巴塞罗那之夏——被遗忘的无产者革命 历史记住的总是胜利者,但有些被历史偶然的波浪淹没的故事,比如一些伟大的实验,是值得我们记住的。Ealhalm在《无政府主义与城市:巴塞罗那的革命与反革命,1898-1937》记录的正是这样一段历史。
'The struggle for the streets': Unemployed hawkers, protest culture and repression in the Barcelona area, c1918-1936 An article by Chris Ealham on the CNT's mobilisation of street traders, whom the…
Class, culture and conflict in Barcelona, 1898-1937 - Chris Ealham This is a study of social protest and repression in one of the twentieth century's most important…