To Lorenzo San Pablo Cervantes

Two years on from your murder, this movement continues forward, despite all the differences and finds its way by means of honest and faternal dialogue. It is in this way, through that brotherhood and honesty of which you were an example, that we believe we have found a clear and solid form of linking together the different resistances and of constructing alternatives to this dominatory system that keeps Oaxaca and the entire world under its yoke.

Submitted by Khawaga on September 7, 2008

“The true man goes to the roots.

To be radical is no more that this: he who goes to the roots.

He who does not see things in their depth should not call himself radical.

Nor that man who does not aid the security and speech of other men.”

José Marti

Compañero Lorenzo San Pablo:

Two years on from your murder, this movement continues forward, despite all the differences and finds its way by means of honest and faternal dialogue. It is in this way, through that brotherhood and honesty of which you were an example, that we believe we have found a clear and solid form of linking together the different resistances and of constructing alternatives to this dominatory system that keeps Oaxaca and the entire world under its yoke.

This rotten system and those traitors to the movement have not satiated their thirst and mean ambition to continue bleeding dry the dignity of this rebellious people; those who, since 2006 have said, “enough”. Enough of authoritarianism, of the petty bosses, of that life-model imposed from desks and offices and that even attacks life itself. Enough of that which pits itself against the respect and harmony existing in the different communities of Oaxaca and its successful resistance in spite of the capitalist savagery that today is manifested in the state government of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz.

We will not beg the government’s justice, but rather we must sieze it and make it our own. This system with its laws and demagoguery has proved itself incapable of judging itself. The government, despite all its impunity, will never be able to bring back our now more than 29 fallen in this struggle.

You were murdered in the resistance of Oaxaca of the 22nd of August. This is a significant date for the rebellion of this movement, as one day earlier as dawn broke on the 21st, the people raised hundreds of barricades in response to a group of presumed state police acting on government orders fired shots agains the local radio station “The Law” that was in the hands of the people. One of these shots murdered you whilst you guarded the transmitter. Along with all those people simple and from below, you put forward your own body with which to change things from their root, and not for some to institutionalise the movement and benefit from it through delegations, or to strengthen the menacing work of the political parties.

Just as with all our compañeros who lost their lives, you maintained in your mind and heart a spirit of struggle that is mirrored in millions of Oaxaqueños. The very ones who heads held high, struggle to build a different Oaxaca, not with petty ambitions of power for a few, but with that historic root that strengthens human colectivity; reciprocity. This is a characteristic of the majority of the peoples of Oaxaca.

Lorenzo San Pablo, today, two years from your death, you live within every Oaxaqueño. Impunity persists throughout the entire state, and not one murder has been punished. The government continues unpunished with its state terrorism, that since 2006 has been largely orchestrated though counterinsurgency plans that continue apace.

The same murderers remain in their positions, the same ones who now attempt, in various ways and with different faces to silence the voices demanding justice, dignity and respect for the just and dignified struggle of a people thirsting for freedom. They aim to silence our memory in forgetfulness, to hide their impunity, the murders, the torture and imprisonment. And they try to bury our murdered compañeros with a useless FIDEICOMISO that is nothing to our fallen. Life itself has no price.

Architect Lorenzo San Pablo Cervantes, your family and all your people reject each instance of impunity and injustice intended to make us forget the memory and the multiple stories of the dignity of the Oaxacan peoples. These peoples have risen to their feet in order to never again be on their knees before this system that benefits the few and opresses the many.

We will not forgive. We will not betray. We will not sell out and we will not falter!



Translated by Escarbajo


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