To prevent spam attacks which have plagued the site new users will have to be manually approved by an administrator to post forum threads or news, library, history etc articles.
If you would like to post an article, please ask in the comments below, send us an e-mail to at or send a private message to some libcom admins.
To get the quickest response please just put a quick post below and say what kind of content you want to post. E.g.:
Hi, I would like to post a news article about a strike
If you wish to a blog on then this also needs to be approved manually.
If you would like a blog here, please request it in the comments below, explaining what you would like to blog about. Alternately e-mail us or send some admins a private message as above.
im not selling ray-bans, i
im not selling ray-bans, i swear
I have recently changed
I have recently changed tendencies. I am now a communizer influenced by left communism and some aspects of anarchism. Some comrades and I have started a writing group called Communism Knowns No Monsters. We are writing some stuff now. I would like to request publishing privileges for that group.
Conrad Merkel wrote: im not
Conrad Merkel
what sort of stuff is it you want to post?
d3crypt wrote: I have
no problem. Just register an account with that name and we will sort it. Would you be interested in a blog here? For that, you can send us an example of your writing when you have done some to [email protected] to review
Bump, because due to a spam
Bump, because due to a spam onslaught new users now have to request permission to post forum topics as well
Hello, I would like to post
Hello, I would like to post an article please introducing myself as a newbie to Socialism, discussing Socialism in general, Was Trotsky a Socialist? and SPGB recent views on Direct Action. Thank you.
Hi, please email it to us at
Hi, please email it to us at [email protected] to review
Hello, should I add my Libcom
Hello, should I add my Libcom username to email? Also should I send post directly as text in email or as file attachment?
hi, yes please include your libcom username and either as an attachment or in the email text is fine
Hello, thanks for reply. Just
Hello, thanks for reply. Just sent email with post to be reviewed.
Hi I signed up for an account
I signed up for an account after reading the article editing guide and Towards a Gay Communism because I wanted to reformat the latter so it reads better, but I can't find an edit button anywhere. Do I need to ask for posting privileges to do this?
Yes you do. And this is the
Yes you do. And this is the right thread to do it. A mod will have to do it, so just be patient until one sees your request. I'm sure Steven will read this soon enough.
azrt559 wrote: Hi I signed up
hi, very sorry about the delay I've been out of the country. That would be fantastic if you could do that: you now have permissions
Hello, it'd be great if we
Hello, it'd be great if we could submit an advertisement for a new radical social room, Decentre, above Freedom Bookshop in Whitechapel, London. Cheers!
Decentre wrote: Hello, it'd
you can post it in our announcements forum
Hello, I have scanned a hard
I have scanned a hard to find book on Spanish Civil War with strong focus from an Anarchist Perspective in both PDF and JPEG format which I think may interest many on Libcom.
Includes lots of photos.
Post it up. You already have
Post it up. You already have posting permissions,no?
Hello, I have not done a
Hello, I have not done a first post so I have to ask for permission.
hi, no you don't don't worry you already have permissions so feel free to post away
Hi, my intention was for this
Hi, my intention was for this to be a post for the libcom library not the forum this time.
DigitalSocialist wrote: Hi,
hi, yes of course we understand that: you have posting permissions already so feel free to post to the library or history section
Hi, understood. I went to the
Hi, understood. I went to the submit content section and then to history sub section but
are only allowed to be downloaded. I wanted to upload a PDF file of a book. Is it possible to upload a PDF file?
Yes it is. If you scroll down
Yes it is. If you scroll down on the submit page, you should see "File Attachments"; click on it and you should find an upload box. You should be able to upload a PDF there.
The image stuff is there if you want to add an image to the library item you want to upload.
Hello, Thanks just discovered
Thanks just discovered it. I got to compress first as PDF file as it is 440 MB and limit is 16MB
Hi, I'd like to add a pdf
Hi, I'd like to add a pdf that I made of the pamphlet 'Bordiga versus Pannekoek
by Antagonism. The pdf version presently attached to the article is in a pamphlet format that is not really suited to reading on either a PC or e-reader. I lifted the text for the PDF from the site, red texts.
Sike wrote: Hi, I'd like to
hi, that would be great - you already have posting/editing permissions so please go for it. Click the Edit tab, and an editor will approve the change when we get to it
If you run it through OCR (optical character recognition) software (Abby Finereader iirc) then it willl convert the images of text into text (with proof-reading required) which will get it down to size easily.
Steven. wrote: hi, that would
Thanks Steven, but there doesn't seem to be an Edit tab on that particular page. It should be located at the top of the entry right next to the View tab, correct? I can see the Edit tab on some of the entries in the library but not on all of them.
Sorry to be a pain.
Sike not a pain at all and
Sike not a pain at all and yes you are right. Should be fixed now! Thanks again for this, please do feel free to improve any other content on the site
440 MB PDF?! Jesus.
440 MB PDF?! Jesus.
Steven. wrote: Should be
Hello, Thanks for suggestion.
Thanks for suggestion. I do not have OCR software. I hope it is not expensive.
You read correct. jef
You read correct. jef costello suggested OCR software which will have a smaller file size. I just hope this type of software is not expensive.
DigitalSocialist wrote: You
You should be able to find it online for free.
Hi I'd like to post academic
Hi I'd like to post academic articles and books.
Hello have tried your
Hello have tried your suggestion and while searching on Google under both
and found only free software which only allows conversions up to 5MB. I could buy Abby Finereader at £79 but that would have to be for another month sadly :/
I will keep searching thou ...
Hello, I would like to post
I would like to post an article on the election of Trump in the blog section. I don't think it's redundant because the analysis is somewhat different from other articles on Trump's election.
DigitalSocialist wrote: Hello
start with the most basic search first then add details to thin the results, and spell things out, there can be dozens of things with the same acronym
"optical character recognition"
has various results including
i also note has a free trial
there also articles with lists of free ocr software
Hi Steve Hope you are doing
Hi Steve
Hope you are doing well. I would like to upload the translation of Rojava: reality and rhetoric in Farsi. It looks that I need your approval.
Majid00 wrote: Hi Steve Hope
that would be great. You have now been approved. But you had old accounts which already had posting permissions didn't you? If you have forgotten your password we could do a password reset for you
phantom antichrist wrote: Hi
phantom antichrist
approved! Go for it
Stavros Eagle wrote: Hello, I
Stavros Eagle
please email it to us at [email protected] to review
Hi I would like to post an
I would like to post an article about Rojava. I think this my second request. I wrote an e-mail to Steven. So far, no response
Majid00 wrote: Hi I would
hey Majid, you already have posting permissions. I didn't get an email from you (which address did you send it to?), but I did respond to your post above. I also asked if you were the user who used to have the username "Majid", because if so and you have forgotten your password/login we could do a reset for you if you wanted. Or else you could just continue to use this account. Thanks very much for contributing!
