Call from Organizing Committee of CNT-AIT Re-structuring Congress

Submitted by syndicalist on October 22, 2016

In light of all the turmoil, I see that the CNT-AIT is restructuring a CNT that is adhered to the AIT/IWA

Scroll down for english translation


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on October 22, 2016

My auto-correct made a change in my intro comment. Should read:

In light of all the turmoil, I see that the CNT-AIT is restricting a CNT that is adhered to the AIT/IWA ...


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on October 22, 2016

For those who aren't aware, this is the group in Spain calling for a restructuring process and a rupture with the "yellow CNT".


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on October 23, 2016

Well, one could look at it the opposite way as well. But you're invested, I know.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by OliverTwister on October 23, 2016

I think it's a pretty objective description, no?

The following types of groups, organizations or individuals will be accredited:

– Delegates from the syndicates who have manifested their intention of participating and who have publicly detached themselves from the agreements of the “yellow CNT”.

– It will be possible to accredite members of the Secretariat of the AIT and the secretaries of the sections standing against the parallel refoundation of the AIT.

– Accreditations may be issued to individuals or groups with the approval of the types of attendant above mentioned. Critical syndicates still adhered to the “yellow CNT” are included, as well as Commitees or anarchist coordinating organizations, duly supported.

– The Congress will be able to issue and accredite those who are not accredited.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on October 23, 2016

That's how they feel. About as reflective of their views as the splitters


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by akai on October 23, 2016

Personally, l wouldn't use the word "yellow" as it means something different for me. However when speaking to people in the CNT, l see they had a tradition of using the term another way. This semantic question aside, the purges in the CNT continue and expulsion threats have faced large unions as well as the smaller ones (although the larger ones seem not to get kicked out). The current CNT majority, which is quite slight, retains this position due to a policy of eliminating dozens of unions and that the project to usurp the lWA federation is also possible only with the elimination of the majority of the member sections.

None of this is any good, but these are the methods being used and widely justified by proponents of syndical integration.

When we think about the question of the ends justifying the means, we cannot even start to consider this if we lack an analysis of what "the ends" are. Unfortunately, proported "ends" are sometimes promoted to justify the means but do not really hold up under scrutiny. That's what we have here. l've already written enough about it elsewhere. Some people are perhaps dreaming of what they would like to see (ie. Mr. Twister) but what we will most likely have in the end is a long-term conflict inside CNT (the ones who want to refederate with other organizations outside the lWA - which has been full of conflict for the last 5-6 years), a conflict between those outside that CNT who maintain the CNT-AlT name, a conflict between the ones in CNT that maintain contacts with those people and those who demand they don't (something that already led to expulsions from CNT), a possible conflict between lWA Sections and the new federation if they pursue the legalization of the lWA as planned and other possible conflicts, ie if the new federation attracts some people from an organization but not all (possible further splits/tensions).

None of this is really about building solidarity or increasing the abilities of unions to do concrete activity. lf it were only about these things, there would have been no splits in the first place.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Lugius on October 23, 2016

Can comrade twister confirm the IWW will be sending an observer to the Benissa conference?


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Mark. on October 23, 2016

Can we expect the IWA to recognise this as the real CNT?


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Lugius on October 23, 2016

Mark writes:

Can we expect the IWA to recognise this as the real CNT?

I would expect the IWA to recognise the CNTremain as the Spanish section of the IWA as opposed to the CNTexit. What else would the IWA do?

Whether the CNTremain is the 'real' CNT as opposed to the CNTexit depends on what you would define as real. In any event, they are two separate questions.

It seems pretty clear to me that there are two organisations in Spain claiming to be CNT, which is a shame but is symptomatic of deeper problems in the CNT itself, I would suggest. But only they can sort that out.

The upside is that we can pretty much safely presume the IWA will maintain a Spanish section in the foreseeable future.

As for Germany and Italy, I would expect there will be sections of the IWA in those countries in due course notwithstanding the exiters presumption to 're-found' the IWA.

Though it seems more likely the exiters will move closer the Red Black International position based on the current noise to signal ratio.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by MT on October 23, 2016

The upside is that we can pretty much safely presume the IWA will maintain a Spanish section in the foreseeable future.

I think statement would be "safe" to say if you changed "maintain" to "have". Although, in this situation even "pretty much" is rather a statement of faith than anything else. I think such statements shouldn't be thrown around because we don't know what happens and only time will tell.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Salvoechea on October 23, 2016

IWW would be nuts if they go to Benissa and not to Bilbao. Nothing rational can sort out of there. It's perfect for IWA


7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by akai on October 23, 2016

l agree with MT. We have to have our Congress and see what the Sections say. That said, since we have plenty of comrades in Spain, both caught in the "exit" faction and the expelled, and since there has always been a high degree of solidarity between them and the lWA Sections, l personally see no reason to change that just because there turned out to be people in CNT with other ambitions and values. So l personally would hope that some solution will be found so that those who want to be federated with the rest of us can be so.

As for Lugius's question, l actually don't think that international organizations outside the lWA are invited to Benissa. And the reason for that is quite simple: they are trying to put together something in a very difficult situation, especially considering that support also comes from unions inside the CNT. So there needs to be very serious discussion and deliberation, not observers who know nothing about the situation putting in their two cents. Some discussions really need to be done in a more concrete group of people directly involved.

Contrary to what this Salvochea says, the lWW would not be nuts to go there too, if they were invited, since it would at least provide them with direct information about what is going on and that information would be very different from what gets published here by the split faction. As it is now, one of the main problems in all the arguments has been the fact that people do not have enough information and, where they get information, it sometimes is heavily filtered or even censored.

Personally, l think that the label "nuts" is not appropriate here because the desire to go to Bilbao is more related to opportunism on the part of some and misguided hopes for more solidarity on the part of others. Can't blame those who have misguided hopes too much, although it can be problematic if appropriate discussion does not proceed such decisions.

