PATCO air traffic controllers strike Aug. 1981

Submitted by David in Atlanta on August 3, 2012

American air traffic controllers strike for higher wages, shorter workweek and an improved retirement arrangement. 900 military air traffic controllers were ordered to assist union scabs and supervisors in breaking the strike. Unionized pilots and machinists crossed the picket lines under orders of their union leadership. The strike began Aug. 3, 1981. Aug. 5th Regan fired the lot of them and de-certified the union. Regan had supported some of the unions demands during the election and won their endorsement.


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 4, 2012

Thanks for posting this. It would be really good to have a decent article about this dispute in our history section, are there any ones around which would be appropriate?

Book O'Dead

11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Book O'Dead on August 4, 2012

David in Atlanta

American air traffic controllers strike for higher wages, shorter workweek and an improved retirement arrangement. 900 military air traffic controllers were ordered to assist union scabs and supervisors in breaking the strike. Unionized pilots and machinists crossed the picket lines under orders of their union leadership. The strike began Aug. 3, 1981. Aug. 5th Regan fired the lot of them and de-certified the union. Regan had supported some of the unions demands during the election and won their endorsement.

I remember this event and being outraged by it.

I consider it one of the most important milestones on my personal journey to working class consciousness.

Thanks for the memory.


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on August 5, 2012


Thanks for posting this. It would be really good to have a decent article about this dispute in our history section, are there any ones around which would be appropriate?

Not very sure about the quality of the article, but I believe I wrote one for the former STRIKE! news paper. I'll have to look. For sure, it's only in paper form.


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 5, 2012

Please do dig it up. Even having it in PDF would be better than nothing


11 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on August 5, 2012


Please do dig it up. Even having it in PDF would be better than nothing

Found it. I'm going to try and send a pdf to David-I-A on Sunday. If he can figure out how to format it or whatever, it's in his hands..., um, will be later.


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on August 6, 2016

BBC Witness: American Air Traffic Controllers' Strike

Authored on
August 3, 2012