IPCC 3rd Report Leaked

Submitted by ajjohnstone on August 12, 2021

The full IPCC report is still in progress and Part 3 won’t be made public until March 2022, well after COP26 and it will be edited by governments to say what it wants it to say.

Therefore, a leak of the report is important.


Three very important points are raised in it that echoes our position and something we say the scientific community overlooks. However, importantly some don’t.

“The essential radical change in an economic system whose perverse operation of accumulation and reproduction of capital in perpetuity has brought us to the current critical point is not clearly mentioned,”

The second is when we say it is vital that we must continue upgrading the conditions of the poor around the world.

“Providing modern energy to all those who currently lack it would have a “negligible” effect on emissions, the report notes.”

And finally, something some appear to prefer that if we don’t emphasise too much placing it within the lifestyle reformism

“A shift to diets with a higher share of plant-based protein in regions with excess consumption of calories and animal-source food can lead to substantial reductions in emissions, while also providing health benefits

If only now people follow this 3rd Report to its logical end and I suppose that is our role, helping to lead them to it’


2 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by ajjohnstone on August 13, 2021

I should make clear that the first quote is the magazine's comment, not that of the IPCC leaked draft

Lucky Black Cat

2 years 11 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on August 17, 2021

Thanks for sharing this. I hope the leaked report can itself be made publicly available. The Guardian only links to another news website.

Authored on
August 12, 2021