However, l do think "nuts" may be OK to describe those who think that this whole affair is neutral and won't lead to further conflicts, including inside the CNT itself. Or stupid - perhaps stupid is a better categorization.

ln any case, as the issue is of concern to the lWA, as obviously the issue will be a big issue to discuss at the Congress, l think that people in the lWA first and foremost should get to know what is at this Congress and decide themselves if the positions there are rational or not. Keeping in mind of course that ideas of what is "rational" obviously seem to be very divergent.


7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Lugius on October 23, 2016

As for Lugius's question, l actually don't think that international organizations outside the lWA are invited to Benissa. And the reason for that is quite simple: they are trying to put together something in a very difficult situation, especially considering that support also comes from unions inside the CNT. So there needs to be very serious discussion and deliberation, not observers who know nothing about the situation putting in their two cents. Some discussions really need to be done in a more concrete group of people directly involved.

Yes, point taken. My original question was meant to draw attention to the attitude of the IWW.

It makes sense to me that the IWW would favour the exiters over the remainers on account of what they both have in common. Conversely, the exiters seem desperate for recognition in lieu of any credibility beyond 'We're the biggest and the best.'

Presumably, if the exiters can gain recognition from the IWW, it could support any legal claim made by the exiters of the use of the IWA in a court of law.

The arbitrary and unilateral action by the exiters to announce the 're-foundation' of the IWA is an action that is against every principle and practice of anarcho-syndicalism. This criticism is deflected by the charge made against the IWA that it is 'too ideological' unlike the IWW which is far more fluid eschewing even 'anarcho-syndicalism' as a descriptor.

The other commonality is a rejection of federation in favour of the general membership organisation which posits the rights of the individual of the collective. Whereas the IWW has never pretended to be a federation, the exiters have quite suddenly decided that they should have more power because they have more members despite agreeing to the principles of a federation of sections upon accession to the IWA.


7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by akai on October 24, 2016

l think what we have here is rather like the situation with weapons of mass destruction in lraq. There were none, but some people wanted to believe it, or needed to have this threat so they'd give credibility to anybody who went along with that.

As far as giving credibility to this or not, l think you are not going to get far trying to explain federal agreements to people who have never acted in such a federation. Seems to me that with some incorrect notions, people are making up their minds to call the splitters the lWA... which is actually pretty much a repeat of what happened when the 1st renovados broke the 1979 Congress agreements in Spain and split off and there are comrades on this forum who could say more to that, if they are reading. l suspect if they go that way it will end pretty much the same.


7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Mark. on October 27, 2016

A post on alasbarricadas that gives some more information. This refers to the Coordinadora Obrera Anarquista which includes the CNT Levante along with some other unions that have either left or are still in the CNT and some smaller groups. The link within the post goes into more detail - the OP is in Catalan but most of the comments are in Spanish.

En este hilo hacen un recuento de la influencia de la postura escisionista, y nombran la Coordinadora Obrera Anarquista, que es algo así como el "forismo" (de la FORA V Congreso) o el MOA (movimiento obrero anarquista, del Diego Abad de Santillán, postura que hubo dentro de la FAI en los años 20 y que fue derrotada)

COA Almería
GDA Asturies
COA Barcelona
CNT Cádiz
COA Canarias
COA Cantabria
COA Cartagena
Unión Anarcosindicalista A Coruña
COA Guadix
Regional de Levante CNT-AIT
COA Lorca
Sindicato General de los Trabajadores de Lugo - CNT
Debate Anarquista (Madrid)
COA Murcia
COA Murcia - 2
Sindicato Resistencia Puenteareas
CNT Tarragona
CNT Vigo

Se puede ver que son los sindicatos de Galicia y Murcia principalmente, y luego grupitos pequeños (porque las COA no son sindicatos sino grupos que operan dentro de los sindicatos). De los "federados" únicamente Tarragona se van con los "desfederados" de Levante. El resto o no se pronuncian o no están de acuerdo con una escisión, que es lo que propone el congreso de Marina Alta. Hay nula incidencia en grandes territorios. Justo los del centro, que son los que vertebrarían esa posible nueva confederación.

Analizando su práctica e ideología, a mi parecer no están creando un sindicato (CNT) sino más bien un "partido anarcosindicalista" cuya función es operar en la política interna de CNT. Una vez que lo tengan hecha la confederación tengo serias dudas de que pasen de grupos de propaganda, dedicándose a lo que hace cualquier colectivo anarquista habitualmente sin tanta parafernalia y burocracia.



7 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by akai on October 27, 2016

l wouldn't call that information by a long shot, especially as that Coordinadora is not the same thing as the other initiative. There is overlap though. And of course this more of the biased stuff you choose to share here all the time.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 25, 2016

For me it has not been the best secretariat precisely, as a political commissar is worth a lot, has ensured that 90% of the membership of the AIT is not sure of wanting to remain of the AIT.

He speaks of suspending the FAU, when in the statutes of the AIT there is no figure of suspension, it is his invention.

He has used the quota money and the AIT charge to establish contacts with groups that are of his idea of ​​what the AIT should be, marginalizing the rest, there were large unions in Nigeria and Asia that were not allowed into The AIT.

It is dedicated to making games of thrones with sections of the AIT, judging and monitoring the FAU (I do not know if the nationalist and historical hatred in Poland against the Germans has something to do) with the CNT is dedicated to doubting Of the mandates sent by his secretary and to have contacts with people of dubious morality in Spain. (If they were expelled by majority decision of the CNT a few years ago was for something, not precisely nonsense) and lies manipulates and deceives using his figure as secretary of the AIT.