Hi - I create comics at
Hi - I create comics at and I'd like to post them to libcom. thanks!
gulliver wrote: Hi - I create
hey that URL gives an error message for me. Is it definitely working?
oh dang. it's supposed to
oh dang. it's supposed to forward to
gulliver wrote: oh dang. it's
thanks for thinking of us, but unfortunately it's not quite right for our site
rats. well thanks for
rats. well thanks for checking it out///
Hi, I want to post articles
I want to post articles about scottish radical history/ scottish political history(strikes,riots etc)/ scottish trade unionism/History from below including Anarchism while I will research and write. I notice that some work on this has begun but I'd like to flesh it out as I learn more.
My first piece would be the Leith Dockers Strike 1913.
RobberBurns88 wrote: Hi, I
that sounds great! You now have posting permissions
Quote: that sounds great! You
Thanks so much
Dear Libcom Admins, I was
Dear Libcom Admins,
I was hoping to post an article looking at the concept of technoanarchism I've recently written on which draws from my experiences setting up mesh nets with the local hacktivist/autonomist community based in Toronto.
More info on my work can be found on my website.
Let me know if you have any questions and thanks in advance!
Good evening all, I'm an
Good evening all,
I'm an editor in an academic journal called "Worlt Tensions", an international journal which publishes papers by authors all around the world from many universities.
admin: Long copy and paste snipped
Hey, I would like to post
Hey, I would like to post something looking back at 2016, putting things in context etc. Its already written, if you want to read it to approve.
Hi Steve We are translating
Hi Steve
We are translating Augustin Guillamon's Barricades in Barcelona. Could you please help us to contact him in order to ask few questions?
Camilla Costa. Just make an
Camilla Costa. Just make an announcement forum post for what you want to publicise.
daveberrie wrote: Hey, I
sounds great. Could you just email it to us at [email protected] to review?
Majid, I think that Alias Recluse is in contact with him so please send him a private message here:
Thank you so much
Thank you so much Steve.
Hi, I requested access a few
Hi, I requested access a few weeks back but didn't hear anything from the editors. I have been working on a project developing mesh net works and alternative forms of communication for organizing in Toronto and I wanted to share the theoretical and practical implications of my research some writing for the site. Can I have posting permission? Thanks in advance for your response.
atkingsmith wrote: Hi, I
hi, very sorry about the delayed reply. Please feel free to go for it now, as you have posting permissions
Thanks so much! Will post
Thanks so much! Will post shortly!
Hello I would like to post an
I would like to post an article I wrote about the tendency I have observed recently, in all parts of the left/radical left/anarchy (myself I am an anarchist but am interested in all the aforementioned spaces) about what I call Left Politics of Nostalgia. Basically the idea that things were 'better' under Obama, 'better' before Brexit, etc, while ignoring the underlying processes that led to the points we are at. For this I request content posting rights
Hi, I would like to
Hi, I would like to contribute to discussions in the forum (especially Theory). Thanks
BloodDiamond wrote: Hi, I
hi, you don't need additional permissions to post in the forums, indeed you are doing so right now. Look forward to your contributions
Hi, I'd like to post an essay
Hi, I'd like to post an essay critiquing performative activism and linking it to the recuperation of anti-state resistance by the liberal left under the guise of anti-Trumpism.
Sounds interesting, look
Sounds interesting, look forward to it - you now have permissions
Hi all, I am trying to carry
Hi all,
I am trying to carry out some research on anarchism and mental health practice and activism in the UK during the period circa 1960 to mid-1980s. I was hoping to post in the forum to see if anyone has any "leads" for me to follow, or any information I can build on.
Approved! Sounds interesting,
Approved! Sounds interesting, it would be great if you could post any results of your research up to our library/history sections
I would like to post a short
I would like to post a short article on the Romani dole cuts riots in Slovakia in 2004. It has to be written first, but asking in advance. Thanks!
jura wrote: I would like to
hey man chatted to you on FB already but yes you already have posting permissions so please go for it, you don't need to ask in future!
Thanks mate! I didn't know I
Thanks mate! I didn't know I had those already. Will post soon.
Hey, I just made this account
Hey, I just made this account because there's something I've been working on lately that I want to submit
It's a lengthy article I've been working on and off for for quite a while about how the West ended up in the situation that it stands post-2016.
im_mad_as_hell wrote: Hey, I
Thanks, sounds interesting. Please email it to [email protected] for us to review. Cheers
Hi, I'd like to post up an
I'd like to post up an old thesis (which I have the author's Ok to publish) about radical unionism in Australia in the 70s - could I have permission to do this?
Thanks! :)
Aunty Jack wrote: Hi, I'd
Aunty Jack
Yes, please do, you already have posting permissions!
I'd like permission to start
I'd like permission to start posting Chinese accounts and analysis of class struggle in various times and places (please see my "about" statement). I'd also like to set up a blog for this purpose here. I've used this website before, but things seem to have changed: now I can't even figure out how to send a private message to any of the admins, so I'm posting this here. Thanks for your help.
sjzc that's great, have
sjzc that's great, have emailed you
Hi, I would like to post an
Hi, I would like to post an article about a the unethical practices of the capitalist secondary school education sysetem.
Egor Truslav wrote: Hi, I
Egor Truslav
hi, thanks very much for your interest. Please email it to at for us to review
Hi, I would like to get
Hi, I would like to get permission to add to libcom's freedom newspaper archive issues that are not in the archive
Peter s wrote: Hi, I would
Peter s
that would be amazing! You now have permissions.
To add them, please go to the main freedom archive here:
if the year the issue is in is listed, go to that year and click "add child page". If the year is not yet listed, please click "add child page" to the main freedom archive, and create a child page for that year. Then add the issues to that new page. Thanks very much!
Hey, I would like to get
Hey, I would like to get permission to have a blog/ post an article I have written recently which is a theoretical critique of Beyonce's 'feminism' and the problems surrounding it - including the problems with the labour exploited through her clothing line etc.
spacegrrl wrote: Hey, I would
hey that sounds great! You now have permission to post our library.
If you're interested in doing a blog, please send us a quick email, or send me a private message, with some more info about what sort of thing you think you would be writing about and how often you think you will be trying to write ([email protected]). Thanks very much for your interest!
Anything posted to the library now can be moved into a blog later FYI
Hey, thought that we have
thought that we have rights to publish here, but obviously not. Going to bring from time to time updates on struggle in Belarus. Right now have an article to publish in english -
great, thanks you now have permissions
Just an update. I am still
Just an update. I am still searching for a free OCR software to work with my MAC but no luck yet.
