Turkey have slaughtered 165 Kurdish civilians including 32 children since the start of the UN Syrian ceasefire.

Submitted by TheLateHarambe on March 12, 2018

Turkey have slaughtered 165 Kurdish civilians including 32 children since the start of the UN Syrian ceasefire.

Turkey have killed 165 civilians as part of their invasion of the autonomous Northern Syrian region of Rojava in spite of a UN Security Council Resolution ordering a total cease of hostilities in Syria.

According to the Media Center of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) General Command, since the ceasefire began on the 20th of January 2018, 165 civilians, including 28 women and 32 children have been killed by Turkish forces – representing about 3 civilian murders every single day.

Amity Underground | Rojava

Authored on
March 12, 2018