Interprets the agreements of others in a malicious way. for example:
CNT agreements for the AIT

It wants to leave the unions without votes: It is not true, it seems to us from an authoritarian organization that the minority sends about the majority, we want the same weight or at least an approximate weight in the decision for the members of CNT and for the rest Of sections. That is to say if my union has a thousand affiliates and yours five hundred and the one of there is 200, that there is an approximation in the decisive power. In this example and with the proportional system of votes, a proposal would bring forward three unions of 200 against one of 800. It seeks something proportional neither for the big ones to dictate nor for the small ones to dictate.

It wants to expel from the AIT unions of less than 100 people: Lie, in CNT there is the figure of confederal nucleus, are groups of up to 15 people have no vote but if voice. The goal is not to waste time on absurd discussions and use all your time and means to become a union as soon as possible. We want the same for AIT.For groups of less than 100 people. To the great majority of the unions of CNT have been confederal nucleus some time.

We want to introduce a kind of "erasmus", that people from other unions travel to different countries to learn and take advantage of the positive things of each union and apply them in their country. And bring positive things from your country to the unions they go to.

The CNT wants to have the power of the AIT, having more votes: lie, we propose the proportional system of votes that we use because it is fairer than the current system, with the F.O.R.A and two other unions already win us a vote. It is more if we wanted to control the AIT we opened up the secretary of the AIT and act as the current one, which we did not conceive from a libertarian perspective. It is more the proportional vote gives more votes proportionally to the unions smaller to not be crushed by the bigger, is the system that uses the CNT.

In short, the expulsion (there is no figure of spension in the statutes of the AIT) of the FAU has precipitated that we feel marginalized and reviled within the AIT added to the attitude of the current secretary makes us not sure of wanting to continue forming Part of the AIT as it works.

If these authoritarian attitudes persist morally as anarcho-syndicalists we can not be in an organization of that style and we will have to consider how to practice internationalism, something that we carry within our philosophy.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 25, 2016

Another argument for the AIT sections to begin with a voice but no vote is that a small section doing organizational work within the AIT subtracts local or field work, and decisions in a small group go directly to the AIT without assessing the possibilities To carry it out (what is happening now with the working groups in the AIT, there are no people) and that is not a stupid one. At the CNT we also propose nonsense but this first happens through the filter of the regional meetings that can tell us hears that that is a stupid or in the state meetings, we go through three meetings before approving an agreement and in them the philosophy of the meetings Is, who proposes to do. So we do not leave agreements in the air that can not be done.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 25, 2016

ups, no era ni el sitio ni el foro, pero ahi queda


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on November 25, 2016

Again, flipping out and imagining things. A union in Nigeria not allowed in lWA? No such thing. Nationalist hatred against Germans? Fucking shit, you are stretching. Keep going, l am collecting this shit.

Good luck with your new comrades! The ones who are cooperating with fascists are not welcome with us.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 25, 2016


marginalizing the rest, there were large unions in Nigeria and Asia that were not allowed into The AIT.

Comrade. Having been intimately involved with the Awareness League (AL) and activities in Asia, specifically the Bangladeshi National Garment Workers Federation (NGWF), from initial IWA contact (which actually came through our organization, the Workers Solidarity Alliance, WSA), I can say you have not idea what you are talking about The failure of the NGWF to adhere to the IWA/AIT was not due to anything the 1990s IWA Secretariats did or did not do. The NGWF, on its own, decided it did not want to affiliate (based on their own needs and politics).

The Nigerian AL was not even a union, but an association of up towards a 1000 adherents engaged in may activities. And who knows what their future at anarchosyndicalist union building might have been as they started to fall apart before that time.* My knowledge of this is up close and personal as I was in contact with the AL throughout. When the AL disbanded the IWA Secretariat was, I believe, in Spain.

It is clear to me that whatever your issues are with the current IWA, you seem to be blaming things on the current Secretariat they had nothing to do with. In fact, to blame any of the IWA Secretariats for the lack of success in Nigeria or Bangladesh is just false. Which in turn makes me wonder how accurate the other things you are saying might be.

* "The Awareness League first of all, derived its lifeblood from the resistance against military rule in Nigeria. The continuation of military rule acted as a spore. It was one of the inclusions that continued to give oxygen to our existence then as Awareness League. It is on record that between the late 1980s and the late 1990s, Nigeria witnessed the toughest anti-military struggle. Awareness League joined forces with other anti-military groups in resisting military rule in Nigeria. It was in the process of coming into touch with a lot of anarcho-syndicalist groups around the world, in Europe and America , that I and my friend decided to intellectualise the the subject of anarchism by producing a book, which you very well know.

The struggle against military rule ended with the coming of civilian rule in 1999. I would say that the antagonism of not only the Awareness League but all the civil society, community-based groups, and leftist organizations in the country, virtually evaporated. Because the military was a uniting factor, I would say, in the sense that every person – whether you were anarchist, Marxist, leftist, socialist – saw in the military a common enemy to be resisted, to be opposed, to be overthrown if possible. With the coming of civilian government, we did not have that kind of common enemy any longer. Because some of the groups, some individuals from these groups, now started gravitating towards bourgeois politics. But let me say that for the most part, the problem was not individuals gravitating towards bourgeois politics, it was really that the civil society groups, the leftist groups and organizations, were not prepared for the consequences of [civilian] rule. We did not analyze in a serious sense what would be the consequences of the end of military rule and the coming of civilian rule, in the place of the military. We took it for granted that it would be business as usual. But as it happened, the end of military rule singularly signaled the end of most of these community-based, civil-society-based groups. Most of these groups, including the Awareness League, fragmented."

Some WSA and the AL:



7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on November 25, 2016

BTW, well before l had anything to do with the lWA, l actually supported the Awareness League (and syndicalist can vouch for) and l had some nice times personally with the last Samuel Mbah. And actually do contact with organizations in Asia, so, another really ridiculous set of accusations.