Once I have I will be able to upload a rare book on the Spanish Civil War.
Does anyone know of any reliable OCR software that will work with OX X EL Captain version 10.11.6 version on a Mac?
I want a blog here, is it OK?
hi I like to make a post
I like to make a post about the war in Ukraine.
Hi, new to libcom as a
Hi, new to libcom as a registered member. I write to a greek lang anarchist site '''' and i want to submit some translated articles of mine. Can i do it?
Hi, I'm a non-Leninist
Hi, I'm a non-Leninist communist from Czech and t I would like to post an article about Leninism against the revolution, it is a translation of the GCI-ICG group.
I did it in the Forum but would like to publish it in the Library.
If possible I would like also you to provide me to have a BLOG.
Thank you comrades.
Hi I would like to post a
Hi I would like to post a zine about taking on white supremacy.
Hello. I'd like to upload
I'd like to upload to the library some volumes of the CPUSA's internal publication Party Organizer. Don't believe they exist in digital format anywhere else at the moment.
I posted an article about
I posted an article about early Christian communism, and then made 2 changes (used a different quote and just fixed a mistake with paragraph spacing) could a mod ok the changes please?
Might not be the right place
Might not be the right place to ask, but I'm trying to figure out how to change the URL of articles (to remove special characters, etc.). Apparently there's a URL path settings field on the article submission page, but I can't find it.
Dyjbas wrote: Might not be
hey, have upped you to editor permissions so now you can
Thanks! Can see it now.
Thanks! Can see it now.
Requesting post for Working
Requesting post for Working Class History
Fantasma di Tresca
Fantasma di Tresca
great stuff, you now have posting permissions. Any problems feel free to post in this forum
Thanks. I made some
Thanks. I made some formatting mistakes, I fixed them. Now I just need approval.
Hey I just want to post a
Hey I just want to post a cool thing on Gilles Dauve. Can I post it?
situationist_prank wrote: Hey
Will it be part of a situationist prank?
situationist_prank wrote: Hey
email it to us at [email protected] to review
Quote: Will it be part of a
No, Im not that cleaver
Doing that right now
Hi, I am working on a project
I am working on a project to digitize all of Murray Bookchin's work into audio books. I am starting with The Philosophy of Social Ecology and will later move onto other works. Here is an example of what I am doing:
I would like to make this content available on your website.
In Solidarity
Sounds good, you now have
Sounds good, you now have permissions
Hi We'd like to post this
We'd like to post this article - can we have article posting right
With solidarity
Shoal Collective
Hello, I would like to post
I would like to post a blog piece about capitalism and its effect on mental health, mental health care, and addiction. Thanks for your consideration, comrades.
in solidarity.
Hey, I've got an article I
I've got an article I wrote a few months ago that I'd like to have published here on libcom, it's about Elisabeth Dmitrieff, the 20 year old Russian who organised the Women's Union during the Paris Commune.
In solidarity,
Councils and communes, you
Councils and communes, you now have permissions
you have permissions as well, thanks!
I have a PDF of "At Dusk"
I have a PDF of "At Dusk" (the lengthy text published by the ex-Point Blank! members David Jacobs and Chris Winks). I will send it to you if you want to post it.
Hello comrades, Is this the
Hello comrades,
Is this the correct place to request a Blog as opposed to regular posting rights? Thanks in advance.
Thunaraz wrote: Hello
hi, yes it is. Please give us a more info on what you plan to write about/what your political perspective is. You could send us this info with a sample piece of writing to us by email: [email protected]
look forward to hearing from you!
Melmoth the Wanderer wrote: I
Melmoth the Wanderer
that's amazing!
You now have posting permissions so please post it up by clicking submit content - library (or history, which ever is most appropriate for the text)
if you have any other stuff by Point Blank! or those guys subsequently please post that up as well!
I will do that. Thank you.
I will do that. Thank you.
Hey, I want to post a new
Hey, I want to post a new article about VPN work in China.
I edited and deleted what I
I edited and deleted what I posted here. I used it here to see the preview of "The Soul of Man under Socialism" in portuguese before publishing in the library, but by accident, I clicked on "save". sorry.
Note: Finally, it is published:
Hey, I would like to post a
Hey, I would like to post a text by French post-Situationist group Oiseau-tempête which I translated to English.
E: to be more precise it's a critique of Noam Chomsky and his accused "anarchism of the State".
sudeagof wrote: Hey, I would
great stuff, you now have permissions
I would like to post a
I would like to post a critique of Endnotes from the letter section of N+1
Hi, I would like to post an
I would like to post an article about the empoyees of the danzig post office who were the first to fight the nazis in 1939. The story is a strong example of the working class anti-fascism, and I already have a permission from working class history to post it on libcom, so they could share it. The aniversary of the event (1st of September) is soon to come, so it would be great if I could receive your permission as soon as possible. I already published the article on War History Online (
Thank upfront!
pannekoek2007 wrote: I would
nikolabudanovic wrote: Hi, I
hey, yes we spoke on Facebook. Thanks again for this! You now have posting permissions
Hi I'd like to be able to
Hi I'd like to be able to post a translation. Militancy highest stage of alienation, part 2 written in 1974 (first part was in1972).
Hi there, New user here. I'd
Hi there,
New user here. I'd like to upload some Bookchin pdfs.
go for it. Big fluffy, ditto! Look forward to you guys' contributions
Hi, we would like to post the
Hi, we would like to post the articles we have written in English on migration and on the ecology of capitalism (see here:
antithesi wrote: Hi, we would
looks great! Go for it
hello folks -- I'd like to
hello folks --
I'd like to post the following text --
Abstract for introduction field:
A review of the book edited by Tom Goyens, Radical Gotham: Anarchism in New York City (2017). Describes the essays in the collection on 19th-20th century anarchist groups at first by ethnicity and the newspapers they produced in NYC – Johann Most and the Germans; Saul Yanovsky and the Jews; Luigi Galleani and his Italian followers; and the Spanish circle around El Despertar. Also there is a chapter on Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker. Post-WWII, the book's essays discuss the Why? group of post-WWII anarchists; the Living Theatre; Black Mask/Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers; the artist Gordon Matta-Clark; the ABC No Rio cultural center; and finally anarchism in Occupy Wall Street.
I'm also sending an email with the text attached to: at
with subject line
"Review of 'Radical Gotham' anthology"
Hey comrades, I'm doing some
Hey comrades,
I'm doing some thesis work on anarchist history and, given I have university library access, I'm coming into possession of a ton of old 1910s-1920's periodicals in .pdf format, based on what I can find online as well as some microfilm I'm digitizing myself.
