On May 21 2015 more than a dozen activists picketed the entrance of the Spanish University Foundation (Fundación Universitaria Española) in Madrid to put pressure on that institution and draw the attention of the public to the labour conflict provoked by the firing of comrade Arturo.

The picketers were members of the Inter-Occupational Union (Sindicato de Oficios Varios) and the Union of Workers in Telecommunications and Information Services of the Madrid local federation of the CNT-AIT (section of the I.W.A. in Spain), as well as comrades from the Libertarian Youth of Madrid.
The fired worker had been employed at the Foundation since September 2014 without any kind of contract or guarantees. In May 2015 he was informed by cell phone that he was fired. The reason given is typical of businesses these days: “We don’t have any money”.
The picket at the entrance of the foundation lasted two hours. The picketers displayed signs and gave out leaflets demanding the reinstatement of the comrade – this time with a contract and the payment of all wages owed. The protesters also entered the building to distribute leaflets to the workers there, and handed out leaflets to the residents of buildings nearby, calling for solidarity with the comrade who was fired and a united struggle against the encroachments of capital. The police showed up towards the end, but did not interfere with the picket. A representative of the administration who came out to look at the picket had a look of horror on his face. The picketers vowed that if the matter is not resolved, actions will continue, with the application of the usual weapons of anarcho-syndicalists: direct action, sabotage and mutual aid.
On May 26 picketers again returned to the Foundation, with the same demands. They handed out leaflets to participants in public functions organized by the Foundation, to workers, and to passers-by, and chanted slogans. The police were again on hand to keep an eye on the proceedings and to provide protection for the bosses.
Protest actions will continue until the conflict is resolved.
Thanks to http://aitrus.info for collating this story.