Marxist Leninist "Never Centre Whiteness" ?

Submitted by DigitalSocialist on February 13, 2018


Recently a Marxist Leninist on twitter boldly claimed MLs

Never Center Whiteness

? while also claiming that unlike other


such as



never center whiteness

What are peoples view on this matter?


6 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on February 14, 2018

Is this what he or she means?

We have nothing special to offer the Negro, and we cannot make separate appeals to all the races. The Socialist Party is the party of the working class, regardless of color—the whole working class of the whole world.

Eugene Debs

Mike Harman

6 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Mike Harman on February 14, 2018

Maybe this?

Workers World

Angola, of course, which has currently engendered so much controversy in the movement, is not the key issue. It is merely a surface manifestation of a much deeper conflict. The real issue is the class character of the USSR. To deny this, to evade it, will lead to greater confusion, frustration and demoralization.


6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by DigitalSocialist on April 2, 2018

Hello, thank you ajjohnstone and Mike Harman for your comments.
Sorry for late reply. Been busy studying.

I think neither.

I think the Marxist Leninists are trying to imply only they are free of racist thoughts and Anarchism is racist and exclusively western.

Recent examples I have seen on twitter:

It is a fine sentiment to believe we must prioritize people over nations, but we also must remember that people create nations as a way to protect themselves, to collectively improve their condition, to expand their horizons. The nation state is a tool like anything else


The idea of an anarchist/radical libertarian society is inherently Western, a concept based on an extreme interpretation of Enlightenment ideals, ideals that most of the planet do not adopt as their own, or who accept them on par with their own native concepts of order & reason


The more you denounce the nation states of peoples who are oppressed by empire, the more you serve the interests of empire.

I have used these quotes as references to help explain. These references do not reflect my own view.

I think the MLS are trying to engage in political point scoring slander against any communists who disagrees with Bolshevism. I think Marxist Leninist are filtering out in this case anything that may prove Marxist Leninist wrong. I am sure there are many on Libcom who can prove them wrong on this subject matter.

Authored on
February 13, 2018