who started the thread. Security issues aside, starting a thread it is a good idea to let people know why you want them to spend time on posts, or at least make it interesting.

My response to the thread was my first comment.


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by adri on January 28, 2020

Not to speak for wojtek, but I don't guess he was asking for specifics about our current occupations or whatever. If it's of any interest I work in the manufacturing sector, after having to put aside post-secondary education (not that I wouldn't find a middle-class professional job miserable, a good deal of which contribute nothing to production; a precarious "un-skilled" contract worker is often far more valuable than any managerial or professional worker breathing down their neck) because of lack of funds, but not without loads of debt to ensure my submission as a wage-laborer, allowing me to entertain the thought of maybe being debt free in 20 years. Anyway, as I said, I got no interest in being a foot stool for capital.


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Owentiffie on January 29, 2020

I work as an accountant. Not the most promising job, corporate environment and all, but it brings food to the table.


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on January 29, 2020



4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by comradeEmma on January 31, 2020

I work in a bakery that is highly mechanized and has large production, almost a "bread factory" of sorts. The Swedish autonomist collective Kämpa Tillsammans! published an essay by a member who worked in a similar position. Besides some of the views of unionism(and that my workplace has more "hands-on" and walking parts because of more primitive technology) I can relate to a lot of parts. The author of this piece is a paid writer for our trade union paper now ironically enough...


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Fozzie on January 31, 2020

Charity bureaucrat.

jef costello

4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on February 3, 2020



If that's for me then there is no need. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad at al, just pointing out why I thought there hadn't been many responses. IF it didn't come across as being helpful, then I probably ned to work on my tone.

I remembered a good jobs thread and searched, turns out that it was yours.

I haven't got much to add, last I heard you were doing TEFL, I have a different job, but stilll as a teacher but am still struggling with the pointlessness of it. TEFL is a good way to get scammed, but also you can see the world.

The problem that most people identified is that jobs don't really teach you anything, and there is no real progression, if you do a shitty temp job no company sees the point in making you permanent if you are good at it or training you to do anything else.

[color=white]I would like to be writing, but there is no time and energy for it and most of the markets would require me to sell myself out as much as my current job, which might feel even worse. I used to do news for libcom, but the news section didn't have many contributors and I lost the energy and motivation for it and stopped. I have tried to start again, but I don't think people seem to interested. Hell I don't remember seeing anything about the 7-week transport strikes on here. During which I went in to work so I didn't lose pay, my workplace is super right-wing. That left-wing bias teachers are supposed to have is a pure fantasy. Weirldy enough all these right-wing snobs don't seem to undrstand that their refusal to defend their conditions is why teachers' pay has dropped relative to everything. A lot of entry-level jobs pay better than teaching, althugh as I don't spend much it doesn't really affect me too much. Sorry, that turned into a long rant, I am completely out of political circles and no-one I know cares in the slightest about politics. I am feeling very disillusioned, I have no plan for the future, other than keeping on with my job so I have a place to live, I don't see me learning the skills to move into a different field and I didnt mine any bitcoins. It's work or the lottery for me.[/color]

Go read the other thread, it was quite hopeful.


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by sherbu-kteer on February 15, 2020

EDIT: in hindsight probably should not be giving out this much personal info.

I will say though that the AWW article is very good and has me thinking about my future plans, particularly as my current plans aren't working out so well.


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by adri on February 15, 2020


EDIT: in hindsight probably should not be giving out this much personal info.

I will say though that the AWW article is very good and has me thinking about my future plans, particularly as my current plans aren't working out so well.

It was more describing social work as a dream job that you could do forever and using phrases like "professional life" that got under my skin.


4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by willian on April 14, 2020

I recently do noting as for the covid-19, used to be a stuff at KFC to make money for my study fee

Authored on
January 15, 2020