joint patrol #YPG & #US army

Submitted by Blesk on May 2, 2017

Since some days, Turkey (a member of NATO) has been bombing the military positions of the “proto-state” Rojava (not yet a member of NATO) to one of its protectors’ great displeasure: i.e. the USA which leads NATO.

This allows them to take up a position and deploy along the Turkish-Syrian border and thus to establish mixed patrols with the YPG. Watch the video here below:

joint patrol #YPG & #US army in Derbasya on the border with turkey after turkish attack Via @MHJournalist #NoFlyZone4Rojava #twitterkurds— Kovan Direj (@kovandire) April 28, 2017

What an interesting “revolution”, “anticapitalistic” and “antistatic”, which has all the characteristics of a State with a government led by the “single party” PYD, ministries, a multitude of mini parliaments, courts of justice, a “Constitution” (called “Social Contract”), an army (the YPG/YPJ militias increasingly militarized), a police force (the Asayish) which imposes internal social order,…

“Revolution” all the more interesting because it “cashes in on all sides”: the YPG/YPJ are nothing but military auxiliaries of the Western powers, their auxiliaries on the ground, facing a “common enemy” (Da’esch). We’ve lost count of the offensives carried out jointly by the YPG/YPJ and other SDF with the US Air Force, with the “Green Berets” (these fucking torturers of US special forces), with the Russian air force, with Bashar Syrian Army (with whom the PYD is co-managing the city of Qamishli, among others) and its air force which is bombing the rebel areas (and not necessarily Al-Nusra and other jihadists!!!), with the Lebanese Hezbollah, the Iranian “Guardians of the Revolution” (slaughterers of our class brothers and sisters), and so on.

So I congratulate the Rojava “proto-state” which allows the murderers of the US Air Force to make up for the difficulties of using their Turkish ally Incirlik airbase. Rojava is not yet a member of the NATO Atlantic Alliance, but just a little more effort “comrades”. All the bullshit on “democracy without a state”, anti-capitalism, and revolution is nothing but just for show intended for leftist (libertarian and Marxist-Leninist) milieus who are always ready to satisfy themselves with a “lesser evil” and a reform of capitalism.

(s) itching powder


7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Blesk on May 4, 2017

Syrian Kurds say Russia to build base in Afrin
In agreement with Kurds, Russia to operate military base in Afrin and train YPG fighters in 'anti-terror' combat.

Russia is setting up a military base in northwestern Syria in agreement with the Syrian-Kurdish YPG armed group that controls the area and will train fighters, a YPG spokesman said on Monday.
The agreement with Russia was concluded on Sunday and Russian troops have already arrived at the village of Kafr Jina, in the northwestern region of Afrin, with troop carriers and armoured vehicles, YPG spokesman Redur Xelil told Reuters news agency.
"The Russian presence ... comes in agreement between [the YPG] and the Russian forces operating in Syria in the framework of cooperation against terrorism and to help train our forces on modern warfare and to build a direct point of contact with Russian forces," Xelil said in a statement.
"It is the first [agreement] of its kind," he added.
However, in a statement put out shortly after news broke of the alleged deal, the Russian Defence Ministry said there were "no plans" to create additional military bases in Syrian territory, but added that a section of its "reconciliation centre" was located in Aleppo province close to Afrin for the prevention of ceasefire violations.

el psy congroo

7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by el psy congroo on May 6, 2017

Great post. Posts like it are too few across the web.


7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Blesk on November 29, 2017

The Trump Administration has doubled down on the strategy. In May, Trump approved a plan to arm Syrian Kurds in the S.D.F. directly, and deployed several hundred marines and Army rangers to support them. Around this time, Turkish jets bombed sites in Rojava, reportedly killing twenty Y.P.G. members. The attack prompted U.S. troops, in marked vehicles, to join Kurdish fighters patrolling the Syrian-Turkish border. “This needs to stop,” Erdoğan declared, adding that the presence of American flags in a “terrorist” convoy had “seriously saddened us.”


The Syrian civil war has produced many strange bedfellows. But it’s especially curious that Öcalan’s revolution, which strives to eliminate “capitalist modernity,” has made its recent advancements under the patronage of the United States. In Rojava, Kurds often refer to Donald Trump as Bâvê şoreş—“Father of the Revolution”—and in Kobanî there is a kebab restaurant called Trump, with the President’s visage painted on its window. I met a Y.P.G. fighter who’d named his infant daughter America.