As for working groups etc., actually we had 2 proposed by CNT in the last few years with no members of CNT volunteering for the groups they proposed, so actually the participation of people from smaller sections in the lWA work has been the key to its functioning, even if far from the level that we'd like to have. Hopefully this will improve.

This is why the X Congress of my organization determined that it was neutral for us whether we are federated with you or not - because all the cooperation and work between workers here and there, or inside the lWA tended to come from the other sectors of CNT, not you.

Be happy with your new comrades and stop bothering us who want to work together.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 27, 2016

I've not read this yet, but can figure that it's a critical perspective in this weekends "refoundation" Confetence


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 27, 2016

At the last congress in zaragoza CNT, it was decided to establish contacts with international trade unions that are dissatisfied with how the AIT works and if the conditions formalize an international organization.

With great pity have been the attitudes of the AIT secretary since the Valencia congress, and the expulsion of the FAU (there is no figure of the suspension in the statutes of the AIT) using agreements that had already expired and not They had proposed meaning in their day (when they had sense) by the CNT, filled the organization of indignation and the result is what happens at the moment.

The meeting that has taken place is a contact to pass the concerns of the various international unions to the CNT and decide the unions that we are going to follow from now.

We will have to go to the AIT congress to explain everything and see the opinions and views of the trade unions that are in the AIT, so that all the unions of CNT have all the necessary data to make good decisions.

I invite all trade unions of the AIT to reflect on the direction that the AIT is taking and how to act internationalemnet to be able to return to being the germ of a mass revolutionary movement, not of leaders or groups that do not want implantation, only to have Its bar where no one else can enter.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 27, 2016

Why go when you chose to abandon the IWA in favor of a declared split?
Your internal tactics should reflect your principles. Seemingly you want to pick and chose
that's an embarrassment. And I think those who have been at the heart if alls these machinations
have done anarchosyndicalism a real dis-service.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 27, 2016

Because it is the duty of the CNT to explain why their positions and not leave room for malicious interpretations, is common sense.

For the moment contacts are established if the AIT does not move tab to converge breaking with authoritarianism, the unions choose a calendar and the ways to be able to continue practicing internationalimo outside the AIT.

The majority opinion of CNT if the AIT does not take steps for the understanding is to break with the way the AIT has worked, to break with the acronyms and to establish an international agreement that has nothing to do with the AIT.

We want anarcho-syndicalism to regain its power to become a revolutionary option in the medium term.

This is not achieved with eternal debates that do not lead to any side, neither intrigues nor gossip worthy of the pink press, but analyzing and working hard outside our premises and our comfort zone.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 27, 2016

You called for a split ahead of a Congress. You organized a split meeting with non-IWA organizations. Basically saying you don't care for historical norms and proceeders.

When we fought for a rebirth for the IWA in the 1970s, we fought for an organization based on principle, on internal procedure that would be respected and collective collaboration.

I am not in the IWA at this time and have my own history here. But using methods outside of the
past agreed upon procedures in trying to resolve issues does not serve the IWA well or your alleged reform cause any good.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 27, 2016

He understands that affiliates to the CNT who see how the FAU is expelled, insults the U.S.I is doubtful, criticized, insults and lies about the CNT.

What do you want us to do? That we are in a place where we are not loved? That we have to go and that we do not practice internationalist principles?

As an organization, we know how to fight against authoritarian movements, but we are not prepared to foster such an authoritarian organization, where the rest of the AIT unions do not stand apart from exceptions.

We will have to explain to the other unions of the AIT face to face because we make these decisions and ask them to take positions and tell us what they think.

So we will have the different points of view to see what we do finally.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 27, 2016

My friend and comrade... the CNT-AIT is no historical innocent when it comes to internal IWA matters. It has had its fair share of internal (and often negative) IWA interventions.

That said, you have these discussions behind close doors and within the confines of the IWA.
If that does not succeed, you choose other paths, not the opposite way round.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 27, 2016

Sure before the 90 there was much garbage also inside the CNT, which was light and guide of the AIT at that time.

The CNT was guided by schemes similar to those moved by some groups of the AIT today. But it has never acted in an authoritarian way like the one that now acts the secretary of the AIT.

From the 90's we have been opening doors and windows to bring fresh air and light. That is not happening within the AIT, but it is never too late for us to correct the road together.

I do not think all the sections of the IWA think that we have the doors closed in the AIT, on the contrary wanting that we continue working together.

Two links that give brushstrokes of the evolution of the CNT and the AIT.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on November 27, 2016

The first time we learned of any Section of the lWA trying to make alternative networks outside it, we tried to have a discussion in the lWA, during the appropriate instance, which was the Plenary (2012). At that time, the following occured: FAU boycotted the event, CNT did not send a delegate, USl was there, but said nothing on the topic.

That has been what the discussion has looked like with those organizations and of course if people are not talking with you, but making all sorts of maneouvres behind everybody's backs, nothing good will happen.

We will see how the "discussion" goes or not in Warsaw, but since the Sections already rejected the bases of the proposals more than once, l am guessing not much will change with that. The failure of the CNT inside the lWA has been a failure of putting forward more positive proposals that would get support.

lt's too bad that the CNT lnternational Secretary instructed the members of CNTE not to vote, claiming that the Congress decided NOT to go to Warsaw. Because there are other proposals about the future of the lWA which deserved to be treated, but weren't. This attitude is part of the problem, but no need to get into it now.

Quite interested though that you say that the CNT will not claim the lWA if the lWA doesn't agree with its path. l will mention that you said this and ask if it is true.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 27, 2016

Not that I will claim to be any expert, but i've been around the IWA since the 1970s and have a small sense of some things. And I would say that throughout all these years, the CNT has played both positive and negative roles inside the IWA. It often dominated what "line" others should take. It has always been CNT-centric. So I am not of the point of view that things just happened by magic in regard to the CNT.