What I've got so far:
The Blast (1916-1917) (volumes 1 and 2 in full)
Revolt (1916) (v1.01-08)
Mother Earth (1906-1917) (volumes 2-12)
Mother Earth Bulletin (1917) (v1.01-07)
The Woman Rebel (1914) (v1.01-07)
Why? (1913-1914) (volumes 1 and 2)
The Rebel (1895-1896) (v1.01-06)
Rebellion: Made up of Dreams and Dynamite (1916) (7 issues from volume 1; seems to be a forgotten publication from New Orleans that Covington Hall published)
I'll be getting some more stuff come in over the next year or so. If I could get the permissions to upload the .pdfs here (OCR is complete on some but a little splotchy on others) I'd appreciate it. Some of these you don't seem to have anything on, and I know the pages from Mother Earth, The Blast, and Revolt are a little splotchy; it's tricky when everything's locked behind university credential walls and stuck in microfilm cabinets.
Much love,
Hi, ineligible, all that
Hi, ineligible, all that sounds absolutely amazing! We do have a couple of bits of some of those publications, but we would absolutely love to complete our archives of them, and get the other stuff. So yes please do upload/scan as much of that as you can!
You now have posting permissions. Any questions feel free to ask in our feedback on content forum. We have some written guidance here, particularly the how-to:
Hello. I'd like to post books
Hello. I'd like to post books and essays on the history, theory and practice of Third Cinema / revolutionary cinema.
sstoker wrote: Hello. I'd
go for it!
Hello, Would like to post
Would like to post some papers I have written that match your content
What are they about?
What are they about?
Workers Rights, the
Workers Rights, the exploitation of Workers by Globalism and Capitalism, the forced and continued ghettoization of the Global South
That kind of material.
Thanks again,
hello i think i would like to
hello i think i would like to have a blog here, i used to post things in chinese and i got tired, but i want to try to be active again.
most things i will also post on my personal blog here :
in soli
I pretty much started this
I pretty much started this account to post materials from the 1990s Network of Anarchist Collectives (NAC) and Slingshot. I believe the text of all of NAC's articles are archived here, but not in a good way for people searching the 'net:
acardweaver wrote: I pretty
Great stuff, please go for it
reluctant enthusiast
reluctant enthusiast
hi, can you please send us an example text or 2 to [email protected], thanks
emblack wrote: hello i think
hello comrade, that would be fantastic! We have given you permissions to post to our library section for now. If you would like to have a blog, could you please send us an example article to our email address [email protected]?
If you would like to repost any of the stuff from your personal blog to our library section that would be great as well.
I see you are based in Taiwan, that's a shame as I was in Taiwan quite recently and it would have been good to meet up maybe. Well, hopefully another time!
I wonder if I might be able
I wonder if I might be able to post an article to libcom please
Best regards
I wpuld like to post an
I wpuld like to post an article dealing with BBC coverage of Syria and R
Hello, I would like to post
Hello, I would like to post articles on the soviet form of organization in the revolutionary period, materials related to the russian civil war, and primary and secondary source documents related to "Workers' Control" in the Russian Revolution.
I've got a PDF scan of "The
I've got a PDF scan of "The Philosophical Foundations of Property Rights" by Alan Carter, can I submit it?
shinmin1111 wrote: I wpuld
sounds very interesting. Please email it to us on [email protected] to review and we will get back to you
Famine1918 wrote: Hello, I
that sounds fantastic, you now have posting permissions.
Donald, thanks you now have posting permissions as well
I would like to post a
I would like to post a translation of an extract from a Vaneigem's book about freedom of speech...
malatestavn wrote: I would
sounds good, you now have permissions
Thanks, anyway, can you
Thanks, anyway, can you approve my editing?
I fix the article, there were a couple of mistakes...
I'd like to post an article
I'd like to post an article by two IWW members on Solidarity Unionism.
Kizzle wrote: I'd like to
you already have posting permissions
Sharing my piece on ecocidal
Sharing my piece on ecocidal ontogeny of austerity and migration
Hi I'd like to post some
Hi I'd like to post some articles about IWW structure, and maybe later some bigger picture articles about the world we're coming into
Hey _db, you should be able
Hey _db, you should be able to post to the library now.
Please can I have article
Please can I have article posting rights
Hi, I would to upload an pdf
Hi, I would to upload an pdf by Loren Goldner.
I would like to post books
I would like to post books about anarchist geographies.
deepcomrade wrote: Hi, I
approved, you now have permissions
phantom antichrist wrote: I
phantom antichrist
you already have posting permissions so feel free
Hi. Id like to post various
Hi. Id like to post various content from our site:
Hi, comrades. We are an
Hi, comrades. We are an chilean anarchist and pro-communization collective dedicated to the difusion of radical critique in a bulletin called 'Anarquía & Comunismo'. We wrote you to your email with an article proposal. Please let us know what do you think.
LAMA wrote: Hi. Id like to
That would be great, approved!
Anarquía y Comunismo
Anarquía y Comunismo
sounds fantastic, both in terms of the English and Spanish language stuff. You now have permissions
Great! thanks you, Steven.
Great! thanks you, Steven. But it looks like I'm not allowed to post on blog section.
I think the translations into spanish that that we have been working should be posting on the library section, but anothers short-pieces, like the one that I told you by mail. do not fit on library or history sections. so I think that the blog sections is the right one to that kind of articles. What can I do?
Great! thanks you, Steven.
Great! thanks you, Steven. But it looks like I'm not allowed to post on blog section.
I think the translations into spanish that that we have been working should be posting on the library section, but anothers short-pieces, like the one that I told you by mail. do not fit on library or history sections. so I think that the blog sections is the right one to that kind of articles. What can I do?
Hi, yes that's right blogs
Hi, yes that's right blogs are approved separately. General content should go in our library section, so I would post there in the first instance (we can always move it into a blog later if you like).
If you would like to apply for a blog let us know, and let us know how regularly you think you will post. Then we will review as a group and get back to you ASAP!
Ok, then I think I get it: So
Ok, then I think I get it: So I'll post in the library section on the first place and later, when we really know how regularly we will publish here, we will solicitate a blog, right?
Thanks, bro
Anarquía y Comunismo
Anarquía y Comunismo
yes that would be excellent! Look forward to your contributions, comrades
We would like to post a
We would like to post a translation of Bordiga's "Dialogue with Stalin", and Camatte's Introduction to the 1974 edition of Amadeo Bordiga’s “Economic and Social Structure of Russia Today”.
libriincogniti wrote: We
Hi, I'm requesting the
I'm requesting the permission to publish content.
I already have my blog here:
I wish to share the international call for texts about "Anarcho-syndicalism and intersectionnality". This text call is sent by the "Anarcho-Syndicalist Collective for Education and Diffusion" ASCED, a group in which I'm involved in Quebec, Canada.