During the Raqqa offensive, U.S. Special Operations Forces were deployed throughout the city, but they avoided journalists. The S.D.F. also severely restricted the press. Reporters were assigned minders, and access to active front lines was almost impossible to obtain. More than once, I was told that I couldn’t go somewhere, only to find out later that U.S. soldiers had been in the area, or that bombardment from coalition planes and artillery had taken place nearby. U.S. Special Operations Forces ran a field hospital in Raqqa that treated wounded S.D.F. fighters; when I went there and asked if anyone would speak with me, I was aggressively confronted by half a dozen armed Americans, one of whom said, “Absolutely not.” He confiscated my phone and demanded its password. (I didn’t give it to him, and he eventually returned the phone.) An older American, with a graying beard and a ball cap, told me, “For you, information is a good thing.” He then explained that, for security reasons, it was better if nobody knew that they were there. Several soldiers escorted me to my car, and for the next two days the S.D.F. shut down the entire area to reporters.

Dark Victory in Raqqa


7 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on November 29, 2017

Looks like the USA government might be cutting back it's support for the YPG in Syria now that they have served their purpose to some extent and in deference to Turkey's demands but it is still early days in terms of the shifting alliances between the global and regional imperialist interests.


6 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by comrade_emma on April 21, 2018



7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Blesk on January 23, 2018

German army praises YPG despite government ban on YPG flag

An article published in German army’s Y Magazine praised YPG/YPJ forces which liberated Raqqa.

ANF BERLIN Saturday, 12 Dec 2017, 10:10

The magazine published a feature report about the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) after the liberation of Raqqa. Titled “Remnants of war” the article tells the story of YPG and YPJ fighters who liberated the city and says that the Raqqa operation sets an example how a city can be saved in modern era.

Y Magazine is only distributed to German army personnel and contains articles about military tactics and technology.

Also on the technology pages of the magazine the self-produced armoured vehicles were introduced.

A photo shows an American Humvee in Aleppo, which is provided with an additional metal plate with the inscription "YPG". Another photo shows a "self-made armoured car of the Kurdish militia YPG", which is said to have been used in the fight for Kobanê in 2015.

German government banned YPG and YPJ flags last March. Kurdish politicians say that the ban is a common decision with Turkey and accuses Berlin to oppress Kurdish society in the country.

Despite the ban, German army magazine published an article that praised YPG forces.

Always interesting to read somewhat about this "antistatist" and "anticapitalist" experience called "Rojava Revolution"...


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Blesk on February 7, 2018

Cooperation between Belgium, terrorists revealed

Monitoring Desk

ANKARA: Ties between Belgium and terrorists from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)’s Syrian offshoot, the YPG, were revealed after fresh evidence has come to light following a report by the Belgian Knack Magazine, where details of an alliance between Belgian’s Military Intelligence (ADIV) and the terror group were published.

The report claims that in 2016, Belgium provided medical supplies and weapons training to PKK terrorists in northern Iraq and that Belgium’s Military Intelligence came together with YPG terrorists in the country to provide them with logistics support that same year.

Head of Belgium’s intelligence forced to resign

Eight staff members working for the Military Intelligence grew uncomfortable with their ties to terror organizations and wrote a letter to the General Staff and Defense Ministry. The letter was then forwarded to Belgium’s State Security Service Surete De L’Etat.

Following a series of investigations, the authenticity of the letter was verified and the head of the Military Intelligence (ADIV) General Eddy Testelmans was forced to resign in July 2017.

Belgium’s State Security Service refused to close the file, and the Brussels Public Prosecutor was brought into the mix.

However, that didn’t prove sufficient for the Security Service which ordered an updated report into the issue in order to determine the existence of the undisclosed alliance between the YPG and both the Belgian General Staff and the Defense Ministry.

For a list of names in Raqqa

According to the report, General Eddy Testelmans wanted to make an ally of the YPG to avoid a scenario of Belgian pilots being taken captive by Daesh in coalition flights against the terror group in the case of the downing of an F-16 plane.

Testelmens also thought it was important to get a list of the names of Daesh members of Belgian origin, assuming it was kept in a center in Raqqa, and thinking that he could obtain that “vital” list by allying with YPG terrorists. However, he knew that befriending the YPG would upset Ankara, and that had he asked for the permission of the Defense Ministry and the General Staff regarding this situation, it was very likely that the answer would’ve been negative. Hence, he decided to continue working on it in complete secrecy.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the European Union and the United States.

The PKK has been conducting armed violence in the southeastern part of Turkey since 1984. More than 40,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the three-decade long conflict.