I will look at the links later, thanks.

If people are really interested in "correct[ing] the road together" you can start by stop poking (hincar?) each other in the eyes.

Look, we can all be bitter about real or perceived actions by individuals or sections. If this was the case, I would hate the IWA, I don't. And we owe it to all our grandmas and grandpas who came together to form, imperfectly, the IWA in 1922.

Do we solve problems and learn lessons from bad experiences? Are our replies and answers that of retaliation or ways to resolve issues at hand in a manner in which all concede on some points, make changes on others and allow each other to "save face"?

Look comrade, I am the last to tell anyone what to do. So I can only say that things to help build the IWA can be to help both larger and smaller organizations find common grounds, as equals. When we fight on the job, we fight for everyone to be treated the same, right? I mean this is a basic union point of view. In our union and struggle activities, we try and help those smaller and often times less tested locals and members learn how to grow, develop and so forth. Not by belittling their lack of real or perceived strength, but through patient and slow efforts in developing, educating, struggling beside and in solidarity with them, right?

It is much easier to say, I am bigger, I am badder, never make mistakes. I am all knowledgable, ridicule those who you may not like, It's a lot harder to be humble and measure up a situation that may not be 100% And take the measurement in a way that is ultimately helpful to all.

Those who play with matches, with fire can either get burnt. Or be intellect enough to figure out a way not to cause a forest fire and extinguish the small flicker of flames before they become a forest fire.

Comrades may not have to love each other or even like each other. But those who are serious about keeping the IWA in tact and moving forward might want to try and navigate the stormy waters
in ways that provide for each participating organization to feel they have neither won nor loss at the expense of another. That the stormy ocean will eventually lead to calmer water. And, in time, that those waters will lead to the safe harbor of a functional and respectful unity.

I apologize for writing only in english and if i used any terms unfamiliar in other languages.

EDIT: I did not see Akai's posting until I posted mine.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 27, 2016

One of the things we do not like in cnt other than being judged, chased and lying, is that we have no equality in the IWA. If a union of 200 people has one vote and one of 3000 one vote, the weight of each member in that union is 0.0003, compared to a 0.005 of the 200 people.
On the other hand, when it comes to collaborating and paying, it is more expensive for the 3000.

We find that the militant of the big union has to assume the agreements in which it has no power of decision and it is up to him to contribute more people to realize those agreements and to sustain economically everything.

It is not fair and people refuse to this unjust situation, it is like a communist organization in which some command and the others respect.

We do not want an organization with elites.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 27, 2016

Comrade, and for decades ALL of us had to go along with almost everything the CNT-AIT proposed. More times than not out of respect for the CNT's historic standing. remember, it was a majority of "small" sections that stood with the CNT-AIT in the fight for historical patrimony, in the CNT-AIT policy of "no contact" and in having to agree to basically a CNT-AIT oriented method of working class organization.

That said, I recognize the problem of having to be outvoted. And it will happen from time to time.
By the same token, to say you are under 100 members, you will only have a seat in the waiting room is a bit, well, to use your words, "is like a communist organization in which some command and the others respect." I suppose winning people over to your position (any position, not just now) will gain votes. And I suppose if comrades actually start acting like comrades, there will be less worry about losing votes.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by MT on November 27, 2016

syndicalist, i see what you mean, but i am afraid that you did not take into account another serious problem - power games of CNT leaders not on international but also on local level. i think that there is no turning back.

the congress in barakaldo was obviously a failure which the power players who started their adventures did not expect.

but what CNT leaders did to the IWA is just an extension of what they did to CNT "at home" - problems and divisions. in case of the CNT it is perhaps the fault of the CNT itself that something like that was allowed. in case of IWA, it was quite lucky that it stood up against the "THE CNT" (and USI and FAU) and did it in a democratic way. all the actions against the parallelists were approved by the sections and the only thing the troika could say is that the iwa secretariat is to be blamed for things preceeding developments that lead to the current situation. crazy...

FAU can be happy that they gained support for their specific concept of anarchosyndicalism and federalism in CNT. because with THE CNT they could play a bigger game. just take a look at the IWW in US. it sufficed to say that CNT is organizing some solidarity conference and hide the fact which was clear from the beginning (that it is a "refoundation congress") and just because it is CNT, most of the people (as it seems) decided to ignore reality. such is the power of authority (if you know how to play with it). will anyone care? no, because in the end, nothing much happened, iww just "observed". but whatever, it for the iww folks to rationalize or understand things in bigger picture and live with the consequences... it is good for FAU also in other aspect. all the dirty work was done by CNT (leaders). so in the end FAU will end up as rather neutral in this mess and can create other alliances (for example with people who have no problem being friendly with fascists and having a LOOONG record of executivism and manouvers in Poland).

CNT leaders always come with some tricks and deceits and sleaziness. they won't stop. it is said, yes. but let's look at it as an important refreshing process. rather this than having to fight tiring conflicts with people who are simply not on the same side.

let's try to find positive aspects of parting our ways with these power- and money-hungry imposters. for the better of the IWA. bizantine can go on being delirious, others can repeat what was discussed here months and weeks ago, but for those who still have some brains, it should be quite clear now what this is all about...


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by axxs on November 27, 2016

One of the things we do not like in cnt other than being judged, chased and lying, is that we have no equality in the IWA. If a union of 200 people has one vote and one of 3000 one vote, the weight of each member in that union is 0.0003, compared to a 0.005 of the 200 people.
On the other hand, when it comes to collaborating and paying, it is more expensive for the 3000.

It is not more expensive for the 3000. Each worker pays dues, dues go to the IWA based on the workers.

