Archive of 19th-c anarchist women

Submitted by R Totale on September 17, 2020

Just found this project (the archivist has just done a presentation at the Vancouver anarchist bookfair, which I've not listened to), which may be of interest to people with an interest in obscure old anarcho history along the lines of WCH, Kate Sharpley Library and all the rest of it:

Emma Goldman and her fellow anarchists were central figures in our radical past, but they have been largely forgotten. During the 15 years that I have been researching Goldman and the anarchist movement, I have made a number of remarkable finds. I began to make lists: radical women I knew nothing about; anarchist journals I had never heard of; violence against workers that has been neglected by all but the most determined labor historians. Past battles to organize workplaces, secure reproductive freedom, and oppose war come to life in these neglected histories.

This website is dedicated to making these lists public. Some of these lists are included in my book, but the limitations of paper publishing made full inclusion impractical. Here you will find Emma Goldman’s Women: these are anarchists, feminists, and their fellow travelers in progressive circles who worked with Goldman, supported her, or worked in related political spaces to fight for birth control, freedom of speech, union rights, and an end to war. Eventually a fuller list of anarchist journals and anti-labor violence will be added to this website; in the meantime, I am concentrating on expanding the list of women involved in anarchist or related politics during Goldman’s lifetime.

I'm not sure if the other two lists are online anywhere, but they also sound like they could be good resources.

Authored on
September 17, 2020