A few questions regarding the referendum results

Submitted by elraval2 on June 25, 2016


As a UK passport holder living in Barcelona I have a couple of questions regarding how the UK leaving the EU might affect me and, well, this seemed the natural place to start. I just wondered if anyone knows or could point me in the right direction as to how this may affect me continuing to live and work here. Also, I am beginning a Masters here in October - will I now be considered an international student and thus have to pay higher rates?

el raval


8 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by cactus9 on June 25, 2016

Don't take this as gospel truth but apparently it may take around 2 years for the UK to leave so you probably have time to finish that masters if its a one year course.

This issue of free movement of people is going to be a massive one I predict. People think they have voted for Eastern European people and people from the soon to join countries to not be allowed in, sorry to be so blunt but that's what a lot of people wanted. I live in a university city where there are a massive amount of academics and scientists from Europe, personally i think there will be a shitstorm even if in the best case scenario they all have to apply to work.

Likewise the freedom for British people to live and work in Europe is something that a lot of people actually won't want to give up.

There are many many people, many families, who are living in the UK, have jobs and social networks, they have kids in school, I just hope they will be given the right to remain if they wish.

One good thing about the next couple of years will be laughing my arse off at the government trying to sort these issues out.


8 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by cactus9 on June 25, 2016

I will especially laugh if Boris Johnson is prime minister because he could not sort his way out if a paper bag.


8 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on June 25, 2016

If there is any significant change at all, which remains to be seen, changes will take two years to be negotiated after and if the government issues an article 50 notification stating they are leaving the EU. We already have a forum thread on this discussion so I'm now going to lock this thread. Any further questions about the EU can go there: http://libcom.org/forums/news/uk-european-union-referendum-22062016

Authored on
June 25, 2016