The structure only facilitates that which comes from below, and Comrade you seem to be thinking in what comes across as similar of nation states. We are all fighting for the same thing, the structures we use are simply the mechanism that our decisions travel by, from below via agreements based on the management of things, not people.

So what exactly am I taking from you in power as a member of the ASF? Or is all this just up in the air ideas over power rather than solid examples of how you are being 'exploited' by other sections such as myself as a worker?

What power exactly do you need that I am taking from you? If this is so I will be the first to stand up in my section and raise the issue of the inequality that you suffer under. touch one touch all


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 28, 2016

Of course the CNT made mistakes in the past, that nobody denies it, I recommend the articles previously posted to understand the social turn that the CNT has experienced in relatively short time, of being groups that were only dedicated to throwing criticisms at everything and not Acting alone to have more presence and social support.

For any libertarian equality in the decisions should be a mantra I personally morally I can not miluitar in an organization where I am being denied that I can decide, if instead I was told until you are a consolidated organization with a minimum number that shows that I have Activity and it will help me grow I would not complain.

But I see that I am in an organization where the consequences of carrying out an agreement can be important, I want to be sure that I first heard and be taken into account. Second, that the other unions are minimally serious and implanted in their country that they will take that agreement as seriously as I and they will develop it.

That is given in organizations implanted, can not be given even if you want in a group of 30 in a country, that group should not get into the mess of taking local activity to use their time in Byzantine debates and activities that exceed their These groups need to be supported and supported.

Due to this lack of internal democracy, we have agreed to all the unions in the Zaragoza Congress to see what the critical organizations of the IWA think and those that would not enter the IWA, after seeing the opinion of the organizations that are in the IWA without the interference of the secretariat Of the IWA, face to face in the conference of warsaw. And if you do not want a democratic IWA, continue doing Internationalist work with whoever it is.

By the way the meeting of Barakaldo is not a congress, it is a meeting to change impressions. It has been pleasant to see that many unions have participated with a minimum implementation in their countries.

You will miss seeing how they breathe in egypt and turkey.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 28, 2016

I think I said all I can. I will leave it to all the train engineers to see if they stay on track or crash.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by axxs on November 28, 2016

"For any libertarian equality in the decisions should be a mantra"

Then who is it comrade, that is wishing to strip others of the ability to be involved in decision making?


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on November 28, 2016

Well, more and more capitalist logic coming here. We pay dues, the same rate as Spain (although they don't pay since the executives decided themselves, before lWA Congress, just not to forward them). For some unions, this takes up a large portion of their dues. CNT members pay at least 10 euros, in Poland we are lucky if we can collect 2 euros from most workers since there are a lot of very poor people. On top of that, CNT has had millions of euros in inherited wealth. Still they repeat all the time that it is "more expensive" for them. This shows just how self-centered they are. lt's the same money for each individual, and for the poor workers or groups that have little money and no inherited wealth, it is expensive.

Same stupidity with voting logic. lf some group has 200 people and 20 votes, but only 20 people take part in the voting, which is a typical pattern in those kinds of organizations, then each person has one vote. lf an organization is 20 people with 2 votes, and all 20 people take part in voting, they each have .1 votes. ln the first situation, representative power is accumulated, and this is what is happening, the times of the "representatives" of the working class as opposed to more horizontal ideas where everybody comes and has their say and are treated on an equal basis.

No thanks.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 28, 2016

In the previous post I explain everything and I think it is understood.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by axxs on November 28, 2016

In the previous post I explain everything and I think it is understood.

Yes, you have explained your position and it is very well understood. You have made it very clear that the CNT sees it as justified to strip workers such as myself the ability to take part in decision making, to relegate us to observers of your 'internationalism', as we are not mature enough to stand beside you in struggle.

I guess some comrades are more equal than others?


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by MT on November 28, 2016

By the way the meeting of Barakaldo is not a congress, it is a meeting to change impressions.

1) You lie - Barakadlo (Bilbao) was promoted as a meeting to refound the IWA.

2) Change impressions? What the hell are you talking about?

The same with the sudden desperate need for your leaders to come to the IWA Congress to explain bullshit. There will be delegates with mandates from their organizations, so are you saying that CNT leaders will come and try to change those mandates? (It would make sense seeing the authoritarian practice in the CNT where individual leaders do what they please without any mandates...)


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 28, 2016

1) CNT promotes the meeting in baracaldo by mandate of the unions in a congress, to see the views from other perspectives of the authoritarian drift that the AIT takes. To see if it is still a useful tool and see what axes they want to work within Internationalism.

In case of putting the AIT not put a stop to that drift to work with others at international level. In that case neglects that many consider that the AIT is hollow content and there is no interest in fighting for three letters with much history and little future.

2) Exchange of impressions, it is that, change of impressions, as the other organizations see it.

If the unions' assemblies are an authoritative organ for you, you have to look at it, the CNT delegates to the congress have a clear mandate to convey to the AIT unions as they have also had their delegates in Baracaldo.

Authoritarian practice is to expel the FAU from the AIT, authoritarian practice is iponer agreements without leaving choice to the members to decide, authoritarian practice is to interfere in the internal affairs of each organization (as has been done with unions in france, italy, germany, spain, EEUU ...), authoritarian practice is to question the agreements of an organization, authoritarian practice is to try to direct the table of a congress without anyone choosing it as a table, etc ...


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 28, 2016

What is the "authoritarian the eeuu"?
I live in the eeuu so I will be very curious what you're refering to


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by MT on November 28, 2016

It is very hard to comment on someone who is delirious. I give up. It is tiring and nothing new is said anyway.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 28, 2016

For the mythical and well-known defamations of the secretary of the IWA.

Yes, a delirium adjusted to reality yes.

