A book of graffiti and sloganeering from the events in France, May '68. Copied to clipboard Attachments boredom_weeps.pdf (4.85 MB) France France 1968 graffiti Black Ink Interference Archive PDF Comments
The French strikes of May-June 1968 - Bruno Astarian A demystifying review essay and analysis summarizing the events of May-June 1968 in France with an almost exclusive focus on the strikes of the…
L'enragé no. 1 A reprint (in both French and in English translation) of no. 1 of L'Enrage, a satirical journal founded by Jean-Jacques Pauvert and produced in France during the May 68 events. Translated by…
Lefebvre on the Situationists: an interview An at times playful conversation with Henri Lefebvre conducted by Kristin Ross. Lefebvre, then in his eighties, discussed his memories of Guy…
The Situationists and May 1968 – Miguel Amorós A brief review of the role played by the situationists, the enragés, and the Council for the Maintenance of the Occupations (CMDO—composed of …
Parisian Metallurgists in May 1968 - Michael Seidman Michael Seidman shows how workers acted differently from the way they are usually portrayed in…
Paris: May 1968 - Maurice Brinton's diary A vivid and exciting eyewitness diary by Maurice Brinton (the writing pseudonym of Chris Pallis) of Solidarity on the events in Paris in May 1968…