Bristol - Sylvia Pankhurst/Workers' Dreadnought meeting 25/05/17

Submitted by Serge Forward on May 18, 2017

Sylvia Pankhurst, The Dreadnought and the ‘Great War’ 
Date: Thursday 25th May, 2017
Time: 7:00-9.00pm
Venue: Hydra Bookshop, 34 Old Market St, Bristol BS2 0EZ
Price: Free/donation
With: John Newsinger

During the First World War Sylvia Pankhurst’s newspaper, The Dreadnought was the most consistently anti-war publication. It not only opposed the global conflict but condemned the crushing of the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland, supported the 1917 Russian Revolution and campaigned for a revolution in Britain.

Professor Newsinger is the author of numerous books including The Blood Never Dried: A People’s History of the British Empire (2006), Fighting Back: The American Working Class in the 1930s (2012) and most recently The Revolutionary Journalism of Big Bill Haywood: On the Picket Line with the IWW (2016).

Authored on
May 18, 2017