I might also share in the future other information about the ASCED.
Liberté Ouvrière
Hey, feel free to post stuff
Hey, feel free to post stuff like that in our announcements forum
Hi comrades, I would like to
Hi comrades,
I would like to be able to post to the site. I write some texts in Bulgarian language, but sometimes I would like to publish also in English. I lately finished my report about the London anarchist bookfair 2017 and I would like to make it available to English comrades, too. In Bulgarian it is available here.
Please provide any guidelines if you think there is a right place about this topic.
In solidarity,
zearendil wrote: Hi
hi, thanks for your comment!
We could host some of your texts in Bulgarian if you like?
However, we would not want to host that account of the Bookfair. Reading it with Google translate I can see it is unfortunately inaccurate. Your description of the two people simply as "feminists" is inaccurate. They were not anarchists, they are members of political parties (one of them at least is in the Green Party), and they were distributing hate propaganda against trans people. They have also been involved in violent attacks on trans activists, and have called the police and reported anarchists to the police.
Helen Steel is not just a "feminist" who defended them, she is a prominent advocate of hate propaganda against trans people.
Their claim to be concerned about men declaring themselves women in order to attack women in public toilets is far right hate propaganda, spouted by the religious far right of the American Republican party, and has no basis in fact.
Anyway there has been a lot of discussion about this on the site already. So if anyone wants to discuss this further they can do so in the existing thread here
Hello Steve, I understand
Hello Steve,
I understand your point, I expected that you may not like what I wrote and this is why I added a link to it. Of course, if you do not consider it appropriate, I would not publish it at libcom. It is quite possible that my story is inaccurate, of course I do not know all the differences and trends in the UK movement.
But please consider that this was my personal impression of what I understood about the whole story. And that I have read a lot about it, including a significant part of the thread you posted above. Actually only when I got back to BG, some local people told me something bad happened in the bookfair, so I had to look for more information - I mean my view was not directly influenced from people in UK. If you think it makes sense, I could post this story or my opinion in the corresponding thread. But my point here is that to me, a person that did not receive the correct education, the response of the events looks like... what I wrote in the text. I believe it would look even worse for non-anarchist people from non-western countries. And I do not think our movement would benefit from it.
Anyway, consider my request retired. If I want to publish something else, I will ask again.
As for publishing in Bulgarian, I do not think it makes much sense... We have separate websites for this and I suppose most of the Bulgarian speaking people have easy access to them. Sometimes we translate to English some texts we consider important, but then I publish them using the FAB account. But this text was kind of a personal impression and, as I know the topic is controversial, I did not want to involve the organization with it.
Hi, I would like to post a
Hi, I would like to post a news article about a strike
Party Of The Sin wrote: Hi, I
Party Of The Sin
hi could you tell us a bit more, such as where is the strike etc?
Hey, I would like to upload
I would like to upload an article outlining a libertarian-communist system for you all,
rhodri powell wrote: Hey, I
rhodri powell
go for it
Greetings comrades! I'm a
Greetings comrades!
I'm a member of 2008-2012 journal and I also have a personal blog. We translate some of our articles in English, so I'm asking for posting rights in order to post them also here, so that more people around the world can find informations about things going on in Greece.
please publish this
please publish this announcement from Occupied Theater Embros- we log in for first time and tried tried to do it but we find no way to do it
do we need some special permission for publishing material by ourselves? how can we recieve a permission like that?
please send us info at [email protected]
Hi I would like to post
I would like to post theoretical and activist pieces as a blog - my influences are Socialisme ou Barbarie/Castoriadis, Victor Serge and post-Trotskyism, ecological Marxist politics, Critical Theory and Adorno, Machine-fragmentism,
Thanks, Patience
Void Network wrote: please
Void Network
hey, just post it in our announcements forum
Patience Kershaw wrote: Hi I
Patience Kershaw
thanks very much for getting in touch! Sounds interesting. Do you have anything written yet? If so please email it to us to have a look to [email protected]
blogs are for people who plan on writing regularly, is that the case? If not we could always set you up with permissions to post to the library at first, and if you end up writing more then we can switch it to a blog. Let us know what you think, either here or on the above email address!
hey there, i need some help
hey there, i need some help with my last post. The pic will only load upside down, and of course, i did some edits which need to be approved
Hi, I'm working on an article
I'm working on an article (in English) about the syndicalist miners' strike on Spitsbergen north of Norway in July 1917 and the subsequent military intervention by the Norwegian Navy and deportation of immigrant workers. Would love to post it in the history section when it's ready.
vuastelem wrote: Hi, I'm
sounds fantastic! You now have posting permissions, look forward to reading it
Hi! I'd like to put up
Hi! I'd like to put up something that used to be on the old Lions of Rojava site. Please give me permission if you would be so kind.
The_Dilettante wrote: Hi! I'd
Hey there! Sent this by
Hey there! Sent this by email, but...
So, I'm interested in writing for LibCom--my perspective is as an indigenous anarchist organizer who writes under my name O. Berkman. Through my job, I'm a member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and am deeply concerned about their recent unionization of RCMP telecom operators and intercept monitor analysts. The article would be intended to assess and review the threat posed by these new CUPE members to affiliated organizers, what impact police and related unions have had in Canada and the United States as examples, and why acts like these by CUPE and other Canadian unions represent a dangerous normalization of repressive state forces in the so-called House of Labour.
Hi Steven et al - would like
Hi Steven et al - would like to write a treatise on anarchist strategy, an attempt at a new synthesis dealing with some old questions of theory and practice, political organization vs. syndicalism, etc...
Hi, I would like posting
Hi, I would like posting writs to post a response to Gender Nihilism, a text which I wrote and my friend phoenix shared on this site several years ago.
We are gradually building a full picture of the various anarchist groups throughout the region, and hope to someday publish a full history.
Were you part of an anarchist group during the 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s etc etc in the North East of England ?
Would / could you possibly write down any memories you have and email them to us ?
Do you remember group activities, numbers, what literature was produced ?
Do you want to donate / copy any literature ?
Obviously all correspondence can be treat anonymously.
Every bit of information helps, no matter how large or small, for example the following quote we found elsewhere..
“”Back in the late 70’s early 80’s our group encompassed the whole region and went under the name of Tyne & Wear Anarchist Group (TWAG); we also had a Tyne & Wear DAM. TWAG had around 6 regular activists in Sunderland, a similar number in Gateshead, the same in Newcastle and a member out in Blyth. TWAG would also regularly link up with comrades in Middlesbrough and Darlington.””
contact : [email protected]
“Tomorrow history will be written by experts who were far removed from the events and personnel concerned and they will deliver their emphatic interpretations and verdicts. We here are talking about protagonists who will be excluded from all the histories as yet unwritten.”
