Epub of Marx's Second Draft of Critique of Political Economy. Text taken from marxists.org. Copied to clipboard Source: MECW Volume 29, pp. 430-507. Written: Marx August-October 1858. Attachments Second Draft of Critique of Political Economy - Karl Marx.epub (65.47 KB) Karl Marx Marxism epub Comments
Draft of an Article on Friedrich List’s book: Das Nationale System der Politischen Oekonomie Epub of Marx's Draft of an Article on Friedrich List’s book: Das Nationale System der Politischen Oekonomie. Text taken from marxists.org.
The holy family, or critique of critical criticism - Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Marx and Engels' 1844 critique of the Young Hegelians and their ideas which were very popular in…
The poverty of philosophy - Karl Marx This 1847 book by Karl Marx was a direct answer to J. P. Proudhon's The Philosophy of Poverty.
The communist manifesto - Karl Marx and Frederick Engels The Manifesto of the Communist Party Communist Manifesto was commissioned by the Communist League…
Chapter 1 of the first edition of Capital: The Commodity - Karl Marx Translation of The Commodity the original chapter 1 of the first edition of Das Kapital.