Copied to clipboard Engels' last major work Also contains the beginning of Outline of the General Plan - an unfinished work which Engels was in the middle of when he died. 1. Introduction 2. Dialectics 3. Basic Forms of Motion 4. The Measure of Motion: Work 5. Heat The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man Book traversal links for Dialectics of Nature 1. Introduction Printer-friendly version Marxism Friedrich Engels Comments
On the dialectical method - Amadeo Bordiga A 1950 essay by Amadeo Bordiga on the dialectical method, reviewing the history of dialectics since the time of Zeno of Elea, summarizing the…
The holy family, or critique of critical criticism - Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Marx and Engels' 1844 critique of the Young Hegelians and their ideas which were very popular in…