7. Toni Negri and the Operaio Sociale A chapter in "Storming Heaven" by Steve Wright on Antonio Negri and Operaio Sociale ("social worker").
Building the Armed Party? Second part of the chapter on Potero Operaio in Steve Wright's "Storming Heaven".
Crisis of Class Composition First section of the chapter on Potere Operaio in Steve Wright's "Storming Heaven".
6. Potere Operaio The chapter in Steve Wright's "Storming Heaven" on the revolutionary Italian group Potere Operaio. ("Workers' Power"), active between 1967 and 1973.
The Voice of Industry (Vol. 1 No. 07 - 10 July 1845) The 10 July 1845 issue of the Voice of Industry (Vol. 1 No. 7).
"My Workplace Is Uniquely Bad" - A kind of disordered thinking that every organiser will encounter. Every workplace is unique, and yours is the same. An essay on how to talk to…
Black Flag 221 (2002) An issue of the London-based class struggle anarchist magazine Black Flag from the early 2000s.
Anti Exchange & Mart One-off anarchist/communist publication from 1990, with articles on rank and filism, the government's Enterprise Allowance Scheme, Ireland and…
The Voice of Industry (Vol. 1 No. 06 - 3 July 1845) The 3 July 1845 issue of the Voice of Industry (Vol. 1 No. 6).
The ABC of syndicalist sections Article written for workers new to on-the-job organizing. Translated from the Swedish magazine Syndikalisten. Also published on Znetwork. The…