The Voice of Industry (Vol. 3 No. 09 - 10 September 1847) The 10 September 1847 issue of the Voice of Industry (Vol. 3 No. 09).
The Voice of Industry Early American labor magazine adopted by the (mostly women) textile workers of Lowell, Massachusetts. The magazine demonstrates workers'…
Fascism and the Women's Cause: Gender Critical Feminism, Suffragettes and the Women's KKK While the links between the anti-trans moral panic and the far-right are well…
Community organising in Southern Italy Black Flag article from 1996 on community organising in Spezzano Albanese.
NAFTA - Auto Restructuring and Mexico's Maquiladora Zone 1996 Black Flag article on the North American Free Trade Agreement.
World Labour News vol 3 #1 Jan 1962 Franco's friend DeGaulle, SWF members jailed in army base protest, civil defence simulation in Canada, Japanese Anarchist Federation, Mississippi…
World Labour News vol 2 #5 Sept 1961 Electrical union court case, Australia, Laurens Otter on Russia, economic crisis in Britain, Tom Brown on China, Cuba, Co-Operative Commonwealth…
Brighton Solfed: Don’t Just Moan - Organise! An explanation of the approach of the anarcho-syndicalist union Brighton SolFed.
Resistance To The Plan Has Been Heavy: The Class Struggles of the Green Revolution of India – John Roosa Midnight Notes text on how capital's plans to control the proletariat in India…