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Flint on February 17, 2018

Now Blesk is just reposting Turkey's state propaganda and no one challenges it while Afrin is being bombed. Great job folks. Don't bother arguing with me. No reason for me to come back.

Serge Forward

7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on February 17, 2018

Yep, agreed. That's definitely Turkish state propaganda.


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Sike on February 18, 2018

Blesk, what's your point in posting propaganda put out by the state of Turkey?


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Blesk on February 22, 2018


Blesk, what's your point in posting propaganda put out by the state of Turkey?

I hate Turkish State Propaganda as well as any other State Propaganda including krypto-revolutionaries like Rojavists.
But is it really posting "Turkish State Propaganda" to point out the direct links and collaboration between partisans of an "anticapitalist" and "antistate" revolution (Rojava) on one hand, and forces of several nations-states like USA, Russia, Baath government, Iran, etc. ad nauseam!???

The information published about Belgium military services helping YPG has been originally published in a Belgian Flemish weekly magazine, a mainstream one, you can verify and check it...


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by C.Hélène on February 23, 2018

Kurdish YPG militia urges Syrian army to help it stop Turkey

"Groups aligned to the Syrian army came to Afrin, but not in the quantity or capacity to stop the Turkish occupation," YPG spokesman Nouri Mahmoud told Reuters. "The Syrian army must fulfil its duty ... to protect Syria's borders."


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by baboon on February 23, 2018

Now the "revolution" of the Kurds turns to the butcher Assad for help. As it has in the past.


7 years ago

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Submitted by Blesk on February 26, 2018

Could somebody provide more explanation about this?

NDF (not SAA) Liwa Baqir and Nubl&Zahra fighters enter Afrin and head towards clashes zone.

Liwaa Al-Baqir announced it's going to defend the SDF in Afrin now. The same group was bombed by the Americans because it was trying to attack the SDF in Deir Al-Zawr last week.

Liwa al Baqir announce Next to Sheikh Nawaf AL Bashir that Liwa AL Baqer, Al Beqara clan in Aleppo are ready to retaliate for the martyrdom of the soldiers who martyred from the American Air Force who among them was Sheikh Nawaf son Ashraf Nawaf Al Bashir.

So it seems that Liwa al-Baqir (Syrian pro-governmental Shia militia) attacked some two or three weeks ago in the region of Deir-Ezzor a camp of SDF (pro-Kurds). In retaliation of that the US air force (BTW the USA is accused of betraying their "Kurd ally" while not reacting against Turkish aggression in Afrin) bombed the Liwa al-Baqir positions (death toll: around 100 militiamen).

And now it's the same Liwa al-Baqir with other pro-Baath regime thugs who are helping YPG/SDF in the battle of Afrin!!!
What the hell is this bullshit about!???

Mike Harman

7 years ago

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Submitted by Mike Harman on February 26, 2018

I can only think of two things:

1. Assad is more worried about a Turkish annexation than Rojava at least in the short term? Or the Kurdish parties have offered some kind of longer term deal?

2. The help in Afrin will be very limited/nominal and is somehow related to the new assault on Eastern Ghouta.

Putin just asked for a daily 5 hours ceasefire in Eastern Ghouta in the past hour or so, after previously saying that it wasn't covered under the ceasefire agreement due to presence of Islamist militias (despite estimated 400k civilians still trapped there).

RT's version of the previous ceasefire breakage is here:


7 years ago

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Submitted by Sike on February 27, 2018


But is it really posting "Turkish State Propaganda" to point out the direct links and collaboration between partisans of an "anticapitalist" and "antistate" revolution (Rojava) on one hand, and forces of several nations-states like USA, Russia, Baath government, Iran, etc. ad nauseam!???

The information published about Belgium military services helping YPG has been originally published in a Belgian Flemish weekly magazine, a mainstream one, you can verify and check it...

Perhaps not, but at least I think that it achieves a better effect if such material comes from sources that do not appear to be partisan of either Rojava or the state of Turkey.

However,in retrospect, in the case of the information that you posted I can kinda see that maybe you choose the article that you did out of convenience for yourself and English speaking audiences and not the original source, which is not in English, and is available in only a snippet view with registration required to access the full article.

I also conducted a search on Google looking for other references about collaboration between the PYD/PKK and the Belgium military intelligence but was unable to come up with very much beyond an entry on Reddit with incomplete information. So, I kinda understand why you choose to publish this piece rather than something less partisan. As for me I probably would have posted the Reditt entry along with a link to the original source and let Libcom readers figure it out rather then posting something that reads like it came from the pages of the Daily Sabah, even if it didn't.