The SPLC recently published an article by Alexander Reid Ross on red-brown alliances, but it was taken down after threats from rich kid Assad sympathiser Max Blumenthal's lawyers - the legal letter can be read here:
And the article itself here:
Would anyone have any objections to me reposting the whole thing here? I'm of the school of thought where if someone tries to use legal threats to censor political criticisms, you spread the offending article as widely as possible, but I'm aware that this isn't my site so it wouldn't be me facing any legal threats (I mean, Blumenthal's welcome to try suing R Totale off the Internet's if he wants, but I suspect it might be difficult), so thought I should check here first.
Yes, please don't post this.
Yes, please don't post this. We don't want to risk legal threats and we've already got an article which more than adequately covers the same topic. As things stand if anybody does post the article we will unpublish it as soon as we notice. Sometimes it's worth taking the risks and even going to court to fight off the legal threats, this isn't a time where we're prepared to take those risks.