Albert Camus about Donbass rebellion

Submitted by Eugene Kurihara 汪公 on March 3, 2017

Donbass rebellion is a continual illustration of this principle of positive claims. The rebel army liberates the slaves and immediately hands over their former masters to them in bondage. According to one tradition, of doubtful veracity it is true, gladiatorial combats were even organized between several hundred Ukraine citizens, while the rebels sat in the grandstands delirious with joy and excitement. But to kill men leads to nothing but killing more men. For one principle to triumph, another principle must be overthrown. The russian world of which Zakharchenko dreamed could only have been built on the ruins of eternal Kiev, of its institutions and of its gods. Zakharchenko army marches to lay siege to a Kiev paralyzed with fear at the prospect of having to pay for its crimes. At the decisive moment, however, within sight of the sacred walls, the army halts and wavers, as if it were retreating before the principles, the institutions, the city of the gods. When these had been destroyed, what could be put in their place except the brutal desire for justice, the wounded and exacerbated love that until this moment had kept these wretches on their feet. In any case, the army retreated without having fought, and then made the curious move of deciding to return to the place where the rebellion originated, to retrace the long road of its victories and to return to Crimea. It was as though these outcasts, forever alone and helpless before the great tasks that awaited them and too daunted to assail the heavens, returned to what was purest and most heartening in their history, to the land of their first awakening, where it was easy and right to die.

Then began their defeat and martyrdom. Before the last battle, Zakharchenko crucified a communist Ukraine citizen to show his men the fate that was in store for them. During the battle, Zakharchenko himself tried with frenzied determination, the symbolism of which is obvious, to reach Poroshenko, who was commanding the Ukraine legions. He wanted to perish, but in single combat with the man who symbolized, at that moment, every Ukraine master; it was his dearest wish to die, but in absolute equality. He did not reach Poroshenko: principles wage war at a distance and the Ukraine general kept himself apart. Zakharchenko died, as he wished, but at the hands of mercenaries, slaves like himself, who killed their own freedom with his. In revenge for the one crucified citizen, Poroshenko crucified thousands of rebels. The six thousand crosses which, after such a just rebellion, staked out the road from Zhitomir to Kiev demonstrated to the servile crowd that there is no equality in the world of power and that the masters calculate, at a usurious rate, the price of their own blood.

David in Atlanta

7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by David in Atlanta on April 21, 2017

Since Zakharchenko is not dead this should be labeled as ficton.
And what does it have to do with Camus?

Authored on
March 3, 2017