URGENT: Solidarity actions needed! Trade unionists killed in Oaxaca, Mexico!

Submitted by WaterfrontWorker on June 24, 2016


On June 19th, Mexican police forces opened fire on union teachers (CNTE), striking in protest of neo liberal education reforms. The death toll is up to 10 now including one journalist. Wednesday we picketed the Mexican consulate in downtown Seattle, WA. I urge trade unionists around the world to move through their unions to put pressure on your governments and to directly target Mexican consulates & embassies with solidarity pickets and actions.

All power to the workers!


Gulai Polye

8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Gulai Polye on June 24, 2016

to put pressure on your governments

Our governments are enemies of the working class. They are happily trading with states like Saudi Arabia which is like one step away from ISIS. So i mean, what makes u think they wanna stop trading with Mexico? Our governments cant be relied on, the unions are on their own.

But if the Mexican state wanna have a civil war then its not far away from it. We need to direct any practical solidarity we can offer directly to the Mexican people so they are not alone in the good fight.

Guerre de Classe

8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Guerre de Classe on June 26, 2016

Here's a poster I found:
AgitaciĆ³n internacional. Propagando la revuelta.

PDF: http://www.autistici.org/tridnivalka/wp-content/uploads/La-lucha-del-proletariado-en-M%C3%A9xico-ES.pdf

Guerre de Classe

8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Guerre de Classe on June 26, 2016

I also translated this poster in English:

PDF: http://www.autistici.org/tridnivalka/wp-content/uploads/The-struggle-of-the-proletariat-in-Mexico-EN.pdf

A French version also exist.


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by WaterfrontWorker on June 24, 2016

I am not in disagreement about state governments being enemies of the working class. Just in disagreement that it's somehow futile to press governments or hold them accountable.

Look at the attacks on Australian Seafarers recently, kicking Aussie sailors off the ships, gutting Cabotage laws and opening their intercoastal shipping industry up to Flag Of Convenience vessels and migrant workers. When these government affronts to working people go unchecked every other state government in the world measures their own citizens response to world events to help them determine the couse for their own neoliberal agenda. It's for this reason that Canada is now passing Cabotage law reforms and attempting to privatize their national maritime industry.

The CNTE is striking against standardized testing, job cuts and suppression of curriculums teaching culture, language and history to keep their struggles alive. It is critical that working people around the world stand with Oaxaca teachers, because this kind of national worker supression shit is accelerating around the world and it's not the employers but the parliaments and legislatures that are doing it.

For the unconscious masses who cling dearly to their flags, it would be great for them to see displays of solidarity with working people across oceans and borders, it would be great for government dignitaries and politicians to feel shaken by masses of workers picketing their fortresses thousands of miles from Oaxaca.

An injury to one is an injury to all.

Guerre de Classe

8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Guerre de Classe on June 25, 2016

A small internationalist text about current class struggles in Oaxaca published by "Some enraged, infuriated, uncontrolled and tired of all this shit" from Mexico right here: http://materialesxlaemancipacion.espivblogs.net/2016/06/24/the-fury-erupts-in-oaxaca-to-extend-the-agitation-and-the-social-war/

Their English is not fantastic but pretty understandable.
Somebody native to proofread it?

Guerre de Classe

8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Guerre de Classe on June 25, 2016

Oh yeah... A French version also exists here: http://forum.anarchiste-revolutionnaire.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=288&start=15#p238305