North Wales Anarchists? Anarchwyr yng Ngogledd Cymru?

Submitted by meli on July 2, 2011

Any groups about? Any bookfairs or anythyng? Ive seen some anticapitalist graffiti around bangor so i thought thare must be some about...


13 years ago

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Submitted by ticking_fool on July 3, 2011

We have a few AF members floating about across North Wales, mostly fairly isolated. There are quite a few green and environmentalist types as well. As far as I'm aware there are no functioning groups at the moment, although I'd love to be wrong about that. A small group of us have recently been talking about trying to set up a North Wales group, whether an AF group or a more general anarcho group depending on what interest we get. Obviously it's a bit challenging because public transport's so crappy and there's no real central hub like Cardiff down south, but if we're imaginative there'll be ways round that (rotating meetings round the region and that sort of thing).

I've pm'd you my email. Get in touch if you fancy having a go at getting something going.


13 years ago

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Submitted by meli on July 3, 2011

Sorry i saw your PM first and sent it without reading this. Cool well i'm trying to put on a little event and if people that come to it like the idea then i'll keep you posted!


4 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Especifist on November 18, 2019


Authored on
July 2, 2011