Sadly nothing new.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on November 28, 2016

Yeah, obviously the tactic is float as many lies or half-truths as possible to people. Pathetic.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 28, 2016


For the mythical and well-known defamations of the secretary of the IWA .

I will address later.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 28, 2016

Yeah, obviously the tactic is float as many lies or half-truths as possible to people. Pathetic.

My ethics do not allow me to fall so low, but if you are a secretary who practices this strategy on a daily basis, you just have to read it in the forums and in the documentation that you send as secretary of the AIT.

Deny that you have expelled the FAU without a mandate (there is no figure of the suspension, you have invented it)

Deny that you interfere and have interfered in the affairs of at least four organizations.

Deny that you tried to take the moderation table of a congress.

Deny that you insult, extend and lie to the decisions and members of CNT

Deny that you were inside the IP and for personal reasons you left her and mounted the ZSP.

To know that more cloudy things we do not know ....


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 28, 2016

At CNT when a secretary oversteps his duties we expel him as the previous secretary.

Such aberrations are allowed at AIT, but the weight of the story will fall on your head not as the worst secretary of the AIT but as the person who destroyed the AIT.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on November 28, 2016

Sorry, am a bit busy for the nonsense of a slanderer who is a bit looney, is making up a number of things and doesn't even sign his own name.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 29, 2016

[quote-bizantino]For the mythical and well-known defamations of the secretary of the IWA .

I do not know you bizantino or have worked with you, that I am aware. So I have no idea if you were active in the CNT-AIT when we first came on board the IWA in 1979. If you have been around for all or part of the time, I am surprised by what seems like you blaming all historical IWA problems on the current Secretariat.

That said, I feel compelled to speak freely and completely here. Unlike those who have allegedly been IWA comrades over the years. Those who fell silent when their voices were most needed.

If it is unclear, I am a member of the Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA), the organization I suppose you were referencing when mentioning in the EE.UU (US).

Let me say, and let be very clear, that the current IWA Secretariat and their Section had nothing to do with the undemocratic expulsion of WSA from the IWA in 1999. In fact, I do not even think they were part of the IWA at that time. So you can stop putting the US on a list to beat the current Secretariat over the head with.

In terms of the US and the IWA in the past let me say a few things from the heart.

While I probably bear the most anger at the IWA, and its Sections, as I was personally and attacked in the most uncomradely manner, and while you and your CNT and all others but our old friends in the FAU, stood by and allowed attack, after attack on us, without ever giving us a chance to present the facts as we know them, have the cajones to talk about injustices towards some in the present day IWA? When you claim a high moral ground and walked away from an IWA Section, a dedicated section, one which whose members future members stood with the CNT since Francos days in power, have the cajones to talk about justice, democracy and so forth? At least the WSA, while having sections, and comrades we have know for years turn their backs on us, deny us the right to present our situation, sought to at least struggle inside the IWA, asking for all internal procedures to be exhausted and were meet with the silence of all, including you CNT.

Yes, you want to talk about the EE.UU situation and how the big CNT turned its back on the American comrades over the several years we sought out an internal IWA hearing, lets have it. Because I guarantee you folks will do it again and again to others.Because for most of you, its not what you have done or are doing, it is what you will do for me today is how the CNT and others act.

In the long run, it's not about personal injustices. Its about seeing that a collective process, that a collective method of moving forward, sometimes slowly, sometimes painfully, but forward in a manner that respects internal process, that respects all Sections, large or small, that has a goal of being more than the big fish in a small pond.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 28, 2016

I am an ant who works day by day for anarchism, but neglect that if we ever agree I will presentare, a pity that I do not know English, because all this that I am telling you I would gladly tell you from you to you.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 28, 2016


I am an ant who works day by day for anarchism, but neglect that if we ever agree I will presentare, a pity that I do not know English, because all this that I am telling you I would gladly tell you from you to you.

Funny, how you can find ways to attack and then claim some excuse when directly confronted by an act you are all guilty of.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 28, 2016

Do not worry then, I'll repeat all this and more in Spanish, it's going to be weird but good.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 28, 2016


Do not worry then, I'll repeat all this and more in Spanish, it's going to be weird but good.

I'm sure it will be weird. I can't wait to see what you have to say about the EE.UU


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 29, 2016

I talk about the AIT secretary, not your American partner until today and I do not mean to offend (until a few days ago when the CNT again took to the streets many people thought that the CNT had disappeared) I thought the WSA was extinct, I do not know everything about her. When I spoke about the United States of America, I spoke about the IWW.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 29, 2016


I talk about the AIT secretary, not your American partner until today and I do not mean to offend (until a few days ago when the CNT again took to the streets many people thought that the CNT had disappeared) I thought the WSA was extinct, I do not know everything about her. When I spoke about the United States of America, I spoke about the IWW.

No idea what you are talking about with "American partner". Anyway, I will wait for your Spanish writings. Maybe then I will understand what you mean about the US. That said, IWA problems do no exist in a vacuum and have many years in the making, even before the current Secretariat


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by akai on November 29, 2016

Aha, I have interfered with the affairs of the American section, the IWW. :)


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on November 29, 2016

Basically because you can not, with the desire you stay. You only have to question them and spread rumors about them.

Respond to the "small" list that I have put you, on which there are witnesses and will see if you tell the truth or not.


