Junio de 1953 - Levantamiento proletario en Alemania Oriental La realidad de la lucha proletaria frente a los mitos obreristas
World Labour News vol 1 #4 July 1960 IWMA on: Tom Brown on the battle for the 40 hour week in Britain, syndicalists jailed in Argentina, revolts in Korea & Turkey, Mayday in Dublin,…
G. The Manifold of Work: Anti-Entropy Qua Information Midnight Notes text on work, energy and Three Mile Island - from 1980.
Criminal Syndicalism Laws in Canada: Repression During WWI and Today’s Echoes Much has been said about the criminal syndicalism laws in the United States and the outlawing of…
F: The Manifold of Work: Reproduction Midnight Notes on social reproduction, work and jogging from 1980.
World Labour News vol 1 #3 May 1960 IWMA on: African workers vs Apartheid, international round up, background to UK car strikes, Africa and freedom, fighting segretation in America,…
E. The Deduction of the 'Energy Crisis': a Theoretical Interlude Midnight Notes on crisis, energy and capital in the 1970s.
World Labour News vol 1 #2 Mar 1960 IWMA on: Apartheid in South Africa, killing of Spanish syndicalists, British Railway workers, British car workers - record strikes, Germany, East…
Russian and Ukrainian soldiers refuse to kill each other, but on different sectors of the front Caricature by unknown author "On the offensive" (circa 1917) is becoming more and…
Anarchist Black Cross Moscow update on anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners 19th of June 2023 This is long overdue. As usual, we start with (relatively) good news. Krasnoyarsk anarchists Danil Ivanov and Ilya Vinogradov were given 5 and 3.5 years probational sentences respectively. They were accused of ”robbery”, for paying a visit to a former comrade who had been seen hanging out with Nazis. Congratulations to Danil and Ilya for dodging prison!
Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War - Ronald Radosh, Mary Habeck, & G. N. Sevostianov An important study examining previously unavailable Soviet archival materials to…