What is the gist of councilism?

Submitted by David00131 on August 5, 2016

I've yet to be given a concise defition of councilism despite spending a decent amount of time looking for one. What are some good essays or books explaining it, or, rather, would one of you mind explaining? Thank you!!!


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Pennoid on August 5, 2016

Sit back, relax, and let the geist take care of it!


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on August 5, 2016

Calling Entdinlichgung and Jura for pithy explanations.

Pennoid, that pun was so bad I almost spat out my coffee laughing.


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on August 5, 2016

'Councilism' ? well that's a fixation with the form of 'Councils' as a democratic alternative to Parliamentary and representative democracy or simply 'Councils' without the 'Communism'.


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on August 5, 2016

This is a short intro which may be helpful: https://libcom.org/thought/council-communism-an-introduction

klas batalo

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on August 7, 2016

Council Communism -> Councilism really only started existing as a tendency outside of the Dutch / German Communist Left once groups like the Groups of Internationalist Communists of Holland with their journal Ratekorrespondenz and Groups of Council Communists USA with International Council Correspondence. I'd suggest looking more at that material in the library.


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on August 7, 2016

I would define "councilism" as the idea that the workers' councils are sufficient to make the revolution and that minority organisations based on a communist political platform are either unnecessary or a definite obstacle to the revolution.

ICC publications sometimes make a distinction between 'Council Communism', which emerged from the German and Dutch left in the 20s, and which contained currents that were not by definition hostile to political organisations and even to the idea of a communist political party, and 'councilism', a product of the degeneration of this tendency under the impact of defeat and counter-revolution.

Gulai Polye

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Gulai Polye on August 7, 2016

Why are you saying that council/soviet communism was developed in the 1920'ies when there already was soviets in 1905 in Russia?


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on August 7, 2016

because council communism was a specific tendency that developed in the 20s and it does not mean the workers have formed councils, although it was undoubtedly influenced by workers forming councils.
Soviet communism is not an equivalent term either

Gulai Polye

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Gulai Polye on August 7, 2016


because council communism was a specific tendency that developed in the 20s and it does not mean the workers have formed councils

Who should form the councils then? The capitalists?


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on August 7, 2016

have you read nothing on this thread?


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on August 7, 2016

radicalgraffiti is right - Council Communism was a political tendency which developed a theoretical understanding of the significance of the emergence of the soviet/council form after 1905 and again in 1917-20. The latter was a product of the class movement in general.

Gulai Polye

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Gulai Polye on August 7, 2016


have you read nothing on this thread?

Yes i have and you said the councils shouldnt be formed by the workers. So i ask who should, and i assume you dont know this since you dodge the question.

Well you can just say you dont know the answer if you dont know it.


7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on August 7, 2016

Gulai Polye


have you read nothing on this thread?

Yes i have and you said the councils shouldnt be formed by the workers. So i ask who should, and i assume you dont know this since you dodge the question.

no i didn't, read it again

Noah Fence

7 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on August 7, 2016

Recruitment and huge tracts of writing to answer the simplest question.

That's not a criticism btw, just an observation.

Authored on
August 5, 2016