Black Flag vol 05 #04 (May 1978)

The May 1978 issue of Black Flag started by calling for the abolition of the TUC, asking "why feed a watchdog that bites only its owner?" It covered the murder of a young anarchist in a Madrid cell, Augustin Rueda Sierra, and carried an extensive piece by black political prisoner Herman Bell, then incarcerated in Illinois, IS. This issue is noteable for its heavy concentration on international affairs in China, Spain, France and Greece.

Submitted by Rob Ray on July 25, 2014


Flag 5-4.pdf (3.47 MB)


Rob Ray

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Rob Ray on July 25, 2014

As a note, not sure how to shift it so it's after vol 05 #03 but before 226...

Rob Ray

10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Rob Ray on July 25, 2014

Oh also on a related note, the Sparrow's Nest doesn't have the full set (or any of the libcom ones) but does have scans from 1982-1985 which might be worth mirroring?


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 26, 2014

Rob Ray

Oh also on a related note, the Sparrow's Nest doesn't have the full set (or any of the libcom ones) but does have scans from 1982-1985 which might be worth mirroring?

yeah, that would be great if someone could add them to this collection. Although if those PDFs or anything like most of the stuff on the Sparrow's Nest it will need compressing as their file sizes are mostly enormous!


10 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 26, 2014

Rob Ray

As a note, not sure how to shift it so it's after vol 05 #03 but before 226...



8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on September 19, 2016

This issue of Black Flag is loaded with some really interesting reads. Some putting issues like the regrowth of the post-Franco CNT into perspective. The aim of the state and the reformist unions complicity in tamping down the historic spanish voice of anarchy-syndicalism.

An early piece of freeing Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, a campaign that that boy from NJ was involved in from ground floor.

A piece on and by the former Panther Herman Bell.

And, ironically, a short on Islam and oil.