The May 10, 1919, No. 26 issue of The New Solidarity, a newspaper produced out of Chicago by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) from 1918-1920.

Contents include:
-Great I.W.W. convention meets, fifty-four delegates are seated
-May Day celebration crushed by tanks from Germany
-May Day celebration by rubber workers
-Demand restoration of stolen wealth
-Omaha mayor scared of demonstration
-Industrial unionism endorsed by Young Peoples Socialist League
-Their peace or ours?
-War on the I.W.W.
-Seething unrest in Toledo industries
-Minutes of Convention Metal and Machinery W.I.U. No. 300
-Construction Workers No. 573 convention
-New alignments by American workers
-Justice outraged by I.W.W. indictment
-May Day on iron range
-Textile strike grows in Lawrence, Mass.
The New Solidarity (May 10, 1919).pdf
(4.73 MB)