Revolutionary Anarchist Group Birmingham UK (RAG)

Submitted by Mcgoofle on November 2, 2017

Revolutionary Anarchist Group Birmingham
[email protected]
RAG Birmingham are a diverse collective of class-strugge anarchist activists based in the West Midlands around Birmingham. we hold weekly organising meetings in the city centre, close to New Street railway station.

Our principles :-
1. Anti-capitalist:Working towards a classless and stateless society.
2. Actively revolutionary.
3. Interntionalist.
4. collective and organised.
5. Action focused: We are not 'armchair anarchists'.We believe in concidered direct action & intervention.
6. Support all oppressed people in struggle.
Although a relativly new group, we have gained a good reputation with other groups, and the wider left, for the calibre of our members, and our level of activity and organisation.

Over the last year we have been involved in:
Setting up an autonomous community space.

Agitation and promation of revolutionary trade unionism around Mcdonald's workers via our website

Banner drops and agitation against the DSEI arms fair

Solidarity actions with other groups

Enviromental demonstartions against poor air quality

We are currently considering the setting up of the first radical book fair in birmingham.

We are actively seeking to network with other interested groups and individuals nationwide. We believe in the need to unite and federate to build the mass movement for the liberation of the people from the tyranny of the state and the un-elected forces of capitalist corporations.

We are in the process of setting up federated groups in london and elsewhere. if ou are interested in working with us please email [email protected]

Authored on
November 2, 2017