Since the issue of migrants/refugees clearly isn't going away anytime soon (and will probably acquire even greater significance, given current events - e.g. the continuing war in Syria, Trump, Brexit), do people have any good suggestions for readings on revolutionaries responses, in the past, to struggles involving migrants/refugees?
I read the ICC's article Immigration and the Workers' Movement, which I thought was pretty good and mentioned, among other things, the 1912 Lawrence strike.
Here's a few recent
Here's a few recent ones:
Migration, refugees and labour
From Welcome to Farewell: Germany, the refugee crisis and the global surplus proletariat
Vogelfrei. Migration, deportations, capital and its state
The immigrant solidarity
The immigrant solidarity movement beyond the limit of state humanitarianism
It's not on revolutionaries'
It's not on revolutionaries' past responses, but Dan Trilling's reporting has been excellent, mostly in the LRB but also elsewhere. He's also reviewed some of the recent theory (some 'radical') around the issue here.
Ambalavaner Sivanandan has written a lot on black and Asian struggles in Britain and the political economy of migration.
From Welcome to Farewell:
From Welcome to Farewell: Germany, the refugee crisis and the global surplus proletariat by Felix Baum.
Workers of the world, fight amongst yourselves! Notes on the refugee crisis by Friends of the Classless Society, trans. Endnotes.
The latest text from a
The latest text from a four-part series from the ICC stands on its own:
Another non-historical one -
Another non-historical one - the Samos Chronicles blog from Chris Jones and Sofiane Ait Chalalet.