scott crow and anarchism

Submitted by ajjohnstone on January 11, 2016

What took me back was the description of a book i have never heard of as "a contemporary classic of anarchist literature."

Anarchists can also shape society with a new politics of possibilities. Crow delves into his twenty years of activist experience in offering lessons and reflections. If non-profits compromises social movements, one way through that is to have co-operatives focus people’s economic lives as political work itself, one that can benefit activism around them. “Co-ops aren’t going to revolutionize civil society, but they be part of better transitions and building counter power,” he says in the book. “They haven’t always been perfect, but they have allowed us to challenge the dominant ideas of how economies and power sharing intersect.” Crow helped established Treasure City Thrift, a co-operative antique store in Austin for years, and worked with Ecology Action, a recycling center in the city.
Anarchist economics provides an alternative in crow’s vision to the union paradigm where contracts are hammered out in effort-intensive attempts to democratize corporate workplaces that are fundamentally hierarchical. Unlike other small businesses, Ecology Action helped local homeless people and sex workers who around it rather than calling the police, a standard practice until its closing earlier this year

What struck me ironically was the final comment/quote

“I want us to build grassroots power. I want to take the longest, hardest path that we can find to figure out what it’s going to be..."

The SPGB have been doing that for well over a 100 years, now :)

Authored on
January 11, 2016