Antonio Téllez Solá
I'd like to post occasional
I'd like to post occasional ACG articles for the library, news, etc but realised I don't have the right permissions. Can I have them please?
alyesque wrote: Hi, I would
Hi, you should be able to post now.
"The selected file
"The selected file headache2-1.compress.pdf could not be uploaded. The file is 12.66 MB which would exceed your disk quota of 500 MB."
Fozzie wrote: "The selected
congrats! You should have plenty of extra space now, and you can now approve your own changes etc
Wahey! Thanks.
Thanks. :-)
Serge Forward wrote: I'd like
Serge Forward
hey, that would be great, although you do already have permissions. Just click submit content, then news et cetera (although please keep posts about events/announcements to the announcements forum)
Yeah, I realised after I
Yeah, I realised after I posted that. Watch a dope eh.
Hi, I'd like to post a epub
I'd like to post a epub of a Cyril Smith book. Could you give me posting rights?
Could you please give me
Could you please give me posting permission for the library?
Could you please give me
Could you please give me posting permission for the library?
Could you please give me
Could you please give me posting permissions for the library?
Could you please give me
Could you please give me posting permissions for the library?
My inquiry is a few days old
My inquiry is a few days old now, and for some reason further replies seem to be caught by the spam-filter for no reason at all. Would somebody please give me the permissions for posting to the library? I would like to provide some additional texts to it.
I translated a critique of
I translated a critique of marginalist microeconomics, and I'd like to add it to the library. Would you give me the permission to posting it?
tu6k wrote: Hi, I'd like to
Done! Sorry it took a while.
Mike Harman wrote: tu6k
Mike Harman
While you're at it, could you approve me too?
What's the substance or
What's the substance or perspective of the critique?
If you want, you can email it to [email protected] for us to review
Steven. wrote: What's the
It's a critique tracing the logical errors that marginalism allows itself in its reasoning, and how its tautologies become increasingly crass in the development from the theories of Menger, Jevons and Walras up to later developments such as indifference curves.
Mike Harman wrote: tu6k
Mike Harman
Err you know Cyril Smith was a member of the Workers Revolutionary Party and part of the splinter that kept going even after Healy's exposure as a serial rapist and the parties links to middle eastern dictatorships right?
Reddebrek wrote: Mike Harman
Therefore, everything he has written must be disregarded. This kind of logic leads nowhere.
Didn't say that at all, but
Didn't say that at all, but if you can't handle being reminded of the activities of the author then I guess whatever he wrote couldn't be very good.
For real thought the man was a life long member of a vanguardist party that abused its own membership in every way possible to do so and actively informed on middle eastern and north African exile communities for money, and continued to do so even after the people grassed up started being arrested and disappeared. What exactly is valuable to the emancipation of the working class from such a point of view?
Quote: Didn't say that at
Yet you imply it with everything you write here.
If you want to judge the writings of an author, you do it by pointing out errors in their reasoning, and not by moralistic appeals against the person.
He was not.
So what?
You're inferring a "point of view" of him that makes it clear that you have not read any of his books - which makes the use of the word "valuable" particularly revealing. If you did however indeed read his books, then this statement is even more embarrassing: Even if we assumed the counterfactual of him staying faithful to his past, which he outspokenly did not, then this still tells us nothing about the value of his work for communism. This can only be judged by its content, which can be significant for communism even in cases where it does not directly deal with it:
Marx to Ruge, Kreuznach, September 1843
Besides, this kind of assumption about theories corresponding to certain "standpoints" already alludes to a belief in an incommensurability of subjectivity, and hence a doubt about human knowledge that cannot but be called reactionary. Whether a judgement is correct or not can be decided by thinking it through and assessing it from that, not by its supposed intentions or its point of view. A good idea doesn't care for who conceived of it.
tu6k wrote: Yet you imply it
With what I wrote here? Implying I didn't say it in what a wrote previously before you made your charge? So you gonna apologise for that then?
????? In a liberal arts class maybe but death of the author doesn't really work in the field of practical politics. Its called contextual analysis. Like for example we have an author advocating a revolution lead by a political party, in which case the behaviour of the party the author belonged to would be rather important.
Err yes he was, he remained in the rump of WRP and the Newsline group until it split to the point the remainder became known as Movement for Socialism. His membership of the WRP outlasted Healy.
Oh, so I'm right in that his position didn't change all that much since Healy got the boot then? If you honestly don't know why this is an issue then you're just proving my point for me that Smith's work doesn't belong here.
You've not even bothered saying what book you really want to add to the library. Is this a joke? You just had a go at me for moralising about assault, rape and murder, but now you're doing it here about reading habits. But you haven't even bothered saying what books your talking about. We can't be talking about the man in totality because that includes his time in the original WRP and you absolutely hate me bringing that up.
Marx to Ruge, Kreuznach, September 1843
You know Marx was a big believer in criticising people for their actions and not just the stuff they wrote in a vacuum right? The Eighteenth Brumaire wasn't a collection of Napoleon III speeches with critical annotations. Also in his many criticisms of classical economists he would take their concepts and then look at the economic reality to see if it matched up, and in his view it usually didn't.
Honestly you couldn't have picked a worse person to make an appeal to authority fallacy on this point. Civil War in France, Class Struggles in France, Revolution and Counter revolution in Germany etc.
This is not a rebuttal or an answer to my question, its just an attempt to moralise and look clever.
This thread is for people to
This thread is for people to request posting permissions only. Any further off topic comments will be deleted
I would like to post some
I would like to post some books and pamphlets in Library! (About Communist movement, in Farsi).
hi i'd like to ask a question
hi i'd like to ask a question about a crimethinc piece
also have reading material i could share
Hi, I would like to post an
Hi, I would like to post an article about rss plan against pandit and muslim community
please let me know when can i
please let me know when can i get permission ????
Hi, I would like to post a
Hi, I would like to post a news article about a strike against price hike
wolf wrote: hi i'd like to
you don't need any permissions to ask questions.
What sort of reading material is it you have?
polooz wrote: Hi, I would
can we have someone information? Like what is "rss", and what is your political perspective?
barimanid wrote: Hi, I would
Thanks for your comment. Could you give us a bit more information, like is there a link to a news story about this already somewhere, or what group of workers was involved?
I'm angry about the garbage
I'm angry about the garbage piece the LRB published about Grenfell Tower, I'm guessing a blog would be the appropriate place to comment on it? If so, can I have a blog?
Hi, I would like posting
Hi, I would like posting rights. So that I can post stories from the Manchester Solfed local. The first post will be about a recent action in Altrincham:
Please give me posting rights
Please give me posting rights so I can post a news story from Manchester Solfed about a housing dispute.
