Copied to clipboard Engels' last major work Also contains the beginning of Outline of the General Plan - an unfinished work which Engels was in the middle of when he died. 1. Introduction 2. Dialectics 3. Basic Forms of Motion 4. The Measure of Motion: Work 5. Heat The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man Book traversal links for Dialectics of Nature 1. Introduction Printer-friendly version Marxism Friedrich Engels Comments
Beyond the Party: The evolution of the concept of “the Party” since Marx – Junius Collective (Pour une Intervention Communiste) An essay by Pour une Intervention Communiste on the origins and development of the…
“On Authority” Revisited Fredrick Engels argues against Anarchism on the basis that authority is needed to carry out a revolution against capitalism and the organization…
Marx and Engels and Racialism – W. O. Henderson In disputes with anarchists Marxists have often been quick to refer to Bakunin’s (and occasionally, Proudhon’s) anti-Semitism to try to dismiss…