“The Case for Building New Unions”

Submitted by syndicalist on March 6, 2020

New article by Tom Wetzel.

The Case for Building New Unions

"The British writer R. H. Tawney once described capitalist management of the workplace as “autocracy checked by insurgency.” And, indeed, a kind of insurgency takes place when workers band together to form unions. Worker unions are a key working class organization because of the potential power workers gain from collective resistance but also because of the potential role of unions in social transformation. However, unionism in the private sector in the USA has been on a long decline — from roughly one third of workers in the early 1950s to only 6.2 percent today. To build unionism into a larger, more effective and worker controlled movement, I think we need to build new unions, independent of the bureaucratized AFL-CIO-type unions."

Continued ..... http://ideasandaction.info/2020/03/case-building-unions/

Authored on
March 6, 2020