Anarchist Festival 2019 30th May - 3rd June LDN, UK, Eire

Submitted by Fozzie on May 20, 2019

A decentralised anarchist festival, with events not just in London, but across the UK and Ireland.

The idea is simple: groups put on their own programme of anarchist events, concentrating on the dates of the long weekend of 31st May to the 2nd June 2019, and the programme is collated by us on our website and social media.

Full programme here. Currently showing 36 events in London (several venues), Brighton, Bristol, Newcastle, Preston and Southampton.

Events organisers include:

Anarchist Communist Group, Anarchist Federation, Anarcho Agony Aunts, Antiuniversity, Boycott Workfare, Bristol Radical History Group, Class War Womens Death Brigade & SisternotCister, The Cowley Club, Dog Section Press, FairCoop, Green Anti-Capitalist Front, Kali Akuno, LARC Film Club, MayDay Rooms, Lisa McKenzie & Martin Lux, NEAnarchistGroup, NetPol, The Next Revolution Reading Group & Education working group of the Kurdistan Solidarity Network, One World: OPEN the borders, The Radical Pedagogy Research Group


5 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Jim on May 20, 2019


Events organisers include:

Anarchist Communist Group, Anarchist Federation, Anarcho Agony Aunts, Antiuniversity, Boycott Workfare, Bristol Radical History Group, Class War Womens Death Brigade & SisternotCister, The Cowley Club, Dog Section Press, FairCoop, Green Anti-Capitalist Front, Kali Akuno, LARC Film Club, MayDay Rooms, Lisa McKenzie & Martin Lux, NEAnarchistGroup, NetPol, The Next Revolution Reading Group & Education working group of the Kurdistan Solidarity Network, One World: OPEN the borders, The Radical Pedagogy Research Group

And :cool:

Authored on
May 20, 2019