Beyond the crisis of abstraction and the abstract break with that crisis: The SI - Jon Horelick Originally appeared as one A4 sheet published by Diversion and later appeared in…
Some Traditional Writings - Jonathan Horelick Situationist comments on "Kronstadt" by Paul Avrich and "History and Class Consciousness" by Georg Lukacs.
Publications and Activities - Jonathan Horelick A short text from 1973 on recent projects by this former member of the American section of the Situationist International.
Waardeafsplitsing, geslacht en crisis van het kapitalisme Interview met Roswitha Scholz door Clara Navarro Ruiz Roswitha Scholz is, naast Robert Kurz en…
Brexit means the sky is falling: how Aufheben learned to stop worrying and love the EU Cautiously Pessimistic blog response to an Aufheben article about Brexit.
New Rebel Worker May - June 2023 Latest Rebel Worker Paper of the Anarcho_Syndicalist Network Sydney, Australia PO Box 92 Broadway 2007 NSW Australia
North American Ideologies - Jonathan Horelick Critique of the American alternative press, the Argentinian review Contracultura, the journals Radical America and Telos, with particular attention to their coverage of situationist theory.
The Crisis of the Situationist International - Jonathan Horelick A critique from a former member of the American section of the SI, published in 1973.
The Shattering of Bureaucratic Power in Poland - Jonathan Horelick A situationist analysis from 1973.
Views From Near And Afar A selection of revolutionary and anti-state quotes published in Diversion #1 1973.