Call for Solidarity with Political Prisoners Russian anarchists

Submitted by Osterman on December 23, 2015

We are calling for solidarity actions in support of Russian anarchists and antifascists

What happened?

On the 3th December Dmitry Buchenkov, an active participant of libertarian movement, was arrested in Moscow. Dmitry is accused of participation in mass disturbances on the 6th May 2012 in Bolotnaya square, even though at that time he was not in Moscow. He was imprisoned while all norms of judicial procedure were denied. The decision to arrest Dmitry was made on the session of the court that was undertaken secretly, even without informing his advocate. During «The Case of Bolotnaya square» earlier were prosecuted many anarchists and antifascist. Some of them still remains regime's prisons: Alexey Gaskarov and Andrey Barabanov now are on their prison period in the prison camps.

Why had the government remembered this case 3,5 years later and arrests clearly innocent people who are participants of anarchist movement while falsifying and hiding imprsoned from advocates? We believe that they have decided to make a sort of «cleansing operation» against anarchists before they support social protests which are unavoidable.

Why did it happened?

Russia now is in the difficult economic situation. People's discontect may leads to mass action against this government and oligarkhs who, who are constantly growing their richment from poverty of people. That's why government had decided to repress left radicals.

Many of our comrades are in jails because of falsifyed charges. Alexey Sutuga in his prison is under the constant pressure and was turned to solitary cell because of his refusal to collaborate with police. By the end of November he was put in punishment cell for 10 days. Like Dmitry Buchenkov Sutuga is hidden from his advocates.

Alexander Kolchenko get the terribly hard sentence for 10 years for the charge of arsoning an office of ruling party «United Russia». Ilya Romanov — one of the oldest Russian anarchist activist who started in 80s — also get 10 years in jail for falsifyed charge of terrorism — just a little time after his release from the previous prosecution, when he get also ten years. At the same time in Tomsk they prosecute Egor Alexeev for his political activity. They use «anti-drug» 282 Article of the criminal code, which often used by government in its pressure on the opposition.

What to do?

We call all the people who cares about the situation to act in solidarity with Russian anarchists and antifascists, who are under new wave of repressions now.


7 years ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on February 3, 2018

Call for International Days of Solidarity with Russian Anarchist Political Prisoners Feb 5th-12th, 2018

By Anonymous Contributor - January 31, 2018132

In October of 2017 in Penza six anarchists and antifascists were arrested by officers of Federal Security Service on a charge of creating a terrorist group. Moreover, in that time the period of raids in anarchists and antifascists houses has started all over Russia. The objects of Security Services attention were different people from absolutely different towns. At last, a new wave of detentions was launched in January of 2018. An antifascist Victor Filinkov was kidnapped by Security Service in Saint Petersburg. The officers of Federal Security Service have been torturing him in the forest out of the city. They told Victor to admit his participation in mythical anarchy-terrorist group. Unable to withstand the torture Filinkov was forced to incriminate himself and now he is remaining in temporarily-stay isolation. Filinkovs lawyer claims that he has never seen so serious damages and trails of the torture during his practice of struggle with a police outrage.

There is another antifascist who has claimed about torture in St. Petersburg. Ilya Kapustin was also threatened by officers from FSS, but he has refused to incriminate himself and after that he was released on bail. There weren’t any proofs that anarchy-terrorist group exists in real life, only the confessions gained by the threats and torture.

Nevertheless, police is doing everything in order to force people to confirm an existence of mythical terrorist organization named Net, spoofed by FSS. The officers affirm that this organization has a lot of branches in every town. It means that the situation which has occurred in Saint Petersburg will be observed in the other Russian towns very soon.

Obviously, everything whats going on in our time is an attempt to clear out an anarchist movement before the Elections of the President in 2018. In recent years we could see how the anarchist movement increased its activity after the repressions of 2012 year. These repressions can only intimidate people and crush the anarchist movement. n this case its necessary to show that we are not afraid and we cant be destroyed by their force. Otherwise, the repressions will be used every time when the anarchist movement calls an attention of FSS. We should show them that the stronger their repressions, the more furious will be our resistance. Now its important to support the prisoners, to prevent the continuation of the witch-hunting and give a global publicity for this event. We call you for a solidarity campaign with repressed anarchists from the 5th till 12th of February.

Arrange different street actions, evenings of solidarity, distribute information in the media and in the Internet. Do everything you can come up and implement.

The only one weapon we can counter the face of the state terror is the unity and solidarity with each other. Without these two things we will be crushed by this monster one by one.

We are ready to provide the space for publication solidarity actions, just send them to: [email protected]

The address for your solidarity (please only paper) letters:


PayPal (Send with a tag “205”):

[email protected]

More Info:

Anarchist Black Cross Moscow


7 years ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on February 4, 2018

In Turkish.....

"Rusya: Rusyalı Anarşist Politik Tutsaklarla Uluslararası Dayanışma Günlerine Çağrı (5-12 Şubat 2018)"


7 years ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on February 7, 2018

At "The Base", Brooklyn, NY - Thursday at 7 PM - 10 PM - 1302 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11221

Six anarchists have been arrested in Penza, Saint Petersburg, and Crimea from October 2017- February 2018, by officers of Federal Security Service on a charge of creating a terrorist group. During this period, there have been raids of anarchists and antifascists’ houses all over Russia. The arrested anarchists have been tortured into falsely admitting participation in an invented network. This is clearly a state-fabricated conspiracy to be utilized to eradicate the anarchist movement.

As the support team says:

“These repressions can only intimidate people and crush the anarchist movement. In this case it’s necessary to show that we are not afraid and we can’t be destroyed by their force. Otherwise, the repressions will be used every time when the anarchist movement calls an attention of FSS. We should show them that the stronger their repressions, the more furious will be our resistance.”

We are hosting a movie and information session about the broader anarchist and antifascist movement in Russia, and talking in more detail about this particular case.

About the movie:
Anti-fascist attitude is the first ever document on emerging Russian anti-fascist movement which made by the activist themselves. Movie features both moderate NGO activists and radical grassroots activists and anarchists from three cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg and Irkutsk.
It also features Stanislav Markelov, murdered in Moscow 19th of January.

Come through to learn about what’s happening and ways to support!