7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Mark. on April 17, 2017

alasbarricadas thread on the latest restructuring conference:


7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on April 18, 2017

Communique of the CNT-AIT Congress to all workers and fighters
To All Anarchosyndicalists and Sympathizers

From various unions of the CNT-AIT that left what is now called the “CNT”, together with others that remain in it but with a critical stance, as well as with many others that were expelled or purged for having denounced the irregularities committed, we have met in Villalonga from the 13-16 of April in the Congress of Restructuring the anarchosyndicalist organization. We would like to publically communicate the reasons and the resolutions of our Congress and make a call to unite in our organization in order to strengthen and give potential to revolutionary, anti-authoritarian and emancipatory anarchosyndicalism.
Motivations: In the last few years, what now calls itself “CNT” has been suffering an ideological derive in all senses. This has included a series of scandalous situations in which some things are decided in the absence of assemblies, there has been a rupture of Confederal pact and federalism, a lack of solidarity, the inexistence of transparency [1], executive decisions of the Committees, the buying of votes, falsification of agreements, committees that veto the unions or their proposals without putting them on the agenda, centralism and even physical agression. This derive has produced a weakness in that CNT that anybody can see: the need to have paid position because of an absence of militants, the inability to publish the CNT newspaper, the decrease in the number of unions federated… Above all, it has provoked the serious fact that it was expelled from the IWA, our Internacional which established anarcosindicalism in the world, because of the numerous irregularities committed by its Spanish section, the “CNT”, among others not paying the dues [2], as established in the statutes, but also trying to organize a parallel international, only because it could not impose its agreements in the Congresses of the IWA [3].

The Congress of Restructurization: We met in order to give structure to the numerous anarchosyndicalist unions that exist in the geographical area, to affirm anarchosyndicalism and the values that have inspired it, especially direct action, against parliamentarianism and bourgeois representationism that are being injected into supposedly revolutionary organizations, including the “CNT”.
We have taken the following agreements:
– We have adopted new statutes which are free of provisions which have supported or can support authoritarian practices, vertical structures and executive committees. In exchange, we are fostering consensus among the unions, more means for the local organizations and more autonomy against the committees, which will be reduced to authentic organs limited to coordination.
– Affiliation to the IWA, with the CNT-AIT being its Section in Spain, putting an end to the irregular situation that has been promoted by the Committee of the “CNT”, and contributing to the promotion of internationalism which is so necessary for the opposition of a globalized capitalist world, a question that characterizes the real anarcosyndicalism and not this colonialism of a negative and irrational “CNT”.
– We consider ourselves the continuation of the CNT created in 1910, the anarchosyndicalist and historic one.
– We call on all the anarchosyndicalists in the geographic area to retake and resurge anarchosyndicalism and to put it in the place that it should be: as a libertarian and emanicapatory reference for the working class in the whole world.
From Villalonga, libertarian greetings, in solidarity and internationalist, to all the people, groups and organizations that aspire for freedom. .
1. Such an absence of transparency, for example, encouraged the theft of around 20,000 euros from the CNT treasury by the General Secretary based in Valladolid.
2. For example: The union responsible for the CNT newspaper is no longer nominated by the unions and decided in Plenaries, but by the Confederal Committee, since the XI Congress in Zaragoza. (Translator's explanation: The CNT's reformist and executive wing have caused the situation in which the paper has not been published in years, due to the fact that they are trying to keep control of the publication and infuse it with their politics.)
3. A paradox since some unions that were expelled from the CNT were for dues arrears. While the CNT failed to pay dues to the IWA, it paid for a legal office of cronies whose cost were higher than the dues to the IWA. This office also absorbs all the resources destined to help repressed workers and prisoners that are from or collaborate with the CNT.
4. This decision was made by the Committees of the CNT without any agreement of the unions or the Congress. Leaving the IWA was not proposed in the XI Congress of the “CNT”.

In Spanish:


7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on April 18, 2017

I remember when it was the congress of zaragoza and it was said that there were very few people in the photos, that if it was not representative, that if there were many unions that did not participate ...

At the Benissa congress, because there are no photos of the event? How many unions participated? Because it was forbidden to attend to some and did not give the floor to others?

Does this lack of transparency conceal their low number of participation?

I have many doubts.


7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on April 18, 2017

In the CNT-Laure Akai statement, I do not see what theoretical and practical contributions have different from the CNT.

They only claim to be the heirs of the CNT of 1910, as the Spanish CGT says.

Can someone solve these doubts?


7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Salvoechea on April 19, 2017

They don't want photos 'cause they're maybe 20 friends in a room. Just have a look at the places they choose for their "congresses": Chinchón, Benissa, Villalonga...

Another point to take into account. The end of the publication of the paper "CNT" was due to Oviedo (one of their so-called "radical" unions inside CNT). Oviedo had the opportunity of publishing the newspaper. They e-mailed FAI to try to drag it into a complot to "clean the paper of the reformist stuff it had". FAI didn't like this attitude and denounced the manouvre and Oviedo was vetoed. The result was that no other unions wanted to publish the paper. The guilt is for all CNT due to Oviedo's sectarian attitude.

Anyway, a new CNT website is about to appear in the next months.

It is quite noticeable the conflict inside this new CNT-AIT before it's birth. In facebook there're accusations of executivism from a bunch of insane folks called La Alianza Internacionalista. This guys have also members in France, trying to create a new specific, a new FAI. Anyway, from their complains in FB it's deduced that a couple of unions retired from the congress accussing Levante of stalinists, nothing less.

My point is that all this people who were expelled for being toxic, won't be able to create anything functional. They'll become into another parody of CNT like CNT-Joaquin Costa.


7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bizantino on April 19, 2017

So where is the IWA-AIT secretary who has been the maximum support of this attempt to supplant the CNT?

It gives the feeling that these people wanted their snack bar because they were incapable of functioning in a federal way and that at the moment there is the least dissidence, they really act like a cheka. That is to say that on the one hand there are the impresentables of the uprising and later people like those of Tarragona, Huelva and Galicia. In total do not exceed just 100 people. It seems to be that way if it is revolutionary. In short a summer's cloud.

Now is the time for the sections of the IWA-AIT, to ask Laure Akai for her lies and to approach the meeting in Frankfurt to build a functional international.

Troskista fuera de la vista.

Authored on
October 22, 2016