Hello, I would like posting
Hello, I would like posting rights so that I could post a French translation of this text from endnotes.
thikoril wrote: Hello, I
Hi. I'm requesting the right
Hi. I'm requesting the right to post. I already tried to post on the forum but was flagged as spam, but it's not! I swears it. :)
Can admin please check the post I tried to make and approve it? You'll see it's not spam.
I can't see the post you made
I can't see the post you made - could you paste the text here and we should be able to copy it into a new forum post?
Hello, I would like to have
Hello, I would like to have access to posting, as I want to share my MA thesis, this is my abstract:
Addressing the re-emergence of fascism from the perspective of cultural production requires an understanding of fascist phenomena and their cultural implications from their origins through to their seemingly incoherent and unpredictable contemporary developments. Attending to the dynamic relationship between “high and low culture” and how it may reinforce fascist tendencies within society is one of the key steps in shaping the struggle for progressive politics.
Red mermaid and LC, approved
Red mermaid and LC, approved
Hello I’d like to request
Hello I’d like to request posting rights please.
I’m a member of and would like to post contents for the anarchist communist group
Hello, I'd like to request
Hello, I'd like to request posting rights please. I would like to share an article I wrote about radical citizen science, and would maybe like to contribute more articles in the future
Thank you,
Hi, I'd like to request
Hi, I'd like to request posting rights so I can share an article I wrote about radical citizen science. I am also interested in posting more articles in the future.
Thank you,
Hey all. I wanted to post an
Hey all. I wanted to post an essay on libertarian socialist currents in the Indian independence movement and their differences with the Indian communists.
I'd like to request
I'd like to request permission to edit two texts that I already submitted to the library. As a result of successive edits, the title of the Catalan text is ungrammatical and needs to be fixed, and there are some minor changes I'd like to make for clarity's sake to the English translation as well. The changes I tried to make a couple of days ago are still pending moderation.
Mod: edits approved
Harmonium and NC, you're both
Harmonium and NC, you're both now approved. Look forward to your contributions
Hello, I’d like to request
Hello, I’d like to request posting rights. I’m part of a group of communizers and egoist communusts and I’d like to submin our manifesto. You can read it here:
Thank You,
sick of asking
sick of asking
I'm sure an admin will see
I'm sure an admin will see your post soon, though you could try to private message Steven. or Mike Harman to speed it up.
tyneside anarchist
tyneside anarchist
when did you ask? Taking a look at your account I can see that you already have posting permissions
Communisateur_, you've been approved
thankyou. for ages it wouldnt
thankyou. for ages it wouldnt let us even type in these boxes, - spam thing i think
Sorry about that, our
Sorry about that, our antispam system got discontinued, and we got swamped with spam. The new one has some teething problems. Anyone else you has problems, feel free to email us instead on at
Hi. I'd like to post a book
Hi. I'd like to post a book of mine called Worker Cooperatives and Revolution. And also a couple of articles on Marxist theory. Thanks!
Hello I was wondering If
Hello I was wondering If would like to post an blog about 3 Challenges Faced by Political Parties in the 21st Century.
Thank you!
albertor wrote: Hello I was
I've deleted the repeated posts and the identical posts under another username. If something gets flagged as spam then reposting it just makes the libcom detector more convinced that it is spam.
I'm not sure if that is really the kind of blog post that libcom would be looking for, on account of it bneing an anarchist website, an Admin will give you a definitive answer.
To speed things up you can send the article to the admins at at
hi, I would like to make a
I would like to make a post about the current Hungarian culture war waged by the governing right wing government that's aimed at the erasure of leftism from public memory while it tries to dismantle the remainder of (so deemed) left-leaning institutions and the formulating responses to that.
(They're now aiming at removing Imre Nagy's statue from in front of the parliement and replacing it with an anti-bolshevik memorial that doubles as a greater Hungary memorial. Last year they closed the Lukács-archives and removed Lukács's statue as well.)
senki_alfonz, approved
Albert, no thanks
Yo, can you guys please
Yo, can you guys please delete my account. I don't like this website It's difficult to post stuff here (which is frustrating) and hardly anyone is posting anyway, it's like a ghost town. Thankyou.
Can I submit content?
Can I submit content?
I will like to make a post
I will like to make a post regarding Kojeve's reading of Hegel
Daniel Tutt wrote: I will
Daniel Tutt
You should be able to make a post in the forums.Use the submit content button.
Requesting posting rights on
Requesting posting rights on behalf of anarchist communist group
I saw that you were one of
I saw that you were one of the only media outlets willing to take on the Caleb Jennings story about his Chicago abuse of fight for 15 activists in 2017. I have a similar tale of corruption and abuse from within the Chicago Left towards activists.
My story is quite different and begins with arrests at a Aug. 15, 2017 anti-White Supremacist protest called by two prominent antifa groups in Chicago 3 days after Heather Heyer was murdered by a neo-Nazi in Charlottesville. Two of us were charged with felonies, 250K bond and placed on house arrest. I was arrested while trying to unarrest a popular anarchist activist with 10 to 20 other individuals. That anarchist activist was freed from house arrest within 6 days, with the help of a secret 10K fundraising campaign, and the dominant left legal aid institutions - Chicago Community Bond Fund, and National Lawyers Guild. I was left on house arrest for 3 and half months to fend for myself. My family and I were lead to believe that the same aid would be provided to me, and discovered in the courtroom that we had been lied to by NLG staff. No effort was made to raise my bond. We were mislead and then a cover up ensued that defamed and further isolated me from potential supporters.
This story goes on and on. I have documented it in detail with a timeline, email trails, some video, and all the characters involved. The ironies pile up on top of ironies to the point of a tragic comedy. My girlfriend at the time was intimately involved in the communications and experiences we had in court. She is willing to cooperate in any interviews or statements if you see fit. Thanks for your consideration. I look forward to discussing this with you. My goal in sharing my story is to help other activists with the real information they need to make important decisions about how to participate in militant street actions and their consequences should they find themselves in similar situations.
Hi there, I would like to
Hi there,
I would like to post an archive of the journal of the Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq, called the Voice of Iraqi Workers. This archive starts from November 2003 to January 2005. It provides interviews with organizers on the ground, specific actions/locations of class struggle all over the country at the time, as well as repression faced from the national ruling class, the US authorities, and islamist militias.
That sounds like a
That sounds like a fascinating read, Chandra. Though I presume it's (unfortunately for me) all in Arabic (not that is an issue for Libcom).
Nope, all in english.
Nope, all in english.
i would like to post an
i would like to post an article regarding 2020 election
Hi, I would like to post an
Hi, I would like to post an account of being sectioned, the use of psychedelics, and anarchist perspectives on mental health.
