PKK Executive Committee Member Duran Kalkan about Fidel Castro

Submitted by meerov21 on November 28, 2016

PKK Executive Committee Member Duran Kalkan: “Fidel Castro’s revolutionary will, his spirit and his enthusiasm will always live on. He will always be in the PKK’s struggle...

Kalkan noted that revolutionarism and socialism developed uniquely in Cuba despite the collapse of socialism in many other parts of the world, and this had to do with commitment to ideological principles and goals as well as being founded in society. Kalkan described the Cuban Revolution as the fundamental force that triggered the revolutionary youth of 1968, and said that the philosophies of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara was the main inspiration for revolutionary movements in that time period...

Duran Kalkan emphasized that the revolutionary will, spirit and enthusiasm of Castro contributed to the creation of the PKK and would always live on, and noted that the PKK’s birth followed the 68 youth movement and coincided with the national liberation of Vietnam and the struggle of peoples in Africa. Kalkan stated that the Cuban revolution would always live on in the PKK’s struggle...”


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on November 29, 2016

Maybe add this to the 'Rojava revolution' Reading Guide listing. Seems the Stalinist side of the PKK is still with us? Criticism of Castro's Cuba is elsewhere on this site.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on November 29, 2016


Maybe add this to the 'Rojava revolution' Reading Guide listing.

Yeah, perhaps also the link to the statement from the Democratic Syria Council of Rojava congratulating the American people for electing Donald Trump.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by baboon on November 30, 2016

Yes, I would say definitely add the statement from the nationalist state of Rojava lauding US democracy and the election of Trump and one gets a deeper understanding of the totally imperialist nature of the state of Rojava. There is an entire continuity between the military dictatorship of Castro, the PKK and the "state" of Rojava. It seems to be something that all the participants to some extent recognise in themselves and each other.

Authored on
November 28, 2016