Behind the 21st century intifada Written in 2001, this article is an excellent history and analysis of the new Intifada of the time, covering the roots of the problems in Israel…
Review: Moishe Postone's Time, labour and social domination - capital beyond class struggle? Brighton-based libertarian Marxist magazine Aufheben critically reviews Moishe Postone's book Time, Labour and social domination.
Theory and practice: recent struggles in Brighton Members of Aufheben reflect on 15 years of involvement in struggles in Brighton and the influence it has had on their theory and practice.
Commentaries #1: War in Iran? Why we must oppose sanctions The first in a new series of pamphlets from the Brighton-based Aufheben collective, intended to supplement the annual magazine by responding to developing events. Published and distributed in March 2006.
Intakes - Inside and outside the G8 protests One participant's evaluation of the G8 Summit demonstrations in Gleneagles, Scotland 2005, and how they were perceived.
Review: Cyber-Marx - Aufheben Aufheben critically review Nick Dyer-Witheford's Cyber-Marx: cycles and circuits of struggle in high-technology capitalism and its basis in the…
Keep on smiling - questions on immaterial labour Aufheben critically review Negri and Hardt's works, Empire and Multitude, examining in particular their conception of "immaterial labour".
Welcome to the 'Chinese century'? Aufheben on on the capitalist restructuring in China, and the possibility of China becoming the world's leading power in the 21st century.