New Rebel Worker May - June 2021

Submitted by asn on May 14, 2021

New edition of Rebel Worker Paper of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Network
May - June 2021 Vol. 39 No.1 (228) May - June 2021
Web Site
Contents: NSW Health Department Chaos P .2; NSW Railway News P.3; Sydney Ferries News P.4; Sydney Buses News P..5; Victorian Railway News P.7; Public Transport Privatisation in Victoria (Bus & Tram) P.8;
N.Z. Bus Strike P. 9; Britain Today P. 10; Obituaries: Ken Weller & Alexandre Skirda P.11 & P.17;
Book Review Corner: Stuff The Accord! Pay Up! Worker Resistance to the ALP-ACTU Accord by Liz Ross; The review particularly focuses on the unknown history of syndicalist resistance to the Accord in the Public Service in the 1990's; Review of The Bloody Flag! Mutiny in the Age of Atlantic Revolution P,.13; Ukraine Labour News P. 18; News & Notes P.19;

Authored on
May 14, 2021