Socialist Standard Past and Present blog

Submitted by imposs1904 on May 20, 2020

Fair enough, I might get a few pelters on here for posting but I won't make a habit of it. I thought the following might be of interest to a few people on the site. I know a few SPGBers - past and present - post on here. Cue, copy and paste:

"At the time of writing, listed below are the most popular Socialist Standard articles on the blog from a particular year. It stands to reason that the longer an article or review has been on the blog, the more ‘hits’ it has, but that is not always the case. Some articles of a more theoretical bent have received successive waves of hits years after they were originally posted on the blog. Hopefully that’s food for thought for current writers and editors of the Standard. (Yes, I know I’m contradicting myself a bit here.)

To access the articles, just click on the individual years:"


4 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by imposs1904 on May 20, 2020

PS - Hidden in plain view is an article by a Council Communist which was published as a front page article in the Socialist Standard under the mistaken impression that he was a member of the SPGB's companion party, the WSPUS.

Obviously, the editors had no problems with the content of the article.

darren p

4 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by darren p on May 21, 2020


PS - Hidden in plain view is an article by a Council Communist which was published as a front page article in the Socialist Standard under the mistaken impression that he was a member of the SPGB's companion party, the WSPUS.

Obviously, the editors had no problems with the content of the article.

Must be Paul Mattick. Which year?


4 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by imposs1904 on May 21, 2020

Not Mattick. Click on 1934 . . .

Obviously, Anton Pancake also gets a mention in 2019.

Authored on
May 20, 2020