London Tube Strike

Submitted by potrokin on January 9, 2017

[quote]The TSSA union disputes Khan’s claim that 67% of stations have been kept open. It claims only 10 of the 270 stations are open.

The union’s general secretary, Manuel Cortes, says the strike is solid after a visit to several picket lines.

He said: “I pay tribute to my members whose commitment to public service is so strong they are now prepared to forego a day’s pay today and strike if that’s what it takes to warn the public that the tube is no longer being as safely run as it was this time last year. The strength of feeling on this issue is reflected in the solidity of the strike, with just a few trains running at the edges of the system.

“London Underground may tell you today that they are offering 600 jobs this year, but the tube sheds 400 jobs a year through natural wastage. In reality, the offer is just 200 and whilst it’s a step in the right direction, 200 jobs cannot plug the gaping hole that’s been left in the system by devastating Tory attacks on TfL’s budget.

“My members go to work every day proud to serve Londoners, proud to keep our city’s people transported. They are striking today to tell you that they can no longer transport you as safely as you, or they, would like and as safely as you were transported this time last year.

“Our negotiating team is available round the clock for talks with LU to resolve these matters.”

I don't know who TSSA are myself but I think this is an important strike for the reasons mentioned above. Is there any support or involvement from anarchist or libertarian groups or individuals? I am not aware of much about this and do not live in London so I guess others know more about it than me. I hope it is a success.

Authored on
January 9, 2017