LibSocRants wrote: Hi, I
That would be of particular interest to me. Look forward to reading it.
In the meantime, this may be of interest to you...
That looks interesting. By
That looks interesting. By the looks of things my article is way too long. It's a personal account.
LibSocRants wrote: That looks
I’m sure you could post it as a blog entry. Just send a sample to the admins and they can then approve it. If you don’t want to do that I’d still love to see it as I’ve been suffering from some fairly serious MH problems for a while and am interested in other people’s experiences and perspectives, especially those of other anarchists.
If you don’t mind sharing it with me I’ll PM you my email?
Hello there, Is it possible
Hello there,
Is it possible to request the right to make a blog here aswell? I'd like to post translations of material written by the SolNet (o Invisiveis) we created here in Goiânia, Brazil to try and make some international contact with similar thinking folks.
I've written another article
I've written another article on freedom of consciousness. It may be a bit controversial but I think the material is good for the most part. I'm revising it just now.
How do I respond to a private
How do I respond to a private message? (I may be in my 30’s in human years, but “M.A.S.H.-is-for-young’uns“ in computer skills)
write your reply in message
write your reply in message text-box and then press the "send message" button
Thank you, but there’s no
Thank you, but there’s no message box, apart from the senders message nor is there a reply option. I’m wondering if it’s because I’m new and not “authorized” to do so yet?
Hi - long time lurker, first
Hi - long time lurker, first time poster here requesting permission to post a topic. I've written a long article (title: "Microfinance and the re-exploitation of women: Some thoughts on Kiva's interest rates") I'd like to share a link to on the forums and hopefully get some feedback or discussion from the users here.
(Is Theory or Announcements a better place for that sort of thing?)
Hi - long time lurker, first
Hi - long time lurker, first time poster here requesting permission to post a topic. I've written a long article (title: "Microfinance and the re-exploitation of women: Some thoughts on Kiva's interest rates") I'd like to share a link to on the forums and hopefully get some feedback or discussion from the users here.
(Is Theory or Announcements a better place for that sort of thing?)
Hi, I would like to post
Hi, I would like to post translations to portuguese on library.
Hi - I've written an article
Hi - I've written an article (titled "Microfinance and the re-exploitation of women: Some thoughts on Kiva's interest rates") I'd like to share a link to on the forums in hopes of getting some feedback/discussion. Could I get topic posting rights? Thanks!
I would like to post a news
I would like to post a news story about the "gilet jaune" demonstrations. I'm in Paris right now and there are supposed to be big demonstrations tommorrow.
Hello, I would like to add a
Hello, I would like to add a translation to the dutch page.
Hello, This is Gulf Coast
This is Gulf Coast Communist Fraction, a recently formed left-communist group based in Southwest Florida (Naples-Fort Myers area). We wondering if libcom may allow us to publish our content on a blog or such?
May Gulf Coast Communist
May Gulf Coast Communist Fraction, leftcom group in Southwest Florida, open up a blog?
I don't know if this is the
I don't know if this is the place to ask this, but I'd like to change my username to "Lydia Hirsch."
Howdo i'd like to make an
Howdo i'd like to make an announcement about the new issue of our journal but right now i can't post in announcements. (I could make comments tho?) Can i be (re)approved.
Merci & best wishes for 2019
I'd like to request posting
I'd like to request posting rights :)
Hello, I would like to post a
Hello, I would like to post a question in the History forum regarding the "Free Territory". Essentially, I've been researching the Makhnovist movement for a while, and I have not seen any primary or secondary source from before 1 May 2006 referring to the area under Makhnovist protection as "Free Territory". The reason why 1 May 2006 is significant is because that's when the Wikipedia page "Free Territory" was created.
Basically my question is, is there any previous source that refers to the area under protection of Makhno's army as "Free Territory"? What about in other languages? Or have we all been calling it by the wrong name?
Hi, I would like to post
Hi, I would like to post comments. But I am not able to.
GCCF wrote: May Gulf Coast
Hello, I submitted this piece
Hello, I submitted this piece I wrote last night but it in library and i think it should be a blog entry but I don't have blog posting rights
I actually have used this account before to submit original writing but that was also to library and was featured on the front page so I'm somewhat confused by this
Hi I'd like to upload a work
Hi I'd like to upload a work to the library. It is an article not of my own, but of particular interest to the Philippine labor movement.
Hi! How can I make a blog
How can I make a blog here? Is it possible? Please explain. Some people here ask why I do not keep a blog and they want me to do it and that is why I had the idea to create it.
I write on topics related to the history and theory of libertarian-socialist movements. Many of my texts have elicited various responses and debates with the participation of many people. This is also the reason for my desire to create a blog.
These are the articles I would like to publish on my blog. Should I send it somewhere or just put it here?
1. "It somewhat gives me vision of what ongoing anarchist-communist society would look like"
2 How can we distinguish the revolution of Councils from authoritarian imitation?
3. Basis of a social revolution
4. Anarchist Movement in Białystok 1903-1907
5. Odessa, the homeland of anarcho-syndicalism 1905-1907
6. The Socialist Revolutionaries Maximalists (SRs Maximalists)
The Socialist Revolutionaries Maximalists (SRs Maximalists) is the radical wing of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, based on a synthesis of the ideas of the Russian narodniks and European revolutionary syndicalism.
7. The Practice of Anti-authoritarian Socialism. Kronstadt Republic (1918).
8. Libertarian socialist society
(Mendel Dainov’s Ideas)
9. The Paradoxes of working class of Russia and USSR
Let me in Coach I have
Let me in Coach
I have co-authored several articles
I would like to make available as images,
The format they're saved in presently.
Thx and keep up the good adjectives.
I would like to submit
I would like to submit several articles
of which I am coauthor, saved as images.
Fight the good adjective.
Hi. Im the author of this
Hi. Im the author of this piece which your twittter account retweeted a link to the other day. Id love to post it on Libcom. Its an analysis and strategy proposal for UK leftists thinking about base-building strategies in the current political context.
Hey peeps. I have written an
Hey peeps. I have written an article about the 15th Garden in Syria, a Food Sovereignty network, that have been supporting community gardeners and farmers in Syria to grow “free food for a free people”, while also building solidarity amongst farmers from Syria and peasants’ resistance worldwide.
I want to post it in the blog. Any chance?
Hi there, I'd like to post
Hi there,
I'd like to post content related to slave rebels and black Seminoles in Florida.
Some of my earlier content on libcom here:
But I don't currently have posting permission.
I would like to post an
I would like to post an article I wrote. It's an analysis of why the anarchist movement in the First World is predominantly white, and what we might to reach out to a broader group of working class people.